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Everything posted by Mave

  1. I remember Welshie from back in the day. I've still not bought another Corrado!
  2. Not really sure what's the point getting wound up, people like to make profit on pretty much everything these days. No losses to me or you! Gorgeous car though. :)
  3. Nice one :) Get a members gallery thread going! http://the-corrado.net/forumdisplay.php?f=16
  4. Hola and welcome! :) What problems are you getting with uploading? The last one uploaded fine?
  5. Need some photos now then. :) I took haven't got over not having a Corrado, and am in the market again now!
  6. Haha, hello lol! How's it going? I check back here every couple months to see what's going on. And also take a cheeky look in the for sale threads!
  7. ^ That Storm turbo is gorgeous, what are it's specs? I can't quite make them out. Also, that Nothelle Corrado, is that still owned by the guy on here who has a muppet avatar? (Forget his name, met him at E38 years back) edit: Is it Korozin?
  8. Incredible that you're still at it Kev. Working on the car that is! Looks amazing. I have no idea what those numbers and all are on page 3, but it must be good.
  9. Been a long time since we spoke buddy, glad to see you're back in the corrado fold. I keep bloody wanting one since the past few months, too tempting! Hope all is well :)
  10. Bloody hell, this has gone a long way. Very, very nice. Me jealous lol! :)
  11. Still looking great as always 8)
  12. AH, been looking on the Vortex tonight, eh Jim? :mrgreen:
  13. Well we do put up with it, not much else we can do. And just because it's worse elsewhere, doesn't mean that it aint bad here! I'd imagine Petrol/Diesel to be the biggest problem, especially for those without jobs. IE my father, who gets absolutely bugger all on the dole even though he's applying for several jobs a day, and of course he needs to drive to get to interviews etc. Also, where is this road tax going? Why is it going up? The roads are terrible round here. Have been for years, only the other day a pothole bent the inside of my alloy.
  14. Well ok, take out the "UK" comment and put in Europe. Comment still stands :D
  15. Anyone who owns a car in the UK is getting royally stuffed up the ass. Be it Petrol, Road Tax, Insurance etc.
  16. Ya think that's bad? This happened to me a coupla months ago.. Changed gear whilst going over the junction on the dual carriage-way at 3:30pm (very busy) and the clutch decided to go! Got stranded half way round the roundabout! Somehow the car wasn't hit, thank gawd, had to get the coppers out too :lol: The amount of abuse I got too from other, poophead drivers too.. :roll:
  17. Uploaded to YT :) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DgwCJUW7q8E
  18. Heh, funny you should mention something like that. It's booked in next week to get a new clutch! :gag:
  19. I know whatcha mean. As much as the FRP is a much better car, it's not as interesting or doesn't have that feeling that a Corrado does.
  20. One of the lowest things to do to someone. Fucking cowardly. I know how he feels to have woken up to it... Twice.. edit: or maybe he dinged the paint bad and thought "bugger it, i might as well do it properly" :)
  21. Mave

    Car Tax

    That's well good :lol: I was made 101 quid and 73p lighter yesterday............for 6 damn months :mad:
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