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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. What would be *really* cool is if you could list the part numbers with the lead number.. Then stick this info somewhere it's not going to go away? Perhaps there should be a "things you should buy from Ford" sticky thread?
  2. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    This isn't an argument, it's a statement of opinion. I maintain that it's much easier to get power from an engine by bolting a turbo on than by doing it all N/A. That's where I stand. You know how stubborn we both are, neither of us will change our opinions so how about we save the rest of the forum from reading the next 20 "yes it is no it isn't" emails? ;)
  3. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    I refer to the answer I gave earlier, milud. ;)
  4. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    .. probably .. ;) In all seriousness, my personal opinion (for which I make no apologies) is that turbo/supercharging is cheating... Call me a purist if you will (tho I'm sure some people won't stop there)... :) I know a lot of people will disagree, but hey, that's what opinions are *for*, right? ( Nitrous is definitely cheating tho.. :) )
  5. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    Good. Glad to hear you know what you're talking about. I take it this is the irony part of your post?[/quote:586c6] Of course I'm aware there's a lot of work and technology that's gone into making the 1.8T, I'm not completely dense. There's probably less technology in the VR6, in fact. I'm not going to deny the 1.8T is a strong, highly tunable, flexible, powerful, reliable engine. :) But it has no charm, no charisma, no "class". That's where the art comes in.. Making a powerful, flexible engine (the VR6 just about claims the "flexible" title in standard form, but definitely gets that with VSR), that doesn't use any electronic tricks or short cuts.. I guess it's just a personal thing at the end of the day. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like tone controls, I prefer a system designed to perform that way without artificial assistance. The VR6 is designed to perform, the 1.8T is designed to perform ok - for a 1.8 - then add the turbo and bingo, power... You see what I'm getting at? It's difficult to describe...
  6. I've seen footage of a VR on the autobahn doing 140+ showing 140 degrees + on the oil, too.... The oil can handle it, don't worry about it. In this poxy country with our poxy traffic laws you're never going to damage your engine by overheating unless something actually goes wrong.
  7. Given this is a sticky, discussions of "my insurer charges me X is that good?" would be better in other threads. Or even just pick up the phone and go through the list above (which was the point, I think!). The insurers use too many details to work out costings for a ball-park figure recommended on this forum to be any use, anyway... :|
  8. You tell 'em it was on the car when you bought it, you didn't realise that wasn't normal. End of conversation.
  9. dr_mat

    ABS pump

    Is it "necessary" - well no. A lot of people here claim it's helped them out (myself included), so I'd rather have it on and working than not. Also, I suppose it gets a bit tricky with cars built up like this, but if the car left the factory with ABS, theoretically it must continue to have ABS, and it must be working, for it to get an MOT. In practice you probably won't have any trouble, but insurance companies like little excuses just like this...! :(
  10. I'd let the thing dry out first.... Coilpack is £115+VAT from GSF and £hugeamount from VW. Leads can be purchased individually from either VW or Ford (believe it or not - cheaper at Ford). Or you can buy a set from the usual suspects.
  11. Could be the ABS being weird, as you say. It'll attempt to do "traction control" if you're not braking, too, so that would explain the slowing down feeling...
  12. They are probably the same as many other cars - lots of cars use the Bosch Motronic system. There has been a lot of discussion as to whether they are calibrated at the factory for a particular model of engine though. I suspect not, and it's just a ruse to stop people buying generic parts, but there you go...
  13. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    In that case, perhaps you can explain how to design a ... On the contrary, there's a lot that's clever about the VAG 1.8T engine.[/quote:44579] No, I can't tell you how to do that. But then, that's why I don't make car engines, isn't it? Can you tell me how it's done? There's art in natural aspiration, making it flow and flow well when you haven't got some great big blower pushing the air in there. The VSR is art - getting +ve pressure to the tune of .5 bar just by manifold design. Sure, there's technology in turbo boosting, but there's not so much art, just numbers. Want more power, crank the knob in the computer. Big deal!
  14. I seem to remember putting up a thread on the Corrado recalls, and pasting information about who to call at VW UK only a couple of days ago... Can I suggest you use the SEARCH!!? :)
  15. Now this I agree with 100%. It's not so cool having a car hit you head on, cos he couldn't see due to your 400W of lighting... The standard corrado lights are poor, but that's no excuse for putting floodlights in there. The new Xenon lamps are massively bright in most cases too, but at least they tend to use VERY sharp dip lines - almost no light leaks above the mid line. The rest of this thread I'm not going to comment on... :bomb: ;)
  16. Only trouble is, as usual, the scallies don't register the cars they nick/buy etc. They just leave it registered at the original owner's address, so the cops really HAVE to pull the guy over to get anywhere with this process.
  17. There are other types of cameras in use these days, they may have been number plate recognition cameras, not interested in speed. Reading have been using these a lot recently to catch untaxed/uninsured cars.
  18. Low idle won't be anything to do with throttle position - idle is controlled by the ECU. Talking of which, if you've modified the cable position you may need to reset the ECU so it can re-learn your throttle position sensor settings. Disconnect the battery for 20 minutes, then reconnect and go for a drive. Make sure you use full throttle a few times, so it can auto-range.
  19. dr_mat

    1.8T vs VR6

    Well I wasn't going to bother posting to this thread. It's obvious for those that are regulars on here that I'm more into keeping the car relatively standard, and that I bought a VR6 cos it's the only VW engine worth having (except maybe the W12.. which is based on the VR6 anyway..). :) The VR6 retains an element of exclusivity, and has a touch of the subtle about it. There's nothing subtle or particularly clever about the 1.8T - it's just a competent blower engine, and EVERYONE has one. The VR6 in 12v form hasn't exactly taken the world by storm (ahem) and therefore it's a much rarer and sought-after beast. It's also gloriously smooth, it has a fabulous but SUBTLE engine note that the average man on the street would barely even notice if it went past them at 5k revs with a wide open throttle. It's that stealth mode that is the most interesting. There's *enough* performance out of the box on the VR6 to keep you entertained (though it really does benefit from the wider torque band with the VSR), though of course it's not the fastest "mass market" car on the road now (TWELVE YEARS later!!!). It is probably one of the coolest, however... :) 8) For me, the Corrado *is* the Corrado VR6, and although I can understand the appeal of the Corrado with the other engines, they just aren't the real thing IMHO. And that goes for G60s, 16vs and 1.8Ts aswell. I'm just fortunate enough that my credit card company gives me enough credit line to RUN a VR6!!! :)
  20. Yeah but they have a point - compared to an Alfa, a Porsche and a Fiat!!!
  21. Only you can answer that... When you see the car.
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