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VT / VF front engine mount

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See that cracks me up.....The Vortexers slag off VT mounts something chronic and praise their home grown VF Engineering ones.....but they're essentially the same thing, VT are rubber and VF are urethane. I know which I'd rather have.


I know replacing a lump of rubber has the same appeal as replacing a washing machine, but you do need it if fitting a schrick I'm sorry to say.

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I haven't tried the VF ones so can't comment but given they are poly, they will transmit more vibration. The VF is probably stronger being poly, but the rubber inserts in the VTs are replacable when they eventually pop.

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Post-post thought Alert- The standard mount can be shortened and stiffened.


Remove it, trim a bit off the bottom (rubber and captive threaded rod - about 5mm) and then fill the holes with welding rods of the same diameter.


Not sure if this will perform aswell as a VT as you still have the squishiness of the bottom mount to contend with, but it's a cheapy way round it. I'm sure the bottom mount can be modded too.



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nah...i want to upgrade...just want to get the best one at the best price.


the VF one works out at £88

the VT one is £140 (cheapest so far)


think i'll still go for the VT though if its not gonna cause as much vibration

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Mike Edwards: one-man Corrado upgrade shop. He's been there, done it, got bored of queueing to buy the t-shirt and is now selling up! ;)


Any other bits you're trying to get rid of, Mike? :)

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I had a vibra tech front mount on mine till I destroyed it with about a years driving, oh yeah the corrado is my second car so isnt driven every day, but I am push big horses!


When I took it apart it turned out to be a load of poo, even using a round exhaust rubber under a big washer inside the alloy case, im guessing to firm it up a bit more.


I now run a solid front mount, and I dont get much more vibration than I did with the VT and I know that it is not going to wear out! :wink:


I would say either do as I have and get a solid mount or go for the VF one, The VT one will break as some one on here has already said, "but the rubber inserts in the VTs are replacable when they eventually pop, "


I was very unhappy to find the rubber had gone when I had shelled out all that money for it. :(

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bit worrying to hear although as you admitted you were running alot of power through there! hopefully just the schrick by itself wont be too much power that it will knacker it completely


although Mike Edwards, what power were you running and will this mean the vt mount is now half knackered ??


an a happy note just phoned adrian flux and it wont cost any extra to add the schrick or the vt mount or my koni's (which have been on the car for a few months already :? )

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Perhaps that why Vince charged me slightly less for the VT mount then! Presumably if the VT mount goes, it doesn't catapult the engine into the bonnet, at least.. Unlike the VW one!


(Hmmm. Is it a requirement to have a company name starting with "V" to make engine mounts?)

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I have heard of VT mounts failing. I had one of them pop on my MK2 16V....... but that was in the 'good old' days and VT have since revamped their entire range. I've had mine on the VR since, ermm, well a long time and it's far from letting go. And you need both mounts anyway, long term, to even out the forces exerted under acceleration. Otherwise the rear standard just squishes down and the front gets even more load. Maybe why even the VT's fail, perhaps?


VT are a small company still learning and they will replace the mount if it breaks. You can also get different grades of insert to go in them.


"V" is Very. VF - Very Firm and VT - Very Tough......


I'll get my coat.... :lol:

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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thud.... sorry ....that was me laughing my head off. :lol:


get my coat aswell


so now i need BOTH front and back :roll: damn well i'll just get a front one now and look into the back one later.


will they still replace the one i buy from mike if it lets go....even if im buying it off him second hand?? or is it like a stainless steal exhaust when they only cover the original purchaser

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I doubt it, but worth a go.....you could get a pair of glasses and pretend to be Mike?


For £75 you can't go wrong. Just bung a new insert in if it breaks, which it won't unless you wheelspin everywhere and are especially brutal with the gearchanges.

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I got to admit, I made my solid out of my old VT mount very easy job!


So if it does go drop me a line!

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ok...let me throw this into the equasion...


JMR solid alloy front mount. John (who has been very helpful with all my other queries so far) assures me there is no extra vibration (from using both on his own car...and having fitted many to his customers cars and getting good feedback)


anyway just wondered what all your views were??



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