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Boost hose suppliers?

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OK, so I've found out why my G60 has been getting more and more sluggish over the last month or so and has lost that, oh-so-special, urgency she had just after the mapping session...


I've got a blown boost pipe... :cry: :roll: 2" split in the main pipe into the intercooler... :|


So, question time... (which may get made into a sticky) Who supplies boost hoses (rubber OR silicone) and what sort of delivery times can they meet?


My car uses Golf G60 hoses 'cos of the Golf Intercooler, so here's a selection of peeps that I've called so far to try and source the 3 rubber pipes...


VAG will order in for next day, or 5 to 10 working days depending on stock, for £237.96 +VAT! :crazyeyes:

Demon Tweeks - None in stock, but normally £150 for samco with a 5 to 9 week wait!

TSR - checking their suppliers for me - None in stock, 6 weeks wait from Samco, very helpful though...

Dubsport - may have them on the shelf, but the guy who deals with this is on holiday today... :roll: will call me back in the morning none on the shelf, again 6 week wait from Samco...

Jabba - Went off to research the price and phoned back with £281.88 all in for VAG hoses and said that they wouldn't recommend Samco's 'cos they'll just blow off and will cost more anyway... :|

Venom motorsport - Don't sell this kind of thing, but gave me AwesomeGTI and Dubsports number and was generally helpful as normal

Awesome GTI - None in stock, but normally £120 + Vat for Samcos. Again, 5 to 9 week wait... :|


Post up any ideas you have, and I'll add 'em onto the list after calling 'em... 8)

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Get yourself a roll of bodge tape, it has been used to fix all kinds of things aeronautical and automotive. :roll: I have a roll in my garage which you may use if you need it. I also have some grey self amalgamating tape which would seal that split pretty much indefinately if required. :mrgreen:


Have a look at http://www.thinkauto.co.uk. I saw some Mocal boost pipes on pitstops website earlier.



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Talking of self amalgamating tape.... I have some black stuff that I got from a Yacht Chandlers, but its not so great in the engine bay if it gets hot. Is there such a thing a a high temp self amalgamating tape? And if so where would I be able to get some?

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yeah, it's held together with a combination of Gaffa tape, self amalgamating tape and luck at the moment so I can push about 6 PSI at the moment before it leaks (better than the 1psi I got on the way to work this morning! :| :roll: ) but the pipe's gone all soggy and nasty so it really does need replacing... :(


Anyone else know of any suppliers? 8)

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Ooh, nice find there Jim... it's actually THIS pipe I need, the one you've posted is Rallye only... 8)


I'll talk to Pitstop and G-man tonight/ in the morning to get some ideas from them too... 8)

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Well, Feck it... I've just ordered the pipes from Bar-Tek... Cheers for that link Jim... 8)


A smidgen over £300 and I'll have some shiney bits on my engine! :D 8)

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Amazing how Google has just bought them £300's worth of business.


They look pukka mate - wanna see em on the car now! :)

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