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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Check the aux pump when the engine is OFF, as stated above. It runs 100% of the time when the ignition is on, whether the engine is running or not. They are VERY quiet though, it's easy to assume it's not working when it is working fine. Another good check is to open up the expansion tank cap and look for water circulation - again when the engine is off. Kinda sounds like you've either got a blocked radiator or a stuck thermostat though.
  2. I never understood why VW chose to put just a single engine mount at the front, seems madness to me.
  3. hmm, 11amps drain off the battery with the engine running?? I think you must have a short somewhere, can't see another way for this to happen. I've not tested the current drain with the ignition on, but if it's really pulling 11 amps from the battery that will be plenty to drain it in a few hours.
  4. 0.17 amps drain ignition off means ~4 Ah per day, so flat battery in about 16 days, i.e. about normal I think. The volts readings look absolutely fine though..
  5. There's no reason they can't plug into the cigarette lighter ..
  6. dr_mat


    Hmm, gotta be the steering rack I would imagine .. something to do with the power assistance valves, but tbh it's a weird one.
  7. dr_mat


    Surely you feel guilty now dr_mat Guilty? A little I suppose. :) Sorry dom, but I really couldn't understand what you meant!
  8. dr_mat


    Did you ever think about trying punctuation? Here; Have a selection of commas and full stops to make the above sentence into English ;) : ....... ,,,,,,,, I mean: "only noticeable at low speeds when car not running" .. What? Low speeds? Car not running? Mutually exclusive, no? Thing is, I might be able to work out what you're saying, but tbh it's open to debate, and could be interpreted a few different ways, so best if you re-state it more clearly so we really understand what you're seeing. :)
  9. Rear wheel bearings can be tightened up - easy job. Brake pipes corroded is not unusual. Sounds like you need to replace both front wishbones to get new bushes all round. Center exhaust box is covered under magnex lifetime warranty. Plus one tyre and fix the emissions.. I've had worse ... :)
  10. dr_mat


    Tracking? Are the tyres wearing on both outer, or both inner edges? But tbh it sounds more likely to be the steering rack, because it seems to be dependent on putting pressure through the power assistance system to the right. Does the vibration only occur when you're driving along, or does it still happen if you steer while the car is stationary?
  11. dr_mat

    Just tell me

    If ride quality is really an issue then you wanna be leaving it on 15" wheels mate.. Just from reading the forum, not from personal experience, 18" will require arch rolling and will rub like mad at almost all times, not to mention having a ride harder than a diamond racing bike saddle.
  12. One point - your will can't dictate what happens to your money when the people you will it to dies. Once you've willed something to someone you can only make polite suggestions about what they do with it in their will. Unfortunately if his will gives everything to her, there's not one jot you can do about it unless you can prove he signed it under duress, which might be tricky .. You can't force people to be decent about stuff. They just have to feel that they should do the right thing in the first place.
  13. dr_mat

    engine swap!!

    .. apart from price I would imagine ..
  14. It won't fail the MOT for this, as long as you can still use the key to operate the door lock, and use the handle to open the door. Both interior and exterior door handles have to work properly though I think.
  15. Or, radically enough, the VW website .. !
  16. It won't tilt when it's slid, it's just not designed that way. If it's sitting high one side, chances are the guides are a bit knacked, which is not uncommon. The moral of this story is never slide your corrado sunroof back ...
  17. Hmm, sounds like a willing victim of the VR6 turbo brigade. Take one R32 engine. Add liberal sprinkling of twin turbos. Add extraordinary quantities of cash and time supplied by talented engine builder. Wind up with 500bhp and more torque than a steam train. And an overdraft ...
  18. That's what the special tool from VW is for - it provides the correct alignment.. I've never seen one, unfortunately.
  19. The rating is simply the *capacity* of the alternator. It won't actually deliver 120 amps unless your car's electrics demand it. Note, however, that the bigger the alternator the more it'll sap the engine's power. It probably won't be very noticeable but don't say we didn't warn you .. :) Anyway, I suspect that what you have there is a faulty alternator, not necessarily an under powered one.
  20. And from a website that actually works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2P8NAsOwZg
  21. dr_mat

    K&N Induction kit

    The K+N only seems to detract from performance when you're stuck in traffic, in my experience. When the car is moving freely on the open road, you get all your performance back thanks.
  22. I think the bit where it attaches to the chassis moves, if you release the bolts (the bolts fasten into slots, rather than holes). I can't remember exactly though ..
  23. Well what car do you have, and what rating is your alternator? They shipped 120A alternators on VR6s with air-con. It could just be that your alternator isn't working right. When nothing is running, the alternator output on my VR6, for example, fluctuates between 13.8 and 14.2 volts.
  24. Air mass meter changed over in 1994, when the coil pack was introduced. So it's not really anything to do with the shape of the dash.
  25. I can't imagine for one second why you would want to order a car battery online .. !?! Shipping would cost more than the battery. It's LEAD acid you know. Kinda heavy .. ;) And as for Bosch silver not having a good rep.. well mine has let me down once in four years of occasional use (and it was 2 deg C at the time), but that's simply because it doesn't ever get charged. You can't expect miracles..! Charged it back up and it's been fine since (that was 1 year ago now).
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