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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. I quite like the idea of the low-pressure turbos, actually. Just enough to keep the cylinder fill to a high efficiency, but not enough to push enormous power numbers.. You don't really need those power numbers anywhere other than on the race track. 200bhp is enough for anyone on the road.. (Just like 64k of memory is enough for anyone! :lol:
  2. High revs differences are hard to spot, it feels pretty much the same as before. But that's hard to tell, cos it's now so strong lower down it's actually not as worth going above 4k (other than to avoid having to change gear). The torque curve on my dyno plot says there's 3-4lbft more above 4k than "stock", but I don't have a "before" plot, so that could be misleading. I find it weird that the chargers aren't doing anything till 3.5k tho, I thought the point of a supercharger was power at low revs, since it doesn't need exhaust pressure to spin up..
  3. Of course, yours will be different - due to your supercharger... But those of us that are naturally aspirated it's the best thing you can do to the car!
  4. Was it worth it? Yeah I think so. Given that I'm thinking of the cost as more a rental-with-large-deposit, on the basis that come 2nd hand sale time, it'll likely be worth not far from the price it actually cost us. (It goes in a different part of the "corrado costs spreadsheet"..) Assuming there's not too many other group buys, of course... ;) Wait till you drive it. The car will accelerate harder between 3000 and 4000 revs than it does between 4000 and 6000... It'll feel MUCH more responsive at lower revs. It'll basically make the car feel lighter and nippier. I think I said I went for 6th gear on the motorway the other night. It was in 5th, but the throttle response was so strong that I was convinced I must be in 4th..!! You know when you pull out onto a roundabout in 1st, and think, right, gotta get a shift on, but the revs bog down and you're gently wafting through the lower revs and you start crapping yourself looking at the cars coming towards you.. waiting for that magic 3500 build in torque. No more. It's not going to win any sprint awards at 1000 rpm, but it'll pick up MUCH more from about 2000rpm onwards. Torque curve suggests at least an extra 20lbft right the way from tickover to 2500, then the big 40 lbft kick in the back from there to 4000, at which point it drops off a little and is back down to "normal" VR6 pull.. Which means it's time to change up a gear! You're sending yours back? You mean because of the logo?
  5. By the way folks, I was wondering if some kind soul who receives the full package from Schrick can p/copy or scan the original fitting instructions. Just in case I need to un-fit it at some point. (Stealth binned mine.) I mean, I can probably work it out, but it would be useful if I had a proper reference guide. Ta muchly. :)
  6. I know, mine was fitted before everyone got theirs in the post... ;)
  7. And the way you drive... ;)
  8. Like Kev says, this will almost certainly be just a case of a little overflow. I remember recently a guy spilt some petrol down his jacket at lunchtime while filling up his car. He came back to the office wearing said jacket, and the WHOLE building got evacuated as a result- EVERYONE could smell petrol. It's a very strong smell, I'm sure it'll only be a tiny spill has caused it.
  9. Weird. Taking a reliable car and putting all those flaky Corrado bits in! Must be mad! ;) Bet it's a bit rapid tho, should be good fun. of course, the power *does* go through the wrong wheels..
  10. Have you looked under the boot carpet and the fuel pump fittings? Any signs of petrol there? The tank is specific to the C VR6, AFAIK. Or at least it's specific to all the Cs with the space-saver spare and the 15 gallon tank.
  11. There are torque losses through the drivetrain as well as power. The power (force) measured at the wheels is translated back to the torque-at-flywheel figure, which is the headline grabber. The power graph is then simply calculated from the torque curve and the engine revs.
  12. Anyone have any info as to how reliable wheel dynos are? It strikes me that the correction for transmission loss is much greater than the actual variances that are reported between different engine mods. When you're losing 48bhp to transmission loss, how can you realistically claim that you've gained 8bhp by doing xyz? That said, it's a good way to annoy your mates down the pub .. "I got 201.1 bhp and 192.7 lbft so nerr". Of course, the one thing you can rely on is the actual *shape* of the torque curve.
  13. Matt, Vince reads these forums. How can you not enjouy a thrash down the Banbury road? It's a fantastic stretch of tarmac :lol: I know - I also know they made a genuine mistake, I'm not overly annoyed about that.. I don't fancy having to use another 1/2 tank of fuel but I will make arrangements to get the job done on my way somewhere else, and Vince has said he's happy to fit them FOC, which is quite fair on his part. And Banbury road? Yeah, not bad. Except when the car in front is an Artic.
  14. a mix up? Tell me about it, Stealth managed to refit my old top mounts this week, leaving the nice new ones on the floor in the back of the car. Still, I do enjoy an excuse to drive 170 miles... NOT!
  15. Yup, "twice as quick" as the C VR6, if you think of it that way. Of course it's a lot more than twice the performance, but you know what I mean... :)
  16. For those that didn't spot this linked off slashdot: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/bugatti1.htm Interesting vehicle... 1000 bhp 16 cylinders. 4 turbos (18 psi boost) 64 valves electronically controlled variable valve timing ONE crankshaft 7 gears (electronic dual-clutch shift system) 1.94 metric tonnes mass 1.3 gallons of fuel a MINUTE 4 wheel drive (of course) 245 width, 19 inch tyres on the front, 365 width, 20 inch tyres on the rear. Yes, FOURTEEN INCHES WIDE!!
  17. Jeez! Well, I'll have the aux belt tensioner... (Sorry, couldn't resist.. ;) )
  18. Am I the first to hear my Schrick in action then? :)
  19. Oh yeah - Inters, where and when? Ta! :)
  20. It feels like a bigger engine, kev. It just feels more responsive. I mean, let's face it, we're talking about 30% improvement in torque. With the VR gearing it allows you to thrash between 3k and 4k rpm changing up much earlier than normal, and still look down finding yourself going insanely fast, where previously you'd have no choice but to hold it in gear to 5500 rpm and use the power band. When pulling away, you can plant the throttle and it no longer feels lethargic. When trundling along the motorway at 70 behind someone, no need to change down to get a kick, just squeeze the throttle. BUT you're not going to be finding that you're blowing the doors off ferraris.. Merc Kompressors though are easy meat.. ;)
  21. The verdict: Right. power: 201.1 bhp @ 5900 torque: 192.7 @ 3713 ... Exactly how I expected it. Around 30-40 lbft more between 2500 and 4000 rpm. Feels a lot more responsive and lively. :D The timing chains are lovely, the suspension is marvelous, and it doesn't half shift... Now I just need a steering rack and the project is *complete*! :) Oh, and Vince forgot to fit the top mounts I supplied, I found them in the back of the car.. (doh!) :)
  22. well, depends where the 190lbft is, doesn't it, Jedi.. stock car is 181 lbft at mid 5000 revs, but only 150 lbft at 3000 revs if mine is now pushing 190lbft at 3000 revs that's 40lbft increase for my thousand notes..
  23. Yeah, agreed about the chip. But it's slightly below "steering rack" on the list right now... As long as the car is torquey and driveable, and not pinking itself to death I'll be well happy.
  24. Dunno yet, man. He couldn't remember for sure, I'll let you know later on! :) He said "about 190 lbft", but he wasn't sure.. He also didn't mention the width of the torque...
  25. Much better... :) BTW Vince says my VR is producing a mere 202bhp now.. :D
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