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Si B

G60 Charger Rebuild

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I have just had my charger rebuilt by Darren at G-Werks and he was kind enough to let me watch the proceedure, make notes and take loads of pics for a web site article about it. Check out http://www.matey-matey.com for all the details and pics.


The article has not been written as a DIY guide but just as an interesting insight as to what is involved with a charger rebuild. If you are a G60 owner it is definately worth checking out!


Thanks to Darren for his hospitality and input, I was very impressed by the whole experience!







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That was a really interesting read, thanks for doing that :) Just taken my supercharger off and am about to send it off to G-Werks for a stage 4 rebuild... its good to know whats actually involved in rebuilding this unit :)

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