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Everything posted by emu

  1. Offers please as I'm going to buy a labrador puppy and don't wont them to be eaten.
  2. mjcp - thanks a lot for very long answer, you told me everything what I like to know.
  3. insurance is a must, hope it will be a very smart dog and won't eat anything except food and girlfriend's shoes as has them to much :D
  4. Thanks, most what I like to know are the meals as I heard many things about labs and food. Will see a vet and ask him anyway but I've heard if you feed them wrong they could have problems with growing up etc. I'm aware as well about damage they can make, wouldn't like any of my furniture to be eaten. Puppy will even have his own room. We were thinking about the metal cage for the time when nobody is at home but decided to clean my cupboard and make him a room. Big enough for grown dog, so puppy should feel there quiet well. He will be kept there only when nobody is at home.
  5. Me and my girl are planing to buy a labrador puppy. Any of you had one from small. How to feed them, how to train etc ?? She had a dog before but it will be my first one. We both read few things about them but maybe someone of you can give some tips ??
  6. do you want a black one ??
  7. Sensible offers accepted http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160603847045
  8. How some of you are aware I've recently done some leather reconditioning. For sale fully reconditioned Beige late leather, full set. It's not the one from my car, it's another set. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160603802649 Ebay price 999.99 but I'm looking for reasonable offers
  9. another in Scotland, nice one :)
  10. cool, will give you a picture on Friday to make sure we both talk about same think.
  11. nice skills with the leather, how did you learn it, was trying myself in the past with ugly results :(
  12. don't really know what you mean saying both pieces as it's one part. whole inside part, the frame with moving up and down trim
  13. Price range is very different, you can go cheap and end up with 2k set up which break asap or go for a proper kit but there prices are starting from 5k+. If you like to go up to 350 bhp, standard engine will be very reliable, might need con rods change, bu if you like to go 450+ bhp you need fully forged engine what will cost you circa 2,5k for parts only. Don't forget about brakes and proper suspension to put all the power on the road, another 2k. I'm collecting a proper parts for over a year to build my VRT and already have 10k+ bill for all the parts not including a car purchase. You can fit a charger for less than 2k and enjoy. You can fit 2k turbo kit and wait till it brake or you can spend a lot for a proper turbo kit and have a filling that you did something right. Your choice.
  14. have one from late car, some rust on it but could be useful, can do some pictures, you can have it for free if it helps.
  15. So far did it in 4 posts but parts is like few hundreds more :) will manage somehow
  16. happy day, shame I have to go to work
  17. I'm keeping clocks as a spare, will pm you payment details
  18. Been updating my for sale thread but can upload only 20 pictures in one post, not enough if you have hundreds items for sale. Cain it be changed ?? please
  19. 20 for 3 carpets and washer bottle + postage, have to figure out how much it will be but should be around 15-20 quid for a parcel, power steering bottle not available
  20. I do have all boot carpets, they are grey, dirty but no damage to them, they can be sold cheap as they are or for a bit more if you like me to clean them
  21. very nice in one of best possible color
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