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About shamstar

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  1. Take the bulb out for the MOT....then get it fixed....have you tried another ABS ecu.....they have a dendancy to die when the car has been stood for a while....
  2. Just peel the rubbery bits off....it looks respectible after this...
  3. does it look like it has goosebumps??? It could be the clear wasent shaken properly prior to painting....or it could be moisture trapped in any of the coats.... First remedy would be 2000 grit flat and polish.....if that dont work, try to flat it then reclear it....
  4. While you are there get a bigger bore...
  5. Nothing wrong with standard.....thets what G-werks and jabba use to replace them anyway....
  6. Just use a torx headed socket bigger than the allen one you have, put and extension on it and smack it in with a hammer a few times till it fits....the hammer will loosen any corrosion holding it in there too. Works every time....
  7. A solid front mount works great with your other mounts in good condition....if the other mounts are cack it will put extra stress on the front solid mount.....
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