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Everything posted by gixxer

  1. Hi Dave, I need a driver's side repair kit please mate. The passenger side is great after the last kit I got off you so now need this. Bloody Corrado handles!! If you could pm your details please mate & I'll get payment off to you asap. Cheers Neil
  2. Tell me about it, just wish someone had seen the cock who drove into my C then pissed off without leaving details.
  3. I'm really starting to hate the way this country's heading. And to piss us off even more the bastards are going to add 2.35p tax to a litre of petrol.
  4. It's like with Steve Hislop a few years back. Tragic waste of talent & such a good guy. Funny though how after all the crashes & near misses something like this gets him.
  5. Couldn't agree more mate. Seems to me that they think they've got the right to basically do what they want on the roads cos they own a bigger vehicle. Really pisses me off. The amount off accidents I've seen involving these types of cars is unbelievable, especially in car parks. BTW, thanks for the offer of helping me out coolrado, much appreciated mate :)
  6. Thanks guys, hopefully one of the wardens (my parents live in a monitored area) will know who the tosser is as apparently they are a regular visitor. All I know is that it was a silver people carrier, so getting my dad to check out every one that turns up. :) I'll get the fooker!!!
  7. Can't fookin believe it! Parked my car outside my parents place being careful to leave plenty of space to allow people parked across from me access in & out (you could have got a bus past the C & parked it). Come back 20 mins later to find some complete w@nker had decided it'd be a great idea to drive out of his parking space opposite & drive straight into the driver side door, then pissed off without leaving any insurance details etc. To say I'm bouncing doesn't come close. :bad-words: Been to the police to report it, but can't honestly think that'll do much good.
  8. gixxer


    Hi Gareth, good luck with the search. Hope you find a good one.
  9. I love the 147. Me & the missus owned a standard 147 for 3 years a while back & the only prob we had was a recurring squeal in the brakes. When we gave it up we went for a spin in the GTA & damn thats a good car!! Great noise & just a top laugh. If I had the cash now that would be the 1st car I'd go out & buy. Brilliant!
  10. That's pretty much how mine is. My old Golf Mk2 used to be the same also.
  11. I've got the Haynes manual for a Mk2 Golf & it covers the KR engine. Helped me a few times recently.
  12. Cheers to Chubbybrown who sold me some dash switches & gear knob. Top bloke. Kept me up to date as to a possible fault & postage. Definitely a fella to deal with. Thanks mate.
  13. Really like the look of the light up gear knob. Is it a Rieger? Anyone know where I can get one? Tried Riegeretc but they don't seem to have any for the C. Will it fit from any of the others they stock (like from a Passat or Golf)?
  14. I'm sure there's been some on flea bay recently
  15. Had this recently on mine. Turned out it was a split in a vacuum hose.
  16. gixxer

    lcd display

    Just reversed my lcd displays but was wondering how to wire them up so that they light up during the day. Done a search but couldn't find much that explains how to do this. I know some of you have done this, any chance of a guide?
  17. Hi Dave, Just wondering if the passenger side kit I ordered has been posted yet? Cheers mate Neil
  18. I'm after a passenger side repair kit. If you could PM me with your details please mate.
  19. Theres a fella on Ebay at the mo selling reg plates, you also get to design your own. Look under corrado & its sort of midway through.
  20. Know Holt well. Used to live down Bowling Bank a couple of years ago. As for selling the C, think the missus would kill me if I did, she loves it as much as me!! :)
  21. I live near Caergwrle on the way to Mold if you know where that is. As for working for myself I'd love to but its having the cash to get set up, van, tools, insurance etc so unfortunately got to work for other people. :roll: That C of yours looks spot on mate, be a shame if you did have to get rid.
  22. Cheers lads. Gotta be the worst time to be outta work, at least I got me son's presents sorted beforehand. Mark, I'm a painter & decorator, was working in Oswestry but boss got no work 'til Jan :roll: . Know someone who worked in Ispen, Donna Craven, don't know if she still does though. What C do you drive mate? Gonna get my dad (mechanic) to look at the C when he gets back from Spain next week, rather buy him a few pints than pay a fortune to a garage.
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