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Everything posted by RobyD

  1. RobyD

    I need some ideas...!

    Oops - its a 1.8 16v Yeah i do do lots of short journeys that the moment. I've lost a lot of coolant, where's it all gone coz there's never been any water on the outside of the engine and never any patches on floor? Will it of just been burnt? :? Is there another test i could get done like a compression test to make sure its the HG coz im too used to shelling out on things that dont need doing! Many thanks for everyones help
  2. In the last 3-4 weeks i've had to top up coolant 3 times with prob about a litre every time. Pretty certain there are no external leaks, epansion cap seal seems ok. Approx a week ago, checked oil and it was cloudy/murky on the dipstick and i couldn't see the metal of the dipstick.. :shock: - water in the oil. Since then the oil hasn't been like that - just some little streaks of mayo. Went to garage to get head gasket tested - he did the check to test for oil in coolant with bluey liquid in tube thingy. No oil in coolant. He was adament HG was ok and if i had just a cup of water in the oil the oil would be white all the time. He advised changing oil/filter to be on safe side and keep eye on it. He said the mayo could be due to short journeys. Sometimes the car runs terrible from cold and then get better as it warms. Now it just just drives fine all the time :? Since i've put new oil in the mayo has re-appeared. Only thing i can think of is oil cooler but thought that would more likey mean oil in coolant?? BTW she dont smoke Sorry for long winded question, anybody got any ideas??
  3. yeah and i found it better doing it when dark so the torch light shows up better inside the wing. :)
  4. Im gonna join for 2004 coz im a tight git and want to get my full years membership!
  5. Ahh, it is the place near me then :D Do you have to be a club member to go along as i'm not :(
  6. Where's Woburn Abbey? :?
  7. RobyD

    hesitant 16v

    Right, think i'll take it to someone who knows the KR engine. I was going to take the c to AMD to get 4-wheel allignment sorted coz no other place can seem to sort it out properly. They'd sort my cutting out problem wouldnt they? Heard good things about them Cheers
  8. RobyD

    hesitant 16v

    When driving my 1.8 16v fairly hard, then slow the engine down coz of traffic etc, its really hesitant and chokes. To cure it i have to give it a little bit of revs and it usually sorts itself out. It has got worse and is doing my head in. VW suggested the over-run cut off valve. Put Slick 50 fuel treatment in which didnt do anything. Cheers for any ideas
  9. RobyD

    Water pump pulley

    I've got this on my 16v too. The water pump pulley has a bit of play in it. Probably quick fix , but i just tightened up the belt a bit which has solved it so far... (about 5 months back now)
  10. RobyD

    rattly alternater

    Sorry mate - its a 1.8 16v, so no charger! Unfortuently :(
  11. RobyD

    rattly alternater

    Cheers for quick reply Pretty certain its not too tight. I partially took it apart to inspect and then put back with the belt on slightly looser than before. Still rattles :( ??
  12. About a week a go, started to here rattling from the engine (very noticable!) at idle and sometimes driving along. Had an inspection with a socket extension to my ear and it seems to be definitley coming from the alternator. It's all secure and outer pulley is'nt loose, belt tight, could it be bearings inside or sumin? Think i may need a new alternator, not bloody cheap though! Anyone shed any light?
  13. RobyD

    16v to VR6

    BTW...what's involved in transplanting a G60 engine into a 1.8 16V? Do they use the same mounts, loom etc?
  14. 646 quid is for the konigsports - height/damping adjustable, lifetime warranty
  15. I agree with mark16v. I've got Fk's - no regrets at all. Completely transform the car and still retains a decent ride quality :D (worse if you've got 17s though). Got mine from Dubsport, 646 quid inc vat & delivery. They took 3 weeks to arrive but they say they've got a new system to make delivery much quicker now.
  16. RobyD

    rattles from sunroof

    So basically dont use the tilt function?! I'll give it a go. Cheers for advice guys, think it requires a bit of investigation tonight
  17. Does anyone else have this same problem? Doesn't do it all the time but i'm certain it's the sunroof coz if i push up on it, it stops Any one know what this could be, what parts, easy/cheap fix? Cheers for any advice
  18. cheers VR6. I dont have a clue on how to put pictures on here. Anyway, i have no scanner or any other means of getting any pics on computer. will try sort something out though if i ever get round to it!
  19. hi people - my first post. Had a 1.3 mk2 golf at 17, looked sweet like a gti. I bloody miss that car even though it struggled to keep up with my mates 1.1 fiesta! :lol: Got my Corrado 1.8 16v at 19, turn 20 next week. Just had fk coilovers put on, taken 17s off - scrubbing. Alloys - decisions,decisions :? Anyone else got a 'Quartzite metallic' C. Apparently very rare according to my local VAG
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