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Everything posted by polog40racer

  1. Right, ive had both a Corrado G60 and two Polo G40's. I consider the Corrado the better car in all exceptions apart from one - RAW FUN! The polo is a supercharged shopping car, that keeps you on your toes alot of the time. The Corrado is sublime in every department but its just missing that raw edge that the polo has. But the corrado was never designed to have a rawness to it, it was designed to be 'the ultimate driving machine' - stolen from BMW adverts. IMO. G40's rev alot quicker than their big brothers. It like being a kid isn't it, always running about, never stopping, sooo much energy. The Corrado is more like us now, we'd rather drive than run anywhere and energy... its not like the old days I tell thee now. A g40 is more a 0-100mph car. CC's count in the 100+mph game and the corrado wins. Going back to the original 1st post. The power figures are all wrong. A G60 charger, chip, pulley on a G40 engine would not touch 190+bhp. It would need cam, headwork, intercooler to achieve that. Do the same in a Corrado G60 and your touching 230+bhp. But the Polo would also be alot more unreliable, since its revving the G60 charger alot harder (i know, my mate has blown two G60 chargers up now on his polo.) Put a bigger charger (say lysholm) on the G60 and it'll produce the equivalent of what the Polo has done with a G60 charger. So it doesn't show up the 1.8 G60 nor makes it silly. The Polo was designed to be lightweight so it doesn't need a big nor powerful engine to be quick as it relys on PTW. The Corrado is a heavy car (comparatively) and requires the same conducive increase in cc/power to maintain a good PTW. Personally for an everyday car, I'd rather have a Corrado G60. For a weekend toy, a Polo G40 with a wishbone conversion.
  2. nice clean red lowered Corrado G60 seen parking up into the services on the M25 (forget the name) the one between the J21a (M1) and j27 (m11) around 9pm -ish on wednesday 31st Aug last week. I was parked up with my yellow and red G40 racecar on the back of a trailer, saw you as I was pulling off from the parking space. Paul
  3. Christ! I hope you and your wife get better quickly. Something defo fisy about no action being taken against the other driver, I assume she's been breathalised etc etc? Im very gald you were in a VW!!! Ive been to a rta before with a fiat punto head on with a merc come out mangled, the punto driver (a very err tubby lady) reached down into the passenger footwell to grab her creamcake that she dropped (seriously!! - I couldn't stop smirking) and veered into the other lane. It took us 4hours to free her and 10 of us to carry her on the stretcher into the rescue helicoptor! Get well soon!!!
  4. haha, that was like Doha in Qatar! I think I worked it out to 10p a gallon, and still it was only the rich sheiks (sp?) that were stopping into the petrol stations.
  5. jesus! im only upto 40%, although ive got bored of the 'normal' games and just keep lapping on the nurburgring. Keep practicing for when I go again this year! Haven't got the Sauber yet, i just do it in the astra dtm car in the arcade mode with soft, full power and min wieght. Got a 6min04 at mo. I wanna crack a sub 6min before I move on to something 'faster'.
  6. Not a Corrado but...If any of you were at curborough last year for both CGTi National days , you would have seen my EBC Greenstuff Equipped Polo's brakes on fire after every single lap, and also losing brakes on the heavy braking first corner and going off circuit and piroutting through the Esses when I pressed the stop pedal to find nothing and I understeered wide, spinning into the middle of the grassed area. They were quickly put in the bin for Raicam pads. Had Ferodo DS3000s on for a while too but found they didn't like it much until a few laps then they were at correct temp. Selecting the correct DS's depends on vehicle weight, i should have used the DS2000's for mine, so guess the 2500s and 3000 be superb for corrado's use. I used to have standard VAG pads on my Corrado G60 with 190bhp! Stopping and dust were my main problems! :|
  7. At 60mph? In 5th gear, was under 3000rpm on mine, something like 2800rpm.
  8. hehe, thats a corrado from the super sillohette (SP?) racing series. a V8 space frame chassis with a corrado fibreglass body over the top of it. There was two of them at the Autosport live arena in 2004. one of them blew up though. Damn quick cars, not a corrado in any way but a sort of lookalike body - think radio control cars.
  9. Err, Jabbasport do change the seals now. It'll be your scroll seal that popped, and can pop for a number of reasons. They use springless seals now which are alot better but require careful bedding in over 400miles. How muching loading did you put on the 10mile old charger before it popped? how many times have you hit the redline? You'll have the option to take it to jabbasport and get them tio rebuild under warrenty or send to Darren at G-werks.
  10. Holy Crap, just watched the deals on wheels vid selling the VR6! £1200 for a replacement exhaust system, £400 for a CAT! And he selling the 92 K reg for £8500! :shock: And the RAC check flagged up a headgasket failure! Pity both of them dont know much technically about it.
  11. I assume a custom downpipe from the turbo and exhaust are needed aswell for the conversion? And what about Intercooler, use 1.8T easily or custom? Im about to get a BAM engined 225bhp 20vT and running it on DTA management for my daily driver Corrado 16v, only after about 250-280bhp from it, just wondering if I need custom its or can use mostly the 1.8T's bits? Sorry if im stealing the thread! Thanks Paul
  12. alot of race cars bin their anti roll bars, but they do compensate with increased rear stiffness to control the chassis.
  13. yeah fully standard car, looks soo nice, full leather in it too! Never seen a sherry red C, hmm, I'll take a look through the members motor's.
  14. Hi all, I keep seeing a VR6 around my RAF Base, but its got me well confused as to what colour it is!!?? Its kinda light orange/reddy/bronzey, a VR6 and M reg. Ive never seen a rado in this kind of wierd colour before... note to self, must get a pic of it. Im certain its not part of the normal colour range, anyone care to take a guess as to what colour it may be or rather what colours did rado's come in? Thanks all! Paul (Ex G60 owner :cry: )
  15. sorry to hear it Henny, J-Dub was one quality rado! You'll be glad to get her out of the body shop though and with a new leaf of life! Paul
  16. Hehehe, actaully I got out of the car, and my first thought besides fook me that should of hurt me, was that it was a proper good effort! Just started laughing for some reason, deranged I know, but with racing you get used to having bangs and accidents, like we did at the nurburgring, so initially I wasn't to concerned that Id just written off my C, just more impressed by the damage and moving it so I could break it. Kinda hit me now though, that im now without a car, especially my C which I loved so much cos it was just the best all rounder car ive ever driven as standard (besides the engine). Was just about to treat it to KW V2 coilovers too, kinda think that if I'd had them fitted it wouldn't have lost the back end so easily and could of saved it. But its all what ifs...
  17. loads of fluid around front left of the car, so yeah, guess the battery got smashed open hence leaving the spoiler up. Hehe, copper initailly thought I was doing 75+mph cos thats the Porsche's spoiler operation speed, thought the corrados was the same. Soon put him straight, Lol! Getting the car back tomorrow to my parents house, then I can start stripping it down that night. Started looking for a new runabout today, bugger, after a golf or polo for like £300 but everyone ive seen in the ads is sold. Oh well, guess I'll do without a car til my coilovers come for the G40 hopefully in a week or two, fit them and just use that for a while. Thanks everyone for your kind words on the loss of my C, I'll get cracking on the breaking of it soonest!
  18. Should be getting it back to mine monday or tuesday, so I can start an assessment/list of what can be broke, and what isn't knackered. Yeah Daz, I'll give you a ring when its back with me. Paul
  19. yeah proper write off, engine ok though. Will be breaking it once I get it back to my house, its got full mid-grey leather, 3 BBS Wheels, G60 engine and gearbox, and what ever small bits are left.
  20. Cheers guys, abit gutted, cos it was pretty mint too and was going to sell it in a few months aswell to concentrate on the racing abit more. Might end up getting another corrado, but it'll more than likely be another track slut rather than daily driver. Yeah, I was going too fast...for that corner as it turns out. Yeah, third gear and 50mph should have been better, Wasn't even caning it at all, had my water temp light on so just cruising til I could fill up with fluid, the crest and camber/height change took me by surprise and caught me out proper, speaking to copper about it and he was saying about the lack of signage concerning the severity of the corner as its quite notorious if your not local to catch you out as its you cant see untill the last moment that it drops away. Plenty of accidents in the past there have been far more serious than my little shunt. If anyone knows the road, its the corner just before the milldale road junction (opposite some farm) near tissington on the A515 going toward Buxton. Just so It doesn't catch anyone else out. Like I said, Oh well, live and learn I guess.
  21. Not had the best of days today... I did this on the A515 between Ashbourne and Buxton. Wasn't going too fast, 60-65mph, corner was sharp blind right hander, that lost its camber and had a sudden drop in incline, the car lifted over crest, rear end went light as I turned in, the rear end massive stepped out, applied opposite lock and throttle to correct, mud on the inside of the verge sent the rear end the other way though, corrected again but swerved into a 180spin, halfway through 180, the front left smashed into BT telegraph pole (smashed that into two!), that spun the left rear into a country stone wall and ripped off the left rear wheel. Oh well... no one else involved thank god, just me, feel OK, no bruises or anything, just a knackered corrado. Paul Cauldwell
  22. polog40racer

    g60 top speed

    CO Pot should read 550-600ohms. You reading Kohms there with 0.5? boost reading means: Other readings are Digital tachometer, Real time MPG, and err another that Im I cant remember (air temp? and one for oil temp?)
  23. The only thing that annoys me about it is the high pitched whistle that mine is doing on low revs, though I reckon this is more a slight boost leak as it goes away after more rpm is given, hitting 1bar boost on my MFA which is good. As for the sound, remarkable difference between the G40 'dump' sound and the G60 'dump' sound, the G60 'sounds' for slightly longer and sounds lower than the G40's. And its always funny as everyone at work thinks my Corrado is knackered when they hear it and therefore slow, until I blow them away, haha, nope its running spot on ma lad! :mrgreen: These are people who were adament that the 2.0 16v C could out pace the G60, becuase its a 2.0 . hmm.. not too knowledgeable these peeps.
  24. Haha. I live in Marham! Know everything there is about a G40, as ive a race/track car but I also drive a corrado G60 as my daily drive. Which is about to have some ghetto engine mods! I know a fair bit about the G60 so can help you if you like. A corrado G60 would be good at hill climbing and sprinting! I wont say anything about the polo's abilities though at it since this is a rado forum and wouldn't be right. :lol: Paul
  25. I can recommend the VAG stealer in Camberly. Why... Cos one of the technicians there does actually own a modded black Corrado G60 and seriously knows his rado's. I met him the other night, sound lad! I love going to my local VAG stealer in Derby and getting prices for engine parts on polo's etc out of interest. The G40 throttle body costs £1,100!!!!! The boost return hose cost £110!!! The charger exhaust dome to intercooler shot pipe cost £90! I give up when I ask for Corrado stuff out of interest for my G60 besides being told that I should only be getting my charger serviced by them cos then ive still got warrenty, and it'd cost me about £550 just for the service as its got to be sent away too. They are a joke.
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