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Bournemouth James

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Posts posted by Bournemouth James

  1. The nut shown looks too big to me - the nut's on my struts are much narrower & clamp onto the bearing only. There's a seperate plate which then attatches over the top to stop the strut assy from falling out of the mount when the car is jacked up.


    I have VR top mounts BTW........ :roll:


    These are vr6 top mounts, the nut does look big in the picture, it does clamp down on to the bearing only then the top plate is attached then the locking nut, i dont think im doing anything wrong here, maybe the pistons are supposed to stay still when you turn the wheel, could anyone check if the top plate connected to the top of the piston under the bonet does atually rotate when you turn the wheel, maybe its not suppose to

  2. Still having problems, when i tighten the nut shown in the picture down, the piston stays still and doesent rotate with the rest of the strut when i turn the wheel


    Are there any parts missing?, obviously the the stop and locking nut are still to go on


    The piston is definately suppose to rotate with rest of the strut is'nt it?

  3. Had some vr6 top mounts fitted to my car the other day, andf im not sure if they've been fitted right


    Is the cone shaped plate thingy under the bonnet suppose to rotate when you turn the wheel?, my old early type ones did, but these dont, is this normal?

  4. Yeah, ive had problems with mine, quite a common fault apparentely, there are different sets available, worth asking vw or audi which set is the most reliable, then replace all of them, havent heard about using ford ones before

  5. Been having a few problems with my car lately


    The turbo hasent been boosting properly, has a long lag, and when it does kick in, it doesent seem to pull like it should


    Yesterday it got worse all of a suden, soon as the turbo kicks in, it deaccelerates, and makes an awful noise, sort of like the sound you get when the exhaust is blowing


    I know theres a few of you that are quite clued up on 20vt engines, so any help would be great

  6. I still think the outside arch will start to deform when you try and fold the inner lips.


    I dunno...maybe they willl fold up a little bit without deforming the outside arch but then you still might have clearance problems, and with 9", you'll need all the clearance you can get


    I was gunna roll mine intill someone explained to me, then when i thought about it, it does make sense not to


    But hey thats just my opinion


    Sounds like your trying to talk yourself into grinding the lips away on your own C. Phat got his done properly for £450, its worth it.[/quote:6ae86]



    Your right lee, i am planing to cut back the lips, to make clearance for the 9s i have. Would love to do what you and phat have done, and £450 is a very good deal, not sure if i would be able to get it that cheap, but even £450, i cant afford it at the moment.


    It is something i plan to do in the future if i go wider, so i think i'll wait till then, then they'll be able to shape the arches to the wider rims i put on the car

  7. I still think the outside arch will start to deform when you try and fold the inner lips.


    I dunno...maybe they willl fold up a little bit without deforming the outside arch but then you still might have clearance problems, and with 9", you'll need all the clearance you can get


    I was gunna roll mine intill someone explained to me, then when i thought about it, it does make sense not to


    But hey thats just my opinion

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