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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Hmm I wonder if that has any correlation to the insurance rating system...?! They're not wrong. Car for car, Corrados (particularly early ones with no security) were heavily stolen (still are, considering).
  2. dr_mat

    Oil level on VR

    Then I suggest you go and buy one one! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 4526185477
  3. dr_mat

    Oil level on VR

    IIRC the owners handbook has diagrams on how to interpret the oil dipstick... Oh, and welcome to the forum by the way.. ;)
  4. Black smoke is usually a sign of overfuelling, iirc. Maybe look at engine error codes? Lambda probe/MAF sensor implicated in these kind of circumstances. You could also run some injector cleaner gack through, in case you've a bunged-up injector (though this is rare with quality fuels).
  5. dr_mat

    Steering rack

    Could be the rack... Could be the column or the PAS pump also. Notchiness usually points to the rack. The looseness is more likely to be the column or bottom ball joints or something else..
  6. Use the search... been discussed to death...
  7. Still using oil too? What colour smoke?
  8. dr_mat

    VR6 headache

    At what revs? Lumpy all the time? How's it idle? Losing any coolant? Losing any oil? (Gaining oil even??) You say it pulls poorly, even at low revs? Does it make it to the redline? Is there a lot of vibration from the engine, or is it smooth-but-weak? Can't believe they've not suggested the MAF sensor yet... But that's not to say it's definitely that. How low is the compression on number 4? I mean off the scale low or just 10-20%?
  9. Yep, true. And the modern (nearly) direct injection petrol engines recycle exhaust gases and perform a controlled burn in just a small part of the cylinder's capacity, using a fraction of the normal fuelling required.. But you've got an old fashioned 2.9 litre V6, better get used to visiting the petrol station...! :)
  10. Take three plug leads off and you're pouring the fuel onto your catalyst, which is even worse! ;) Smarter engines than the VR can actually stop using whole cylinders under part-load (i.e. put no fuel or spark in).
  11. dr_mat

    VR6 headache

    Not had a lot of luck with Reading VW places... The dealers are heinously expensive, and the best known VW specialist here is ok, but we've had our disagreements over warranty work, and he's generally unwilling to tackle the more serious stuff too. Can you give us a rundown of what's been done so far?
  12. dr_mat

    VR6 headache

    If you fit it yourself, yeah.
  13. dr_mat

    VR6 headache

    Seriously?! That's all VW want for them? This figure wasn't just inaccurate, it was pure fiction last time we spoke about it. Full engine replacement is nearer £5k, full rebuild with block rebore is nearer £3k, and full top-end rebuild is nearer £1.5k.
  14. hahaha, knew it wasn't going to be "straight"..
  15. Either it's stolen, or some poor bugger has no idea of the value of their car...
  16. dr_mat

    timing chains

    Try the search... Discussed to death...
  17. dr_mat


    VR6 run very hot. Even in the winter you need to be cruising at more than 30mph to prevent the water temp from creeping higher and you needing to run the fan. If the fan doesn't work, it can cause problems, even in winter. That said, if the guy is letting it overheat on a regular basis, you should probably put a warning sticker on the car "trouble ahead" ...
  18. Eh? I think you can get tablets for that, anyway...
  19. Storm wins the prize for most original posting. (PS check out the .sig) ;) But the overall prize has to go to Andy665 for spotting that the one on the right is obviously a Civic Type R and not a Corrado at all. Genius!
  20. "the one on the right has lower mileage"? "the one on the right has less rubbish in it"? "they both have broken door handles"? Come on guys, it's easy! You lot have no sense of humour I tell ya! ;)
  21. "The one on the left is upside down"?
  22. I never went as far as calling it "she", I can tell you that you sad muppet! :lol:
  23. It was Kev stirring, I never mentioned the bloody Cavalier! But if you want to donate money, that's fine anyway... ;) (There's a couple of nice CD players I had my eye on..)
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