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Everything posted by surfer.vr6

  1. on the side view picture, does the corrado look too high??
  2. anyone knows if it is possible to remove the cat from my 2lit 16v and if so what mods do you need to do
  3. where is the best place for exhaust systems ,for price and quality?
  4. What is the difference between the 150bhp 2.0 16v engine used in the Mk3 GTIs and the 136bhp 2.0 16v engine used in the Corrado's? (Apart from the power, obviously!)
  5. Yep vr6storm was right after all! It turns out the colour is Twilight violet pearl effect (LC4T), I was under the impression It was Dusty Mauve as that was what it advertised as! I thought I might have got my hands on a seriously rare corrado for minute
  6. ive got a dusty mauve 16v 94, is this rare?
  7. I have just bought a 120k corrado 2lit 16v and i noticed at around 3500rpm on accleration,overrun and when staionary that there is a harshness and vibration from the engine that i can pick up through the acc pedal anyone got any ideas?
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