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so we went and i saw a good few people from this forum and would like to say thanks to everyone who came over ad said hi... hope you all had a great weekend..


ANT you still have my sleeping bag mate..

2CC will sort you them dia's out mate..

DAZZYVR6 cheers mate for the flylead..


here's my car it got there with no probs thank god after all the work/greif i had over the last coulpe of sleepless weeks..

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was a good doo.


was my first inters n i liked it.


met Chris (2CC) on the friday. that was about it.


never knew a corsa could carry so much wood either :shock: :lol:

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Daz I realised I still had it when I was unpacking I'll probably be down at the weekend so I'll bring it down then mate.


It was good meeting up with a few people off the forum, it was an excellent weekend, I was glad to be back in my own bed though last night.


I managed to get a few bits and bobs for the car the biggest was a complete polished and ported tsr head with a piper cam and vernier pulley :D ( cheers daz for spotting that one ) I got a few bits of polished alloy for under the bonnet as well so all in all I'm well chuffed.

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i went only on saturday and thought it was quite good, but ever since they moved out of TRL its never been the same.


travelling there took ages!, i thought it would take 1.5 hours to get there but ended up taking 3 hours


anyone got the sprint times results?


a few trade stands missing such as awesome, premier, also thought there were not many cars on display compared to previous years


Also got a few dents sorted out there, the paintless way, i was well impressed, only £30 a panel! bargain! i thought, took out 3 dents on my wing, found out he lives in my area aswell, Harrow, so ill be using them again. Anyone who wants the number let me know

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Banana man. you were on the camp werent you next to 2cc.


i was the blue G60 behind the fire n blue wood wagon..i mean corsa.



gonna have to buy new tent pegs for next camping venture.


on sunday morning i locked my keys in my car. stupid alarm!!


had to use my northern "emergency entry" skills to get back in. For those who saw n thought it was being stolen. it wasn't.

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i had a good 3 days down at inters..banana got me pissed :lol: bought myself a new set of 17" alloys and tyres for £500,got them fitted this morning and im well happy with them,even though i lost a spiggot ring :? hope to see everyone again soon,at santa pod maybe??met a few off the forum,darren and john from pd motorsport,chriss2cc and the list goes on...DSCN0277.JPG

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Hey 8VG60 I didn't know that was you! I was in the car park of the holiday in express cleaning the wheel on my Golf Highline when you pulled in! Had a good look round you motor. That charger make a lovely noise!!!!!

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i knew i reckonised that no plate !! oh well i should of come over and had a chat ,but the lady behind the desk said i should park my car right under the camara in the disabled space!! cos she was worried about how many nice cars were in the car park!! did u see prash's mk2 in the car park too...

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I much prefer the days when they were at TRL. The tyre test circuit was the worst yet. The TRL layout was much bigger.


Still, it was the first time I had to race my new VR6 down the 0.25 mile. Last year I still had my old 16V.


The result of the first run is attached. 5.99 0-60mph. The second run was ~0.18 sec slower, and I now need a new clutch! Managed to get home, but the next day it was slipping very badly.




Standard VR6 with Miltek exhaust. (And broken clutch)

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wow 5.99 sec 0.60mph seems v good man if your vr is stock,were you runing slicks or something?

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it was a good weekend, bought a steering wheel cowling from jeremy from the corrado club, but it was the wrong one. I haven't seen so many mint corrado's before, how do people keep em in that condition?

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never knew a corsa could carry so much wood either :shock: :lol:


A red rental Corsa by any chance? Sounds like some of the boys from the ClubGTI forum.

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This was my first one. Only made Sat though. Busy on Sun, had a good time. Would like to meet up with a few people though. Anyone in the Surrey area?

Wanted to do the 1/4 mile, didn't get time. Too busy trawling through the goodies looking for anything worth buying. :afro:

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pimp .. how far are you from guildford as i think there is a no-rice meet there in halfords car park this week usally around 80ish cars turn up wether permitting...

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Just been hearing that a lot of people thought the 1/4 mile times and 0-60's were very optimistic.........and this is from people that actually ran.

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The no rice meet in guildford is on wednesday starts at 8ish through till midnight I'll probably be going!! anyone else???

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Hey dazzy Those wheels look mint very good buy!! I didn't get you pissed you did that all yourself, having not drank for so long it didn't take me long to get pissed on friday night the funny thing is when I had to get out of my tent to get in the car in the middle of the night coz I was so cold took me about half an hour to work out how to get out :D I was sitting there trying to fight my way through the flysheet coz I couldn't get out!! LOL

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Gazza I saw the corsa in the corner it was a rental car with stuff written down the side wasn't it. That bloody fire caused me loads of grief I woke up on sunday morning to a car with loads of dew and ash all over not to mention the dust from entering the campsite I had to wash the car 3 times over the weekend :D You should have come over I didn't know you were around!!!

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it was the easy jet rental car,think the lads came over from ireland in it,the ash from the fire was a pain,good job we had a use of a bucket when we got to the show ground

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It ended up being a comunal bucket didn't it me you and daz used it in the end!! It was a bloody long way to get the water though next year they should put the club cars nearer the water supply instead of the auto jumble being so close to it.

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next year im going to be more prepared and im going to buy a smaller tent,ant are you going to vw action in june?

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Yeah might be where is it again?? should have the car totally sorted and running right by then!!


Get on msn mate and we can talk more there as I dont want to fill this thread up with unrelated stuff :D my sig is by my profile copy and paste it and sign on

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