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Everything posted by Oakley

  1. I will have a look at it tonight and hopefully this will resolve this issue. By the way, do you know where I can get MAF sensor and how much they should cost? Thanks Dazzyvr6
  2. How would I go about doing that, what does it look like and where would I find it. Sorry, still a baby when it comes to VR6's
  3. Hi All my problems just dont seem to end. Whilst driving my VR, and put my clutch in, The idle sometime dips very low and sometimes cuts out. Other times it looks like it has cut out with the red ignition lights an all for a split second then fires back up again on its own. i am replacing my Lamda tonight but as far as i can tell, that would not resolve that sp[ecific problem. Is there anything else I should be replacing or looking at? What should I do? Oakley
  4. what on earth is a windback tool. I know from past experience to use a crowbar to push this big "spring affect" thing back into place. what does the windback tool look like and how much does it cost?
  5. Damn..............I gotta love this Forum, you guys know everything and responses are rapid. Thank again !
  6. in fact, I am changing the brake pads all round as well, I assume they are no different to any other car right? I hope so!
  7. Sounds simple enough. Thanks all can lock thread whenever ready, thanks. Oakley
  8. Hi again all Fitting a new lamder tomorrow to hopefully resolve fuel consumption problems. Is there anything I need to know or is it just a straight forward swop? Thanks in advance Oakley
  9. ford, what was registered in December 2002? Got me all confused now! I can only assume you mean 1992?
  10. But will the parts be as good? ie- origional or are they better?
  11. I know but I have been trying to join the Corrado Club for better deals but trying to find somebody that will honor the discount has been proven to be an issue!
  12. Discs not changong at the moment. My disks are drilled and I think I will need to replace everything with 6 pot brembo and some 17's.
  13. Just ordered new Lamda sensor for £75 from stealers. as well as front and rear pads, damned stealers ripping me off again @ nearly £100 just for pads!
  14. £44 for rear pads and £35 for the fronts from stealers. Seems a bit steep just for Pads dont you think? I suppose I need them quite desperately so what can I do huh? :mad: Oakley
  15. Thanks ford, I will have a look! and join the Corrado Club to.
  16. Seems to me that your C sounds to be in good condition with all the parts you have been buying. Do you know where on the Forum I can find the parts list? Thanks Tonytiger
  17. Oakley

    Left wing mirror

    Thanks all for the advice. I will get it fixed next weekend and let you know whether it worked or not. Regards Oakley
  18. Thanks all, will arrange parts asap. Thread can be locked when ever you are ready Mods Thanks
  19. Thanks all. Tonytiger, apparently you have access to the parts or you work for gs+f. Is that correct because if so, I would like to order the part required and prefer to get it from someone here than a stealer. Moral thing and all!
  20. Tony Tiger, do you know where I can get a origional Lamda? Price is never an issue when it comes to the C so the better the part, the better if you know what I mean. Tonytiger, would this definately cause fuel consumption problems and can they break that easily. Is it just age?
  21. Once again, Thanks Reggit for coming out. I think I need to replace both parts unless the Lamda IS the 02 Sensor in which case it will only be 1 part. Any ideas as to where I can aquire this? Banana Man, what does this Lamda actually look like and what exactly is the subframe? Reggit, sure you dont wanna sell me your leather?
  22. Lo again Apparently the Vag reported that my Oxygen sensor was failing and my Lamda sensor has intermittent problems. Could these be causing my issues I wonder? Oakley
  23. Hi All I recently had a fuel problem that is still ongoing but think the problem is clear. I need some advice on where to get parts and what these parts actually do. Hooked car to an Vag-com today and straight away it popped up saying there were intermittent Lamda Sensor problems (code 00537). Is this a big issue and what is the Lamda sensor for. Also, with the vag connected, we took the C for a drive and and it popped up with an oxygen sensor failure (code 00525)! Would this cause my poor Mpg that have suddenly happened? Where would I get these 2 parts and how would I replace them. Thanks in advance Oakley
  24. Oakley

    Jerky at low revs

    Have you any advice on my post in the problems section regarding my all of a sudden problems?
  25. Oakley

    Jerky at low revs

    Remind me again what the purpose of this is? Sorry, I am kinda new to Corrado's and I have a VR6 so this may come in handy for me! Oakley
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