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rattly knocking noise from mid to top end on a G60

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Well he must have expected SOMEONE to bite with a comment like that.. I mean really!! :)

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OK, so I've just taken the head off my engine to have a look... got that job down to 45 mins now! :roll: :lol:


What I found inside WAS NOT what I EVER expected... :crazyeyes:


Have a look see yourself... :|

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:shock: Have you been letting Bananaman work on your car again! :lol:


(Sorry Ant!)


Any Idea where that came from and If it was there from the start or since you did the headgasket???


I take it its not an old head bold as they are splined? :?

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the bolt is similar to a 6mm hex headed bolt, only it's allen cap headed... it's thread is 4mm diameter and 7mm long... and I have NO idea where the hell it's come from or what it's off... only that it's not one of my bolts as it's NOT stainless steel, and ALL the bolts I used were... :|


It's not damaged the bore, or the valves (from what I can see, gonna have a better look at the valves tomorrow...) and it's not damaged the piston other than the nice bolt shaped dent... :?


It DEFINATELY wasn't there when I did the last headgasket, as the engine was assembled at TDC on 1,so 4 was also at TDC, and it's not on the photos... :|


I'm completely stumped as to where it's come from... oh, and the supercharger is in perfect condition too, so it's not been sucked through either... :|

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You get that sort of bolt on Bicycles, feck knows how that ended up in there. There's certainly no bolt that small on the G60 that I'm aware of.

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WTF!?! - So If it wasn't there when you did the gasket and didn't go thru the charger how did it get in???


If someone dropped it in the oil filler could it have made it there???

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You get that sort of bolt on Bicycles, feck knows how that ended up in there. There's certainly no bolt that small on the G60 that I'm aware of.


Oh yeah... wasn't really thinking how small it was... so smaller than say one of the Throttle Body bolts??


Trying to think where there are any other allen headed bolts in the G60....


If it was that small could it have gone in thru an oil filter?? - Did you do a change just before the noise appeared?

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No. The only way it could get on top of the piston is if it was put there deliberately through the plug hole (vandalism) or, perish the thought, pixxies.

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I'm blaming it on Aliens... they teleported it into the engine to make me stop so they could keep up with me and then adbucted me while I waited for the AA to turn up... ;) :lol: :mrgreen:

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I reckon it was Playschool. They had a field trip and the agenda was to see what would happen if a little sh1t put a bicycle bolt in henny's engine.

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So did you have the plugs out shortly before you noticed the noise Henny because from what you said you started hearing the noise and immedietly stopped but I don't see how it could have got in there and not made a noise from the minute the engine was started... :|

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So did you have the plugs out shortly before you noticed the noise Henny because from what you said you started hearing the noise and immedietly stopped but I don't see how it could have got in there and not made a noise from the minute the engine was started... :|


Nope, I'd not done ANY work to the car since the weekend when I fitted new boost pipes...

AND: Monday I'd been at Bruntingthorpe doing 7second 0 to 60s, timed (13.57s!) 1/4miles and 140mph runs around the test track with no problems at all... I'd also driven the 30 miles to work in the morning and was 20miles into my journey home when I noticed the noise... :|


Odd doesn't even come close... :?

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Im going with the "it got dropped in the sparky hole" how is another question i cant see it getting through a valve.


the only thing i can say is that it got sqashed at start up got pressed to the head in someway and the damaged to the piston was caused by the impact and got worse till the noise bacame noticable. F'in lucky though it could of destroyed the head too

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The extra bolt obviously provided some more grunt :lol:


Mustn't jest..... very bizarre indeed :?


At least there's no permanent damage and you're lucky the bolt didn't score the bore!

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I reckon that must have got in through the inlet valve becuase you'd hear that the instant it got into the engine so it must have got sucked in whist driving. Its feasable that it made it through the valve because if it got there as the valve was closing, it'd be ready to drop straight in as it opened next time. Must have come from somewhere upstream of the valve - so inlet manifold, pipework, charger etc. It could have started out as a stray bolt - not part of the engine - dropped by accident or it could be part of the engine thats taken a while to work loose / makle its way through the inlet piepwork. What air filter have you got?

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dunno, gonna get a non-squished bolt the same tomorrow and see if it'll go through the valves easily enough or not... That'll rule out if it came in via the head from the intercooler/throttlebody or anything daft like that...


I'm totally stumped, as is Darren, as this ISN'T a bolt from a G60 engine that either of us can think of... :|

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