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Everything posted by mr.ots

  1. When i lock my car with the windows open the total closure on my Clifford concept 50xuk doesn't work properly and the windows will only move momentarily and then stop. It's as if they are only moving while the doors are locking. Ive tried adjusting the timer within the program and ensuring that it is set for timed output but this still hasn't resolved the problem. Any suggestions? PS. if anyone has the installers program guide it would be very helpful as it is no longer available from the clifford website.
  2. After driving the car I can see a few drips on top of the rubber grommit on top of the gearbox. If I start to notice a drop in the header tank level I will replace it but it seems fine for now.
  3. Mine's pretty much the same, just a very slight leak and water marks on the hoses. Doesn't seem to be any noticable drop in the header tank. Maybe I should leave it for now and just keep an eye on it. Thanks for the advice guys
  4. I've noticed I have a slight leak from the auxiliary (also know as additional) water pump situated behind the rear righthand corner of the cylinder head on my VR6. I got a quote of £70 from the local stealers for the complete assembly (no individual parts were listed) but it appears the leak is only from the lower black plastic part where it has a joint and seal secured by three screws. Has anyone had any experience of this problem and is there an easy way to rectify without buying a new assembly. Can these seals be obtained individually elsewhere? Any help would be appreciated.
  5. If the windows aren't working when you use the switches inside the car then you probably have an electrical problem which is also preventing the doors from locking. I think you should check the fuses as suggested in the previous post. If the windows are working normally with the window switches then there could be a problem with the outputs from the alarm that operate the total closure of the windows and doors.
  6. Well to secure the car tonight you could try locking the car with the key. Mine has a clifford alarm and it still arms the alarm and imobilizer when you lock it this way. This should keep the car secure until you can get it checked out.
  7. Well done Nicedice, nice to see the old VR can still show some of the newcomers its rear end, :lol:
  8. And while you are reducing weight you may as well take the water out of the washer reservoir but leave the brake fluid alone, you WILL need it at the end of the sprint :lol:
  9. Hey Bally, that's a seriously sweet rado, hope there aren't too many speed humps in your area :lol: Great colour too.
  10. Blue Rado spotted on Sat 3rd Sept on Queensbridge Road in East London. Not sure which model. Got a wave and flashes from the driver as we passed each other.
  11. mr.ots


    Blue Rado spotted on Sat 3rd Sept on Queensbridge Road in East London. Got a wave and flashes from the driver as we passed each other.
  12. Some more pics of my Storm
  13. She done 77,000 which i guess is pretty good for a nine year old car. All the previous MOT's were supplied and a full VWSH. As for price, I paid 7.5k but she is a real beauty other than the usual stone chips and completely standard. The interior is mint and the leather is in great condition. I phoned VW and quoted the VIN before purchasing to make sure it was a legit storm. I've seen quite a variation in prices for storms from 9-10k at dealers to 5.5 to 6k for cheap private ones. Hope the prices increase now I own one!
  14. Hi, Just bought my first rado, a mystic blue storm and thought i would say hi to you all. I've been smiling like a cheshire cat since I collected her. I didn't realise what a great community spirit there is amongst rado drivers, had others flash and wave as they drive past, great fun! Great forum and really helpful info.
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