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Everything posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. Fu**ers :mad: happened to mine too ages ago :mad: No real way of stopping these scrots
  2. Awesome, nice one mate :D :cheers: Will have to change your name again!
  3. Hey there, gonna put some speakers in the doors down the bottom, can anyone tell me where is the best place for wiring or give me some pics? Cheers :)
  4. I personally think that's quite cool, not too many rados in the UK with thme Don't think it works as well with a red Rado than it does with a silver one :) p.s get them weeds sorted :lol:
  5. Just that it would seem that a 911 Turbo would've been much quicker than them cars there. It could be legit :? But maybe not :?
  6. Rather strange, maybe there was a mess up?
  7. I think to pull off the top ones you'd have to be properly slammed like, wouldn't have to be as low with the second. Hard choice to make really as I like em both.
  8. I'm sure you mean skyline? edit: can't find the long version... Heeeerrree
  9. Mine has the poopy analouge mileage, and EVERTHING is electric :) Oh, and mines red not pink :-P
  10. My driving choice? Forwards, backwards, lef and right. ;)
  11. I wanna get my sunroof out and sort the trim on it, opened it up one day and it snagged and ripped the cloth off, now it's hanging :roll:
  12. I take it the swedish "R" is the english "Sh" Rat style :-P Oh, and post pics of this swedish bird then! :lol:
  13. Damn that's a hot stance edit: Sorry I couldn't help myself :lol:
  14. Woah, that's kerrazy! I haven't encountered any of these nutcases yet but I have sworn a few times at people who are wrong on the road :oops:
  15. Yea I deleted the post lol when I saw your thread :-P
  16. Hehe, I just put this up in another thread but I deleted it now. You rock mate! :thumb right:
  17. Or download them directly 1 2 3 Jeesus that sounds like a monster! :shock: I wanna go! :lol:
  18. Ouch! They do look very good though :) Nice one passing the MOT :thumb right:
  19. Cool stuff, be sure to keep us updated :)
  20. Probably the Audi doorhandles, looks so much better and OEM+
  21. Yea I seen that a long time ago, I can't see any changes on it either. Looks really good though :)
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