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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Yes the ciggie lighter is active when the ignition is off. Or at least, you can charge the car through it when the ignition is off, but I don't think you can draw much current from the socket unless the engine is running.
  2. dr_mat


    You would be wanting the stickied "insurance contacts" thread then ....
  3. Check the hose behind the cylinder head, underneath the cable tidies. It's usually the first one to go on you. It's also usually triggered by a sloppy engine mount - usually the gearbox one.
  4. You are right, of course. I have removed my posts because I didn't really see any point to them any longer, and people seem to be taking them the wrong way. Feel free to split the thread or delete the blank posts in this thread as you see fit, Jim (or whoever). I don't come here to start an argument, just to put the other view across and try to be even-handed about things.
  5. Bentley manual should have plenty of measuring points you must use to decide if the chassis is straight or not. Personally I wouldn't use any random CF member's car as an example - go to the book.
  6. He was a guy you had respect for as a driver, that's all! Of course it's terrible that he died before his time, but anyone who hadn't actually met him has no real need to be shocked and appalled. Chill out guys. People die in their thousands every day and no-one bats an eyelid. Then one person who has the media's gaze does so and the whole country mourns for ten years. What's wrong with this picture? If someone had started a thread about the chief of north yorkshire police dying (rumours of whose death are overstated ;) ) and someone had posted "who cares?" there wouldn't have been any fuss. Personally, I never met Mr McRae, so I don't really have an opinion. Of course it's sad for his family, but that's true for all the other people who died but don't have threads devoted to them on the CF aswell.
  7. 1bhp is around ~700 watts, so yes, gaining 13,000 W from a 12 W input would be monumental indeed! In fact, you'd have to say that this thing couldn't possibly even keep up with the air flow rate of a big engine on full reheat, so it might actually *reduce* your power output .. That said, it might help stabilise idle ...
  8. timesonline website is too busy to actually serve pages right now .. can tell they're not the bbc.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scot ... 997134.stm
  9. You can at least go round and check the resistance of the four wheel sensors to see if any are noticeably different. But yes, if you have access to it, the quickest way to figure out the problem is to scan the ECU.
  10. Completely related. They're both cars I would like to try out .. !
  11. Time for a VAG-COM session I think. Does it smell like it's running rich when you start it warm and it idles high? What's the MPG like? Obvious culprit would be one of the engine temp sensors ..
  12. Anyone ever driven a Lotus Carlton? There's one on autotrader for £39k .. (7900 miles old!) Always fancied one of those .. 419 lbft through the correct wheels .. Have to say, that bodykit looks a little dated now, but hell, when it goes like that, who gives a crap?
  13. I've had people drive into my car on my street and leave no details on three separate occasions, I'm no stranger to the annoyance and cost involved. Apparently because the car is black it's invisible.. :roll: And I wasn't accusing you of being *worse* than the original offender, of course, just *easier* to find and disprove, and as you say perjury is a far greater offence in the eyes of the law than failing to report an accident.
  14. An interesting attitude to perjury. Your lies in this particular case would be rather easier to disprove than the idiot in question who drove into a car then didn't leave their details..! Clearly you're not serious. In the meantime, if the original poster does find CCTV footage that shows the car in question arriving/leaving around the right times, then you are easily on the way to getting the police interested because of circumstantial evidence, or maybe if the silver people carrier comes back in a day or two with a matching dent ..
  15. Yes! My mate was paying £129/yr fully comp! Bloomin eck thats cheap, whos that with?? Direct line I think. But it was for a 15 year old 950cc Fiesta Popular, garaged, in a low risk area, with full no claims bonus. ;)
  16. Yes! My mate was paying £129/yr fully comp!
  17. dr_mat

    Starter button

    Do freelanders still come with integral green wellies?
  18. dr_mat

    Starter button

    Like all starter buttons? The modern disease: gotta have a servo motor for everything. Hell even the control flaps for the cabin air are run off servos now.
  19. dr_mat


    I doubt it. I don't think G60 prices are actually *higher* than VR6 prices, it's just that there's a lot of middling-condition VRs around pushing prices down, whilst the only G60s still worth buying are in *excellent* condition, so clearly they hold their price - but it's purely based on the condition, and nothing really to do with which engine it has. VR6s in similar condition are still fetching good money if you have patience. And would someone *please* remove the errant apostrophe from the thread title? I keep wondering "who is this storm person, and what is it of his that we are talking about?"..
  20. No, the logic is good, but I honestly don't know if it helps. I mean look at the BTCC guys, they run massive camber and there's almost no suspension movement, so it must be good. I think the car still leans, it just lifts the inside wheel more than compressing the outside one ..
  21. Sounds like idle speculation to me .. FWD cars have a diff too, and I never heard anyone blaming a dead diff on mismatched tyres across the axle there .. Not that it's a smart idea to have badly mismatched tyres on the same car, let alone the same axle of course .. :)
  22. I had a car battery nicked once. No way you'd catch me forking out £218 for one!
  23. A turbo impeller has no gearing attached, it's just a couple of vanes on a spindle in a high quality lightweight bearing. A supercharger has a whole bunch of cogs and gears, which have physical mass, which have significant inertia of their own. Plus obviously a supercharger has more bearings, and *heavier* bearings because unlike turbos it has to sustain lateral forces (caused by the cogs meshing). There's not really any magic way to reduce 4wd transmission losses other than using quality bearings and the lightest propshafts you can get away with (bearing in mind your torque transmission requirements of course). Of course, the way trains do all-wheel drive is MUCH more efficient. Use the engine to run a generator, stick an electric traction motor on each wheel, and transmit the energy to them via high quality electrical cables. Very low mechanical losses, you just have to fight electrical losses instead (easier to control just by adding more or thicker cables).
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