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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    Passat handles

    Interesting, I'd like to know if you have any problems using the passat fronts, cos I've a feeling my passenger handle is on it's way, and I'd rather not buy a new Corrado one if a Passat one is going to be a) cheaper and b) last much longer.
  2. The high petrol tax (and therefore prices) also pretty much directly drives inflation. Given that everything we buy in this service-industry island has to be driven from point a (usually a port) to point b (your local kwik-e-mart), the price of that item is almost proportional to the cost of driving that truck/van/cavalier ... ;)
  3. dr_mat

    Squeeky suspension

    It would help if you could narrow it down... Does it squeak when the front end hits a bump, or is it the back? Does it squeak if you brake really hard suddenly? Is the noise coming during suspension compression or during suspension recovery..? Or it could be the thing that squeaks on all Corrados. The squeaker. Consider it a feature. ;)
  4. dr_mat

    Can I de-cat?

    I think it was August 1st '92 (i.e. K-reg) that was the cut-off date for catalyst fitment. Could be wrong, but I'm sure that's what I've heard before.
  5. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    Well I keep it don't I?!! Just being realistic. Many people misinterpret my realism for negativity. That's simply not the case.. I *like* driving my VR6. Much more than I used to like driving my Cavalier.. But you can't deny I've been pretty stung with this VR, and by comparison my Cavalier that I ran into the ground cost almost nothing in terms of repairs, and even less in terms of hassle.. I do think that Vauxhalls have their merits. Excitement is not one of them, but cost-effectiveness IS. VWs have their merits, but as far as I'm concerned reliability and cost-effectiveness are definitely NOT in that list! It would help if VW didn't so blatantly gouge when it comes to replacement part pricing, and they *are* much worse than your Fords and Vauxhalls for that, no question. "Corrado's are not the only fruit.." ;) But my VR is staying with me for some time to come. In fact I'm beginning to think of it as a keeper. Once I have a house with a garage, keep the VR on as a toy and get something else for the day-to-day grind. But it does get you down when you have to take it in for expensive repairs on average every two months, anyone would be the same. Most people would probably have bailed out long before now with this car.. :( Now... just gotta get the front brake disks replaced, and do the steering rack and it's sorted..... for this month, anyway!!
  6. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    ... or a deposit on an engine component for a Corrado VR6 ...
  7. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    Or two Golf mk2s? Come on, compare like with like!
  8. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    I've been offered one... Needed a few body panels... Anyway, comparing *more* similar with it, the Calibra V6 isn't going to be found for less than a couple of grand either. And they're also going to be liabilities for that money. Even though there's tons of them about by comparison.
  9. dr_mat

    cat question

    Theoretically MOT centres are supposed to perform the emissions test based on the year of manufacture of the ENGINE, not the car, but most don't. After all, who can prove that your engine was from another car anyway? Tho in practice many modern engines can pass even the current emissions tests without the aid of the catalyst anyway.
  10. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    You can buy a Corrado VR6 for the price of your timing chains job, kev. You just wouldn't want to... The same goes for that bargain Cav SRi... (I am glad I didn't buy a Calibra in the end tho, even though the C hasn't been "right" since a few months after I got it.)
  11. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    Yeah, kev, but given that I only had to replace about two vauxhall parts in 3 years, it works out VERY cheap compared to the VW where *everything* is overpriced, and LOTS needs doing... (Ask the G60 boys how much a distributor is from VW, meanwhile!) I'm not going to argue about the handling though. And the engine was course and unrefined (but still strong after 145k). I wouldn't go back to Vauxhall, but you can't fault them on durability, economy, ergonomics and comfort.
  12. http://www.powerbulbs.com/ do them aswell. Don't think they have any for the little side repeaters though.
  13. If it's a standard 2.8, you might see good gains from putting your 2.9 TB and manifold onto it, along with the 2.9's ECU.
  14. Also check the tracking. No, it's not normal!
  15. I think the 2.8 is quoted at 175bhp. That manifold and throttle and different cams mean it's not quite so "tuned" as the 2.9. The benefit of taking a 2.8 and boring it to a 2.9 is you get a rebored engine for not much cash, and you don't have to buy new pistons etc. Unless you can pick up a low mileage, good 2.8 (or even 2.9) that doesn't need any work, of course. But this is less likely.
  16. Yeah, it was "sports car following Matt's C" weekend. I had no less than an NSX, some ferrari, a few RX8s, and a tarted up Corsa following me at various point during the space of a 10 minute journey yesterday..
  17. dr_mat

    Anti roll bar

    £26.71?? the same item was £9 for my cavalier... VW to the rescue with exorbitant prices, as usual...
  18. Adjustable steering column was a £97 option on some models. Funny, cos a replacement adjustable steering column costs £537 + VAT!!
  19. No, my arse and my elbow are clearly distinguishable.
  20. I've been told it's a doddle, but I got it done in a garage, given my lack of suitable tools. Apparently you just gently jack up the gearbox, loosen three bolts, remove/replace the mount, then tighten three bolts and lower the gearbox back down.
  21. Could be.. but to be honest I can't hear my fuel pump priming either when I turn the ignition on. You can check the fuel pressure in the lines, however, so that's worth looking at. So - if VAG-COM doesn't report the CPS as faulty when you're turning the engine on the starter, you have two options: fuel and spark. If you've pulled an injector, put 12v on it and got fuel all over you, chances are the engine is getting fuel (can you smell the unburnt stuff when you try and turn it over?). As for spark, pull a spark plug, turn the engine over, see if it's getting a spark. I'm sure there's other people here can give you better details on doing this sort of stuff, as I'm just getting this from memory... My missus' Pug 206 was diagnosed as needing a new ECU a short while ago. We traced it to the immobiliser failing to unlock the ECU properly (i.e. nothing to do with the £650 ECU!!). Corrado's have the same issues with the OE immobiliser. If it's not been removed, it's worth trying a different key, and swapping the immobiliser aerial in the steering column.
  22. dr_mat

    smelly cat

    Was gonna say, if you push the boat out any further, it'll fall off the edge of the sea... "Here be dragons", or something, according to my map..
  23. As a general rule, if VAG-COM (or equivalent) can talk to the ECU, then the ECU is fine... And if VAG-COM says that it's not getting a sensible signal from the crank position sensor when you turn the engine over, then the CPS is at fault..
  24. Yep, that's the gearbox mount. (I think Mr Haywire is on the payroll at Vibratechnics these days...) My observation on swapping this mount is: it's a fairly low-stressed mount, only under tension when the car is on the overrun and in reverse, so I'm not convinced an uprated mount is really necessary. Also bear in mind that if you swap it for one that *isn't* a VW, oil filled mount, you *will* get increased cabin noise coming from the gearbox. No two ways about it, the originals are oil filled for a reason. I think a brand new VW mount is about £40, GSF do an OE one in solid rubber for about £25, VT mounts start at a little bit more than those two put together, IIRC.. YMMV.
  25. Damn, wish I'd done that now... Ah well..
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