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Everything posted by Jimbob1970

  1. My 1.8 16 valve is group 16 according to direct line.
  2. My Yamaha R1.... bye bye Ferrari! (in a straight line anyway.... without bends and on-coming Volvos.... lol)
  3. Jimbob1970


    Hey Bally, My 1991 H plate 1.8 16v also has a bulge bonnet! Multi-slat grill though.... more than 3.
  4. Hi Bally, I just sent you a PM. It's a big Oval shaped jobby. Pretty loud, and pretty mean sounding - but not much fun on a 4 hour + motorway journey, which I do quite a lot. So, it had to go!
  5. I have just taken a full Powerflow system off my 1991 1.8 16 valve. I will be selling it on the Forum once I take pictures of it, and write the ad.... I had a Supersprint full system fitted last week.
  6. I have just bought a black 16 valve, and that had a full Poweflow exhaust system on it. Way too loud for me. Drove me mental on the motorway after 4 hours! I had it taken off today at Stealth, and had a Supersprint full system fitted. I will try and sell the Powerflow system on the Forum, I reckon somebody may want it...
  7. Doh! MPT1340 eh?!.... As I said in an earlier post, I am pretty clueless! Thanks Bruno. I'll get me coat.....
  8. Mike 16v - my keyfob says it's a Quantum MPT1340. Is that the same as yours?
  9. Dazzyvr6 - I haven't tried starting the car with the alarm going... it's too damn noisy! Mike 16v - cheers for that info. I will get on that website and have a shufty. Thanks for the help guys.
  10. Thanks Banana Man. I can start the car up no problem with the alarm switched off permanently. So, looks like I have no immobiliser then.... ****! The car is not insured yet - it is off the road at the moment in a garage. Looks like I may have fun trying to find insurance cover without an immobiliser fitted. Cheers, Jimbob
  11. Thanks Dazzyvr6. I have found the place to turn it off with the little key, under the bonnet. I can then open the door with the main key and start-up the car without a problem. Does this mean that there is no immobiliser or, am I turning off the immobiliser with the 'little' key as well as the alarm? I have no manual for the security stuff with the car, so I am a bit clueless! Cheers, Jimbob :?
  12. I have just bought a 1.8 16v. It has a Quantum alarm fitted. Seems to work fine. Has a bleeper on the key ring. It locks the doors, closes the windows etc. The bonnet is alarmed as well. I am pleased that it all still works. Anybody ever heard of Quantum? Will there be an imobiliser as well? How can I test whether there is, without setting the alarm off - and anoying the neighbours again! I have been looking for insurance quotes and Quantum does not appear in any of the approved immobiliser lists on any of the insurance web sites. Anybody know anything about it? The car is "the dog's" by the way - mint, black, shiny and raring to go! Jimbob
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