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Charger scroll oil seal big problem!

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Im pulling my hair out trying to sort my charger,I work in a family owned garage so have a wide range of tools etc.I have rebuilt my charger in the past and has run fine for well over a year,then recently the oil seal in the mag. scroll popped out,so I stripped charger down and rebuilt with new seals from a locall bearing supply shop,these are not cheap micky mouse seals so i don't think there the problem.I am know about strip the charger for about the 4th time in a month for the same fault! :mad: the same seal keeps popping out.The feed and oil return holes through the main shaft are clear and i've even tried using retaining sealer to bond the seal in place !it's as if the oil pressure inside the scroll bearing chamber gets too high and pushes the seal out till it leaks?? oil return pipe is clear...new oil and filter have been fitted...im running out of ideas? HELP! :cry: the only upside is I can now get my charger off in 20 mins!


thanks for any ideas!

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Are you sure the drain line isn't blocked?


When you fit the seals do you need to press them in or can you do it with your hands? I had a seal that kept blowing out behind the pulley. I changed it 3 or 4 times the first ones I could push in with my thumbs, the last I had to use a hammer to do the job.


Is the housing perfectly clean, no oil, when you fit the seal?


Have a look on http://www.pitstopdevelopments.com they do individual seals. They may be cheaper than your local place too.



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Yep,all pipes are clear,housing was clean from all oil etc,as i said i even used a retaining glue to hold it in and it still blew out? the seal needed a gentle tap in with a hammer and socket to seat it firmly but i'd thought that and the retaining glue should of held it.can't be that high a pressure in there surley?

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also have you changed the banjo securing bolt for the return... ? if so is it the correct i/d size. also which side of the displacer is blowing out ? and as frode says what make and size seals are you using ?

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