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Posts posted by Dutch24V

  1. No nothing like that. It Is indeed strange, but i'll have a look over the weekend to see what has happened.


    The wing hasn't moved though as it lines up with the bonnet and headlights perfectly. The door is defo the problem as the gap to the rear quarter is smaller than normal too? I didn't actually remove the door - just put it back so maybe the hinge did get bent? I doubt it though as it would take quite a force to do that wouldn't it?



  2. ..just re-read your post Kev and looks like washers won't help then?


    From what I can see if I use a washer the door will be moved slightly out at the hinge (which is also good as it's also 1-2mm in from sitting flush with the wing) and forwards - ie. towards the front wing?



  3. Sorry, not a very clear description but I meant forward as in towards the front of the car, so looks like some washers will be required.

    I have the Bentley manual so when I get home I'll have a look and see what it says too - didn't think of that.


    Kev, everything else lines up perfectly. The doors were removed for the respray and ever since we refitted them the passanger door hasn't lined up properly. The gap from door to rear quarter is only a couple of mm's, but the gap to the front wing is more like 5-6mm. I hope this is the cause of the leak as the front window was replaced too and if that's leaking I'll have to take it back to get it re-sealed.


    I'll have a look at the weekend.




  4. Cool. I seem to remember a bodyshop adjusting a door about 8 years ago when some idiot Dutch cyclist rode into it, but couldn't remember how they did it. I'll give it ago over the weekend - with a mate or two for extra support :)


    Fla, call me stupid, but what do you mean exactly by N-shaped spacer?



  5. Is there anyway to move a front door forward by a few mm other than removing it and fitting a spacer between the hinge and body?


    My passenger door sits 2mm or so back from where it's supposed to sit and there is a larger than normal gap between the front edge of the door and the body. Last time it rained hard I discovered a large pool of water in the passenger footwell. Guess the gap is too much and the door is not sealing properly on the door seals?



  6. What's with everyone giving up on the 24v installs or selling them soon after? Is it just people getting bored with Corrado's in general and fancying a change?


    I can't wait to get going with my lowly 2.8 24v conversion but worried I'll end up getting rid of it.


    2 years in the making and still not 100% finished, but I'm still loving mine!

    If the install goes well you'll be loving yours too so don't worry and get on with it :)


    Mines been drving for a while now, but I can see where the frustration can come from. I did loose motivation a couple of times, but allways viewed it as a long term project so didn't worry about the set backs to much, took a small break and then got back into it. Well worth it in the end.



  7. I've found this site: http://www.powerstream.com/Wire_Size.htm


    It has 2 current ratings, one "Maximum amps for chassis wiring" and the other "Maximum amps for power transmission"

    Err, which one should I be looking at?


    Also just found this: http://www.motorcityreman.com/technical-info.html

    Maybe I need 0 AWG as you say? Damn! I have 160A fuses either end so do you think 2 AWG will really be ok?

    It'll only have to carry the max current whilst starting though and the starter won't ever draw more than 150A will it?



  8. Hi all,


    I've just aquired an Optima Yellow top and need to mount it in the boot. I'm thinking of using 0-AWG wire. Is this thick enough?


    Roughly what sort of ampage is the starter motor going to draw through this wire as I want to fuse it both ends, but not sure what size fuses to use?




  9. ...It's developed a funny intermittent fluctuating idle problem and the emissions are still not spot on


    Hi mate,


    I have this problem with mine at the moment too. The rpm needle fluctuates a bit and the ecu reports rpm signal intermittent on vag-com. She

  10. lol, like you say though, if a jobs worth doing! :)


    Life's good mate thanks. Busy with work still, but will hopefully have the C totally finished by the end of next month. New brakes, exhaust and a few other bits still to do.


    How's the Alfa going? Do you still have the C btw?



  11. lol jay :) What did you think it was then?


    The aerial is from a golf V gti I believe, but I've seen them on various new VAG cars since I've had it. A mate who works for VW has one on his Jetta and he ordered it for me. I can get a part number if needed?


    Wheels are as in a previous post on this thread mate - BBS RKii's, 17 * 8 sporting p-zero's. Will stick up some more pics over the weekend as she's now back home. Needs a damn good clean though :)


    Yeah I've been thinking about a bra for a while now ;) Any recommendations?


    I'm not planning on using her for day-to-day trips like the supermarket etc. anymore as I don't want to come back and find a massive dent/scratch on her. I haven't replaced the side strips either which would just make matters worse. I'm thinking about an in-car motion detection cctv system though so if some tw*t did hit her I'd be able to trace them :)


    Doubt Edition38 will be possible unfortunately, but I'm hopefully going to that 20th b'day thing in Germany though with some members of the Corrado Club Nederland.



  12. Thanks guys.


    How much has it cost? A LOT !! :)


    I have receipts for over 2000 Euro just for all the new shiny parts to accompany the shiny paint work. The respray itself is going to cost another +/- 3000 Euro, and that's with us removing and replacing all the body work too.


    There was a lot of prep work due to 4-5 minor dings I'd had over the years, plus the paint is quiet expensive and the laquer for it very expensive. All in all I reckon it's going to cost closer to 6000 Euro in total :shock:




    New ariel: :)

  13. Quick update: She's finally been sprayed :)


    I've been busy putting her back together during the evenings and I should have her back tomorrow if the parts I still need arrive before the weekend.


    Some pics (on crap camera phone). Will get more tonight hopefully and some outdoor ones over the coming weekend.


    She needs polishing though, but still looks and feels like black glass :D



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