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Everything posted by bristolbaron

  1. ooh.. sounds nasty. good luck getting it all sorted!
  2. i have V1's set relatively low ad have no knocking etc.. sounds like somethings wrong!
  3. i bought a few from gsf, however they are easy to break when fitting so grab a couple of spares! as steve said, theyre super cheap!
  4. good luck with whatever you do next!
  5. has anyone ever been on http://www.hamforum.com/ ? its not quite as exciting as it sounds.
  6. that will probably help against stonechips, but not protect you from forum members.
  7. free ham, I wont let you down, free ham, I will not give you up.
  8. only until the new wheels are ready, then they'll come off till winter.. unless i get offered extortionate amounts of money for them!
  9. i am glad ham is in the lead. just in case anyone is interested, my friend works for a large hotel chain and i just went to the hotel and had a ham and cheese sandwich for free. yes thats right, free ham. beat that.
  10. _leon_, they were a lot lighter than the borbets! i took them off recently to lower the rear slightly, and they're certaintly not heavy.
  11. im not really feeling them, and would be just as bothered about scratching they may cause at high speeds as i would be about stonechips. having said that, i only had my bonnet resprayed about 18 months ago and it badly needs doing again. if a poll comes up, im gonna vote ham.
  12. Thanks bud, it is looking a bit different! i should be at the next meet, it was nice to leave a meet and be home within 15 minutes.. although i'm not sure i strictly should have got back that quick! _leon_ the tyres are 195/50 on a 7" rim, so a very slight streach, but firestones seem to have less of a built up sidewall to them. for cheapies they've actually been excellent tyres in the wet! Im making some enquiries on the wheels.. will post results!
  13. Thankyou for your comments! the wheels are 15", but not quite solitudes.. solitude spokes dont go quite to the rim, which these do.. never found out exactly what they are! The borbets were sold last year to fund my new summer wheels, 17" futura splits. They're now being worn by a rallye owned by timg60 on dubforce which they look stunning on imo.. The lights are my M3 style inpro's.. i got bored, so wanted to try something different. the chrome all came off, and the tops got tinted. happyish with the finish, although may do another set to see if i can better myself!
  14. May as well do a general update as im here, as i havent for about a year! Last summer involved chip/pulley, charger overhaul, KW coilies and a full stainless system all from Gwerks.. [feck didnt realise how much money darrens had off me!] the S/steel system is awesome. quiet for normal driving, but LOUD when you properly floor it!.. perfect. Last summer also saw my first foreign show, at Mania in Belgium. The show was great, drove after work on the saturday night, and stayed in brussels before driving to the show and then back home again the next day. Edition was the highlight of the calender last year, and the decider with wether im actually gonna keep the rado or not. As i have a company car now, i only get to drive it every few weeks and its still parked on road, so seems less and less worth having.. but thats not the point! Every time i drive, i get excited about it again, and as long as that continues, its staying with me. This year will see: new wheels, smoothed wings, big brakes and a 'controversial front end' all will be revealed at E38. Unfortunatly, i wont be at the show on the saturday, as being Sept 1st, that means new registrations so a busy day as im in car sales. however, my presence will be felt on saturday night! May the 4th be with you.
  15. _leon_, ah cheers mate.. pics posted as requested! The wheels were supposed to be for winter use only, but this years working faster than i am at the moment! DUB, i've been around, but just been flat out! i'll grab the wheel off you at some point. PM me your number, i have to go over your way over the next few days.
  16. woah! that MK2 is awesome.. i can never quite work out how your cars running 17" at that stance..
  17. hmm.. maybe worth a purchase! !
  18. LOL LOL LOL you dont know him well then lol :lol: missed you.. you can feck off again now though
  19. http://www.reverie.ltd.uk/shop/products.php?g1=9f30e7 not cheap though!
  20. i found a meguiars wheel brush reduced from £13 to £5, so that was my free item.. cant go wrong.
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