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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. First off - great posting - as you say, best to include everything up front, rather than have to answer 20 questions before people understand your question! :) Second, since you're LHD, the "pump under the brake fluid reservoir" is the ABS pump and valve block unit. If this never primes, and your ABS light never comes on on the dash, chances are you've an electrical problem with those circuits. There's a separate relay for the ABS pump and for the control unit - you'll need to check both. The very hard pedal *shouldn't* be effected by the faulty ABS, so it sounds like you've no vacuum assist, so you want to be looking for vacuum lines from the engine manifold to the brake servo unit (sorry I don't have a clue where it's routed!). Chances are it's broken or you have a duff brake servo unit. FYI the ABS control unit is made by Teves, so if that box has Teves logos all over it, you've hit the right bit and you want to start looking for a valid 12V supply on the power lines in the big connector it attaches to. Again, sorry I can't give you any more specifics... Yes, traction control is handled by the same units as the ABS, tho most people agree it's next to useless anyway, so you won't miss it. But like I say, the ABS failure should NOT effect the pedal force requirement, so you should be able to get the brakes working better without having to fix it!
  2. dr_mat

    Drop links

    I broke an ARB link on my old Cavalier once. The handling was noticeably sloppier without it attached, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between old and new ones anyway, just cos it was a cavalier! I've not heard any discussion of replacing the ARB links on Corrados though, certainly not on this forum. Tho I think most aftermarket ARBs include replacement links, so make of that what you will!
  3. dr_mat

    Drop links

    Look at the end of the ARB inboard of the front wheels. It's obvious what and where they are. The drop links attach the bar to the wishbone.
  4. Oh, by the way, has ANYONE ever seen a VR with a holed OE back box? It was the centre section that went on mine, back box was almost mint (after 115k miles!).
  5. New *after-market* ones have a join, replacement VW ones (£155+VAT from GSF) are the same as the original - one piece. (Tho I heard a rumour that there's a part number for a VW two-piece replacement, but VW can't find it if you ask..) It's not that hard to drop the rear axle down to remove and refit the exhaust, it's not like you have to change the rear axle bushes or anything (though this would seem to be the perfect time to do so!).
  6. Well completely consistent there then. I think you missed a negative somewhere in that sentence.... ;)
  7. Everything you (n)ever wanted to know about the Sasquatch: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepage ... igfoot.htm
  8. I thought it was "dougal", while we're talking of mis-spelling the names of fictional characters. http://magicroundabout.com/
  9. See this is what happens when I'm not here, Kev completely has his own way in all the threads going! ;) Well I'm back now, so normal service will be resumed shortly. ;)
  10. Sorry, momentary lapse of spelling there - I knew "saskwatch" didn't look right, the moment I typed it. ;)
  11. Greenlight have a mixed rep on here (though they seem to be consistently cheap). My 2p is that I couldn't be doing with the restrictions on the policy, or the very high excess required, so I chose to pay slightly more for more flexibility elsewhere.
  12. First off, the rear suspension on the C is incredibly bad at absorbing harsh shocks like that. The big rear axle is just WAY too heavy and this inevitably transmits a lot of the shock straight into the body, much more so than the front end where not only that but there's a lot more weight to damp it down. I couldn't tell you if the height you measure is correct tho, I'm sure someone here can though.
  13. And the current Golf ad has the cheek to use a tune by a band called "Pram" too. What does that say about the new Golf 5? ;)
  14. But the Golf has never been as good since the Mk2!! do you feel the same way about that?? :?[/quote:81bc6] So what you're saying is that VW need to make a car TWICE to get it right? Well given that the Corrado is heavily based on the Golf 2, chances are a modern Corrado would be heavily based on the Golf 5. Agreed there's a gap in the VW range now - they don't do a coupe any more, but to be honest I think it's just not their thing. They have been concentrating on the "family" and "exec" market and telling the whole world that VAG group's sporty marque is Seat. So there's another reason why there is unlikely to be a VW coupe for a while. Plus of course the fact that they never made any money on coupes in their entire company history!
  15. Back brakes shouldn't habitually lock, no matter how soft your springs are. Sounds like you've got messed up brake load balancing valve, or completely seized rear calipers.
  16. Chill out, I'm chilled. I personally just felt that the "sequel" would never be as good as the original, in so many ways, so I just think they should move on and make other cars instead.
  17. The car won't ever exist either. Lets be realistic here. The original cost VW an arm and a leg, and they don't really give a monkeys that the car now has a loyal following of cynical geeks... ;) Although maybe, just maybe, if VW put another 5% on all Corrado parts, maybe the "Corrado project" would break even overall? :lol: I wonder if they've made more profit from door handles and fog lights than they have from selling the cars in the first place yet? Would I buy an R32? Only because it's "new" and I'd have less troubles with it. Would I shove an R36 in a Corrado chassis? If I could, hell yeah! :D
  18. Would you? Really? Why didn't you rush out and buy Golf R32s then? ;) Just cos it has a Corrado badge on the back does not mean you'll like it..
  19. Personally I'm hoping there never is another Corrado. It will be a huge disappointment.
  20. If it's just a bracket it should be weldable... Mine got welded a couple of times.
  21. dr_mat

    water leaks vr6

    Well all I'm saying is that if the thing is only leaking because it's running too hot and over-pressure you're wasting your time fixing leaks... ;)
  22. The later cars have the bypass valve in the matrix itself, IIRC. So if the matrix blows, it bypasses it and allows the coolant to flow back to the engine, but the heater doesn't deposit clouds of steam into your car..
  23. Genuine VW rear and centre exhaust (they're all one piece, by the way) from the lovely GSF: £155 + VAT. Is your exhaust actually blowing? The boxes are dual-skinned so a hole doesn't necessarily mean anything.
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