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Everything posted by polog40racer

  1. Anyone on here the owner of Corrado VR6 with the Class number of F1? What was that putting out power/torque wise as it was seriously quick when I raced it on my first run, im assuming its supercharged being in the forced induction class. Really good day out and loved all the rado's giving it some!
  2. Saw and raced a Dark (Moonlight?) Blue Corrado VR6 'M** OBL' on the A47 Dualcarriageway going toward Kings Lynn about 1/2hour ago! I was the Black PoloG40 with the Rollcage. A very clean looking VR6 and kept up with the Polo upto 110mph, which was good for me as mine's running standard exhaust and the fuelling is all over the place and needs setting up badly so is a bag of shite at the moment :( . Out come the excuses :lol: Paul
  3. Yeah they are 113bhp standard and 111lb/ft of torque. Yes, they have a servo, albeit a smaller one than the LHD versions as on the conversion by VAG to RHD, the brake servo didn't fit so they got around it by fitting a smaller one. Disc size is 239mm*20mm vented and drums at back and a 19mm master cylinder. MK2 Polo (inc GTG40) do not have servo's and are foot through the floor style braking. They use a twin vee belt drive system for the charger instead of the corrado's surpentine belt. The charger is very robust, you can take loads out of a G40 charger when porting it as opposed to the G60. G40's dont handle or brake aswell as the C in standard specification, and power understeer quite abit unless you sort the handling out. The 256mm brakes are what VW should have fitted in the first place! The annoying thing about the G40 is that every one calls it a bl :shock: dy Golf - And I nearly b*tch slap every person who calls it one! Oh and tell your bro to never hit the rev limiter in it!!! All G owners all should know never to do this! Looks nice in the Pic, Very good condition. Is that a Polo GT in the background btw (got plastics arches but no roof aerial (I should get out more)? In fact, this wasn't the Grey G40 that was on Ebay last week was it?? Cos I was bidding on that too :lol:
  4. Heh, I drove like that for about 8months when my G60 blew up :( , slow but still driveable and ok ish for overtaking if you cane it :) . Id forgotten how good it sounds :D :D with the charger and how quick a G60 really is (with a good charger) until yesterday when I replaced it with a new one!
  5. Richard Tweedle (all smiles) reckons the Corrado shares the rallye's floorpan (well, transmission tunnel) and a 4wd swap is fairly straight forward.
  6. Yeah, Ive seen that Silver Corrado about around the Hardwick Roundabout loads of times. Its the first silver C ive seen in the flesh and boy does it look goooood!!! 8) 8) My Boss has an Aqua Blue imported LHD G60. And a mate on the squadron has a blue 16v. Also 2 Green VR6s on the RAF base (Marham), one's belongs to a Pilot and the other Im assuming is an Armourer's car. Anyone on here? Paul
  7. cheers. My Corrado is a 1992 K plate and is Moonlight Blue, and they said it wouldn't be a problem with it being metallic. They quoted me about £100 to touch up the whole car which I didn't think was too bad but it was a verbal quote when I saw them advertising at a supermarket and they didn't see the car, just told them what it was and the paint colour and the amount of chips on the bonnet and bumper. It'll be Coventry's Chips Away Car Centre that im going to use. Think 'Storm Monkey' was referring to the paint that 'Chips Away' use and its durability over a few years. Im after something to tide the car over for the year as I'll try and get the car resprayed properly late next year. Thanks for your response. Paul
  8. Cheers guys for your replys. I'll have to remove the exhaust and CAT and see whats what then. I thinking its not collapsed because of no loss of performance but something is amiss with it and the engine is running fine. Though I think a decat (removeable for MOTs) and custom exhaust is on the cards. For the corrado, you keep the original size pipe bore dont you? As the original is very good, isn't it? Id not been in another Corrado G60 before I originally brought mine as standard with an unserviced charger, I didn't feel very quick at all compared to my Polo (even a nearly standard one) and other people who drove it said the same and we put it down to it being a heavy car. But now its got this new charger on it, it feels alot quicker so I guess the car was seriously down on power when I bought it. Cheers all. Paul
  9. Charger is fine. Could be just the running in of the charger, but my G40 never did this, so im doubting this. And we run the race cars without even running the newly rebuilt chargers in aswell and they never smoke like crazy! Im still thinking the CAT is knackered though. Does anyone know what the symtoms are for a knackered CAT, be it Collapsed, burnt up or seriously f :shock: ked? Thanks.
  10. Just thought Id ask again to see if anyone has ever used Chips Away before and know of there quality? Ive decided not to sell my G60 and want to treat her instead by getting rid of all the stone chips on the bonnet and bumper. Thanks Paul
  11. Water level is fine. It was the first time the car was driven since the rebuild, and was seriously quick! Its not headgasket, checked that. Its a burning type of smoke. Like I said, I checked all pipes, levels, leaks and warning lights etc, and couldn't find anything wrong with it. I did think about the oil could have leaked onto the exhaust (but it dont smell oily) but I found its wierd that its coming out fo the end of the tailpipe too. So guessed the new charger and new performance has knackered the CAT, burnt it out of collasped it maybe?? And the smoke around from the CAT could be if it was blowing then its burning contents maybe smoking out of it anyway. I did think it would fail the MOT on the exhaust, but it didn't asnd just got a advice on it but could be a contibuting factor?
  12. hee hee, thats what ive done, removed all my G40's badges... though the rollcage and being low as fook kinda gives away any idea of being it being standard. But the looks on their faces is quite amusing as the 200+bhp shopping car screams past them on full throttle then gives a massive dump of boost as it changes gear :shock: :lol: 8)
  13. Just been out in my G60 for the first time since rebuilding it with a new charger, and on returning home and pulling into my driveway, I could smell burning. :shock: Pulled the bonnet open, and smoke is pouring from it, checked all hoses, etc oil leaks, and fuel leaks etc, but they were all fine. Looked under neath the car at the exhaust and its is smoking good and proper from the CAT and also out of the tailpipe. :shock: Its a whitey/grey smoke pouring from it (engine is switched off), and saw no smoking when it was actually driving along. Didn't have any warning lights in dash, temp was normal. And its just had its MOT this morning, which it passed. Is the CAT dead??? Its a '92 K plate so unfortunatly cant get away with a cat bypass. The car blew its charger up last september and since then ive run the car without the charger fitted on a bypass belt until May when it went off the road. A new charger was bought from Jabbasport, inc new oil pressure lines etc and the car has just been rebuilt and MOT'd which it passed. But with advice on the exhaust, being it is blowing slightly on mid and rear sections but that is all. This was also the cars first maiden journey, did about 20miles in it, got petrol then when it was up to oil temp etc, booted it a bit, car was really really quick compared to what it was before the charger blew (car was standard) and now its got a new Stage 2 Jabba G60 charger and induction kit fitted. No strange noises from anywhere, just smoke from the exhaust, as though its on fire (but couldn't see flames). It did have an massive oil leak when it was idled for the first time last week and oil went all over the gearbox etc but this has since been fixed and cleaned up and MOT guy didn't say anything. Anyone any idea at all, at what it the problem?? Could it be the CAT gone since its not been used for a month or so, and also not run with a charger for about 10months. Any advice greatly appreciated. I dont have to use the car for a few weeks anyway as I can use my other cars to get around in. This has really annoyed me, as ive just decided to keep her aswell. Thanks everyone Paul
  14. VW price (Parkway stealer in Derby) for standard exhaust for my G60 (I assume they are the same system) was priced at: Middle section: £135 +vat Rear section: £149 +vat. Either way - Ouch, in the wallet department! Though I got another price from a local exhaust supplier at £100 for middle section and £89 for the rear section, both + vat = £223 all in. Think an aftermarket system works out cheaper and are better made though. Paul
  15. Oh soz Henny, Was sure we had a conversation about this on the Dubforce forum a while back. heh. :lol: ECU side of things concerning sensing, Most VW ecu's 'sense' in the same manner (4cyl wise) so alot of stuff is related. So there aint 'that' much difference between engine sensing on different engines, be it 18. 8v/G60 or 2l 16v. The principle stays the same. Paul C
  16. Yeah, small end bearings are a PITA! Small ends usually go first before your big end bearings. Where are you located? If near Sevenoaks/Dartford, then get down to Race Power Motorsport (01332 386677) and have a word with Andy Boakes (owns a Corrado G60 and his small end bearings are going aswell!) or Jim (enginer builder supremo - probably most respected and best engine builder in the country!) for locating the problem! They will help you alot! Aint a plug for them but they did build my race engine and loads of other stuff! And engien for the VW Cup racers. :wink: Paul C
  17. I use JP Exhausts too for both my Polo's. So I know they are good, apart from once when my highly tuned old G40 was up there and they just ftted the 2 1/4 exhaust and was revving the nuts off the car from stone cold to check for any knocking. Had to give the fitter a verbal bitch slap for it but besides that one incident (I usually put a note on the steering wheel to avoid them revving it fom cold) aint had a problem with them and very good quality are their exhausts! Got a comfy waiting room too, sometimes im too tired to go off into Manc, so just kip in there til the car is ready! They are an hour away from me, although I wouldn't be able to tw the corrado up there really. My current G40 is getting booked in there in last week of July to finally get its exhaust made.
  18. By disconnecting the blue temp plug, your telling the ecu to go into service mode (also with 3 blips of rpm over 2K - but normally gets into that once driven), giving outputs of sensors default values into the ecu so it drives normally as its not using the knackered sensors output. You shouldn't be able to start the engine with the blue plug disconnected nor should it idle very well if at all. And the MPG is about 15mpg! Its a sensor fault or ECu-Sensor loom wiring from your info. When my Polo has this problem, repalced alot of stuff, it was the wiring loom knackered, and only after serious fault invest with a fluke meter was it found. Once a certain temp is reached (about 70deg) the sensor tells the ecu , yep, im at switch over temp, so the ecu switches over to read instead of cold start parameters, reading normal operation values. It sounds more temp side of things. And the wiring for the temp connectors is fragile You can discount the lambda probe by driving the car with it disconnected at the connector. Probably loads of info left out there for a explanation, im sure Henny will fill you in.
  19. Nothing to do with small end bearings is it? As my friends are going on his G60, you can hear them plain as day when he revs upto about 2500rpm. They tend to go around 100Kmiles mark, what mileage is yours? A '94 should be pretty low i'd thought though. You dont put strain on the engine in low rpm (below 3K) but you do if you labour the engine if your trying to run about at silly low rpm in wrong gear and throttle up slightly.
  20. Oh right, cheers. I'll try and dig out a pic with one on. So what do most of you use in terms of manufacturer/make for a replacement exhaust? I usually have custom exhaust's done ,but since I cant drive the corrado due it being without insurance and TAX at the moment, I cant have a custom made for it.
  21. cheers for all your info guys... good knowledge for future use. :D 8) After stripping the caliper down, actually found the problem to be a seized moving arm for the handbrake cable of the rear of the caliper. So now its all fixed and can be MOT'd this saturday, although it'll probably fail on the exhaust as this is blowing slightly on the rear section (though may be welded up) and a few slight blowing area on the middle section. So may need a new middle section - £100 though - Ouch! Or a new aftermarket system (cos cheaper than a replacement), which ideally I dont want as I love the Corrado's Tailpipe! The C is costing me alot of money just to get it sold. Something's telling me that my C dont wanna leave me :cry:
  22. Cheers Jim, Is that any GTi version of MK3 golf or just the 16v/VR6 versions? Think im going for the seal first as ive overhauled calipers before so know what to do and also what a pain in the arse it is anyway Paul
  23. Got a problem with the handbrake side of things on my Corrado G60 for the rear brakes, while doing the pre-MOT check (MOT is this saturday). This was done with ignition off... With handbrake fully on, drivers side rear wheel does not move. BUT Passenger side rear wheel does rotate (albeit not freely). Checked the handbrake adjustment on the handbrake lever itself and the passenger side handbrake cable bolt was at it max adjustment (i.e. as much as it can be adjusted taughter), while the drivers side bolt adjuster was in mid position and plenty of thread and works fine. Thought this was a stretched cable on the passenger side but after changing the cable - its still the same. Wheel turns and bolt as far as it can be adjusted for pass side. So thinking it is the caliper cylinder seal (doesn't look as though it is leaking, or could be clylinder seized maybe) and may try and replace it. Haven't checked if the wheel still turns with footbrake applied yet and ignition on for the servo to operate. Do you need just ignition on or actually the engine started for that? I cant remember. Not with the car at the moment so cant try it now, but it'll be tried later. What do you guys think????? Also, all the rear brakes are the same throughout the corrado range and late golf mk2/mk3/passat range aren't they? 229mm? Thank you please. Paul Cauldwell
  24. [quote="corozinThey could so easily have rigged it to exclude older models, or gave the new cars an advantage and yet instead by using the power/weight formula they've allowed a really successful series to develop where various Golfs, Ventos Sciroccos, Corrados, Lupos and even a Caddy are often racing each other bumper to bumper. I think VW realise the importance of thier heritage in this respect, and I'm just glad they do. Most manufacturers just set up a one-make series for thier current model Oi! Alright I'll forgive you forgetting about our Polos that also race in the VW Cup. :lol: Dont discount us cos of poor showing recently - the car has been rebuilt and further developed and should b seriously on the pace for Oulton! lm a mechanic in the series as my mate is the driver of the Polo (No.40), yeah VW ideally would like to see their current model trounch everyone for ths season as they wanted their MK4 to win last year, and they aint too happy about Rob in his Scirocco and Ken in the Corrado winning all the time. Croft saw the beetle win in the hands of Philip House but he's an instructor at Croft. Remember also that Ken Lark has spent £80k on his corrado! :shock: :shock:
  25. Cant believe no one has mentioned those bl :shock: :shock: dy window wipers yet!!! And the three month waiting list to get the Lupo ones! :x
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