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Everything posted by Oakley

  1. Wow, I am amazed! Thanks for the link Stan!
  2. DAAAAAAAAMN..........look at my old VR!!!!! Wow, what a change! She is looking good mate, how the hell did you get her to shine like that (rear view)? I hope she is treating you well. you may own the car but she is still my baby! have you got the new log book and stuff now? Oakley
  3. *sniff* My old VR missing me yet?
  4. Thanks L4PRG is this going to be a pricy experience? What else should be done while the chain is being done?
  5. Hi All My engine has started to make quite a loud scraping noise which I am quite concerned about. It was worse this morning and was quite loud but seems to calm down as the engine warms. Could this be the Chain Belt? It seems to be coming from that region. C has done about 120k now. What does it cost to get replaced? Thanks Oakley
  6. Thanks for the reply Chrishill, Cannot believe I said rear doors on my C. I meant to say next to the parcel shelf. I have only bought the 1 12" Kenwood so far and thik I will take your advice and run only the 1. I have been advised by a friend to get a set of Focals for the front doors, 1 x 2 channel amp to run the sub, 1 x 2 channel amp to run the fronts. I think the end result that I am looking for is Clarity and quality, not boy racer thump thump if you know what I mean. Do you think that will be sufficient? Thanks for all your help on this, I will attempt to locate the group buy and see what came of it. Thanks Oakley
  7. Hi All It is about the time where I start to get some audio for my C. I was just wandering if anybody could tell me what size speakers I should be buying for the front and rear doors. I am also trying to find out what options there are around fitting 2 x 12" subs into the boot at a slant angle. Has anybody had any experience with this as I would like to retain as much of my boot as possible with the added benefits of quality sound. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Oakley
  8. would these instructions work with a VR6
  9. Hi All I have been searching the forum for a thread that explains exactly how to adjust the speeds the spoiler comes up and drops down. I have found nothing conclusive as yet. Can somebody please explain the procedure to me and let me know if there are any risks associated with this? Thanks Oakley
  10. Thanks mate, see what you can do but if not, I will just take it in to the garage to resolve! Oakley
  11. Hi all, strange this but my oil light seems to be coming on once in a while and buzzes until I turn the engine off. The oil level is maintained perfectly on a weekly basis. Any ideas why this is happening. I tend to travel about 15-20 miles on the motorway before it starts so it does not happen from cold! Help!!
  12. Oakley


    Thanks 2cc Seems mine looks similar although it is completely black and has no silver in it whatsoever. Mine is a VR to! I assume this is possible? Oakley
  13. Oakley


    Hi All Has anybody got a picture of an ISV as I need to clean it out and do not want to thrown brake cleaner or carb cleaner into the wrong component? Thanks Oakley
  14. Oakley

    Vag Com

    I think I am at the stage where I will go anywhere in the country to have this glitch fixed. I was even at the stage where i thought I needed another car but, I find that coming onto this forum re-affirms my belief in C's as the help received here makes it worth going on.
  15. Oakley

    Vag Com

    Thanks RW1, I will wait until I get the Vag hook up and go from there. I am hoping Reggit will be able to help with the reset as well..........I just suck at tanything technical when it comes to cars. :)
  16. Oakley

    Vag Com

    That would be great. Thanks
  17. Oakley

    Vag Com

    p.s. do you have a headlight loom for sale still?
  18. Oakley

    Vag Com

    I find the problems comes when talking about thigs like TB , TPS, and resets, I see a lot of data on basic resets but all quite contradictive. Is the not a thread anywhere that describes the axact procedures step by step? Sorry for all the stupid questions but when it comes to the engine side of things, I am terrible and not confident. Thanks Oakley
  19. Oakley

    Vag Com

    Thanks Gavin, But what am I looking for in this thread?
  20. Oakley

    Vag Com

    I guess it is probably best to wait.....Thanks for that Gavin......I will have to wait for Reggit to come free. I am sure it has something to do with the ISV but I know nothing about engines. I did disconnect the battery for 10 minutes and then took it for a 1/2 hour drive. That was difficult. I think I need to do some searches for the Proper ECU procedure as well as the Basic Reset Procedure. Stealers cancelled bow until further notice.
  21. Oakley

    Vag Com

    Hmmmm.......well, I was going to clean the ISV out but I do not even know what it looks like. I took something off that I thought looked like an ISV (Black thing about 4 inches long with 2 hoses and a electrical plug, also looking inside, it had some sort of Silver rod looking thing) I was not sure if this was it and did not want to throw white spirits into it fearing I would break it. Was that the ISV? Reggit, I think you diagnosed my C once before in Lytham, St Annes remember, I had a dodgy intermittent Lamda Probe. I think you had the black leather that I was really jealous of. I did not really want to ask you again as I felt bad. I suppose the up side this time is that I live in Preston now and if my memory serves me correctly, so do you. If you get a free moment it would be great if you could help out. I have booked my C into a Stealer as I feel that Dub Sport will not resolve the problem. I have already asked them to fix this problem spending a grand with them and still not resolving. I have lost all confidence in Dub, I think it is back to Stealth Racing in future. Does anybody think I should hold off on the stealers until a Vag has been hooked up. VW want between 1 & 3 hours to diagnose @ £55 p/h and then all the labour and parts after that?
  22. Oakley

    Vag Com

    Does anybody in the Preston area have a Vag Com they could hook up for me? My C has started cutting out whenever I come to a stop and it is starting to become annoying. Thanks :cry:
  23. I suppose you are both right, imagine throwing our engines into one of those!!
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