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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Black smoke sounds more like over-fuelling to me..
  2. I think in terms of pure *wear*, it's number-of-cold-starts that's important, so all that's happening is you're wearing the engine at (almost) the same rate as someone who does 200 miles/day, but you're only doing peanuts mileage.. As for building up mayo - yes, VRs do this in the winter. There's also talk of building up coke deposits and all sorts of stuff, but I don't know much more about the real impact of it all.
  3. I think you can get codes out from the ABS system but not the engine ECU on the G60.
  4. dr_mat


    Errr... watch out mate, the book says you should turn the ignition off and pump the brake pedal twenty times .. the brake fluid pressure inside the pump unit is enough to cut your hand off if a stream bursts out when you disconnect a hose ...!!
  5. dr_mat


    The full procedure includes testing all the wiring and so on, but when mine did this it was (of course) the ABS block (which includes the pump). £1200 from VW ... £25 from a breaker. They are usually quite reliable, so you are unlikely to stumble on another broken one. Supply outstrips demand.
  6. dr_mat


    Valve errors usually point to problems in the valve block. Could also be wiring, but seems unlikely.
  7. Interesting nickname, Jules. "jcorallo". Makes me wonder if you're not just a dyslexic Toyota owner ..
  8. Dunno any more than that. All I saw was the he hit the throttle by mistake (fair enough), hit two people who were crossing the road in front of him, ploughed on for another 10 yards, bounced off a parked car into a bus stop and hit another three people there before coming to a halt .. Agreed on the inconsistent sentencing though, too many lawyers being smart arses and getting crims off so they can brag about their lawyering skills ... But in this specific case, I think there's more to it than just an accident.
  9. Difficult to judge? He kept his foot on the throttle for TWENTY TWO SECONDS. Think about that. Two seconds is a mistake. Five seconds is questionable. Twenty two seconds is an eternity, and regardless of his emotional shock at the incident he should have recovered composure in that time.
  10. They can be replaced yes, but you have to be careful with the pulley, which is a little fragile after 10 years of temp cycling. Brand new ones are (only!) £60 from the dealer.
  11. Hmmm. This story sounds familiar!! Yes, someone said the exact same thing a few days ago!! Most likely it's the aux belt tensioner bearings. They don't like the cold.
  12. dr_mat

    BMW M6

    They've been bangled. Too showy. Might aswell drive round wearing a knob on your head...
  13. A million taxi drivers can't be wrong ..
  14. Mine went a couple of years ago. The solenoid was still clicking, but the starter motor itself wasn't turning. The massive copper wire that hooks the solenoid to the motor was rotted through. It was like -2 when I tried to start it and it literally disintegrated when I tried to dump 140 amps through it ... Plenty of juice in the battery. But in your case, if the dash has been reset it sounds more like your battery is fooked mate.
  15. Did he send the cash in the form of a bankers draft and arrange for the car and his change to be shipped to Nigeria??
  16. I was thinking you might get away with it for 5 miles or so, but not 70! :)
  17. Depends.. if it's running lean it might start pinking, but if you've not noticed anything, and it's doing ok mpg (that sounds fine to me!), then I doubt it's hurting. You will probably be down on power though, cos the ECU will be in failsafe program.
  18. No, it'll take an unspecified amount of time for the fault to come back. The ECU will spend some time trying to adapt before it decides that it can't adapt. Generally they run a bit rich if there's a lambda problem, so you tend to find sucky mpg and rough running. But it could also be a MAF problem, cos the fuelling is based on the MAF output, but the lambda only reads the result of this fuel/air mix. If the MAF spits out rubbish, the ECU fuells randomly and the lambda reports bad data - therefore the ECU says the lambda is telling it porkies and shuts it down. MAF is easier to swap but not cheap.. But you're reporting "control limit not reached" .. maybe it's actually the lambda?
  19. At least there's the secondary, electric water pump on the VR, but bear in mind that if the water is moving through the block very slowly, it may take a time before any signficantly hot water reaches the thermostat unit and the temp sensor (and your gauge!). I'd be nervous about driving anywhere without a working water pump, given how much heat these things put out.
  20. It's labelled on the displays in VAGCOM.. Clear the error, see if it comes back. It may have been a temporary glitch.
  21. I'm no G60 expert, but from reading posts on here primary culprits are: - lambda - timing - vacuum leaks confusing ECU - thermostat (you sure the rad is cooking too?) erm ..
  22. The big trick of the Corrado has always been the steering feel. The handling is tidy and well balanced and reasonably grippy, but it's nowhere near as good at absorbing bumps as modern *harder* suspensions are, and it's not particularly composed on fast flowing undulations, which modern suspensions are *much* more adept at. It can be fixed with a well chosen set of suspension (at least the handling can), but the long lasting appeal comes from that steering, and a modern car can't retro-fit steering feel like the C can retro-fit a handling package.
  23. That's true too, the line tightens nicely, even in 70mph corners, if you lift the throttle a bit and let the tyres concentrate on steering for a while before putting 180lbft back through them...
  24. Ah the old "VR lump is too heavy" story. It's the suspension being too soft that kills it ..!
  25. I did a track day on an airfield strip. Was fun, but it really showed that the C is not a track car. No major brake/engine problems, but it was obviously not in it's element ..
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