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Everything posted by Chuggs1

  1. Don't think you're going to fit a car through the second door way? Unless it s in bits but then you're not going to get it out again! Lol
  2. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    I've seen black ones for sale. Just want a new chromed one boohoo
  3. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    Ah ok.... Thought best to check as suspected it had been tried on here
  4. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    Was talking to someone today who thinks the ear badges can be renovated if you can carefully mask well enough using Chrome spray - see link for the one they used - they have done badges with great success - and then would fill in with black enamel paint with a very small art brush.... what do people think http://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastikote-Aerosol-Fast-Enamel-Chrome/dp/B000TRJBG8
  5. Don't know much about it but have heard it can be done and has been on a couple of occasions..... Take a look on you tube there are some on there. Don't think any one on the forum has yet but am willing to be told im wrong lol
  6. Is that a case of ... If you don't see it, it doesn't exist haha.
  7. Part 2..... Just finished getting all the glue off ... Didn't take too long but it's a bit of a back breaker and just a tad messy! Part 3 Tomorrow .... Getting the new foam on....
  8. Another blackberry.... In Swindon.... No!!!!!! Lol
  9. Maybe we need a new thread for this sort of thing.... What someone else did to my Corrado.... AKA... Dead man walking!!!
  10. Oh man not good. And even more annoying as they must have known
  11. I had stern words with her before I took her in followed by a little pleading! ha-ha!
  12. Haven't got the new foam on yet - this weekends job. Not a peep from the ABS light for a few days now (thankfully) - will get a code reader on it soon and see what the cause is when it happens next.
  13. My C just went in for her first MOT under my ownership - Passed with no advisories! Whoooopp!
  14. Will miss your updates Jim....you will have to get another project on the go
  15. Welcome - will certainly do what we can
  16. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    So the advert says it's 50mm... My badge is definitely 70mm... So we're older Corrado rear badges smaller or is the advert incorrect in that it says Corrado to 1992??
  17. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    Watch out at the next gathering lol
  18. Chuggs1

    Rear badge wanted.

    The badge on the link is 50mm looks like the Corrado rear badge is 70mm - does that sound correct and if so it the advert incorrect or did earlier Corrados have a smaller rear badge?
  19. Good review from someone who has both and should know
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