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Everything posted by Swompy

  1. Ok thanks for that David :D
  2. I'm not realy too worryed I do do about 300 miles at most in a week. But the car is my baby so dont want anything going wrong :grin:
  3. Braought so oil additive earlywe. Supposes to recondition the seals to stop oil burning, will see if it helps. Got the misses to rev the engine a bit whilst I look at the exhuast earlyer, nothing wrong at all, no smoke, dodgy smell or aything O well will wait and see
  4. Swompy

    Airbox Help

    I dont know much about G60 but the air box on my valver sits right behind the headlight and has a tube (AKA snorkel) touching the back of it. I belive that all rados get the air for the engine from behind the headlight But the pic looks about right
  5. Thanks for that will have a look into it. How much is yours costing if you dont mind me asking?
  6. Quantum synta was put in it when I had it survised by DG about a month ago, but been using castrol magnatec to top it up. Was loosing oil befor I went to DG too but seams to be slightly more recently The oil on the dip stick is clear like new oil but with the usal black oil with it ( if that makes sense)
  7. I havent but a friend who was behind me once said there was a little bit of smoke when I pulled off ( not hard ) just after starting the car
  8. Every week I have to keep topping up the oil. I would top it up to just below the max line then a week later it will just be on the minimum mark. Cant work out were it is going, no visibal oil leeks of any kind :confused4: Cant seam to work it out ay suggestions?
  9. Ya was just wanting to get every ones opinion :D Will give thos people a ring on monday that you mentioned
  10. Does this look like a good deal http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Golf-MK2-Gti-16v-KR-50mm-Inlet-manifold-Refurbishing_W0QQitemZ180340882351QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item29fd277baf&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  11. I think i am safe because I only saw one flash and to look at the camera I was looking through the drivers side window
  12. what type of camera? a gatso (with the white markings on the road) or and induction loop triggered truvelo? The one with the white lines on the road. I think I'm safe as I was preaty much right next to it and only saw one flash as I was keeping an eye on it
  13. I need some speed camera advice now!!!! Was driving home and past a speed camera pointing the other way, I was just getting ready to over take a lorry on a small section of dual carrage way just up a head and was slightly over the speed limit. I saw the flash on the camera go off ( no car going the other way) and I was almost next to it. So what my thinking is that I could only see a small section of the front of the camera ( enough to see the flash and a bit of the window) so im gessing the front number plate was out of shot. :confused4:
  14. Swompy

    air box snorkel

    I dont think it makes a difference. My airbox is drilled to **** and the snorkel is removed and tbh the car performs the same, just sounds alot more crazy. Nice colour u got btw. :lol: Ahh right ok was just wondering thats all. Thanks Abdul, same to you to :grin:
  15. Swompy

    air box snorkel

    Im planning on removing my snorkel or the helmholtz resonator if you prefer :dorky: and was just wondering weither removing it will cause the engine to suck in warm air from the engine bay? Also were is the best place to get a cold air feed from, in a valver? Sorry for the high jack :D
  16. Whilst driving along with the windows open I drove past a groupe of kids ( maybe 13/14 years old) and I just hurd one of them syaing "Now thats a cool car" Made me smile :grin:
  17. Im afaid the only way you will find it is to wait and see. I came into a 40mph zone doing just over 50 came round a corner and there was a camera van pointing straight at me. Slowed down preaty quick along with many expletives. Nothing ever came through the post and that was over 2 years ago now, the person operating it must have been picking his nose or something
  18. I think ( dont take my word for it) they need to keep the camera focused on you for a certain time to determan your speed. After all: Distance ________ = average Speed Time Also they got to factor in errors in the cars speed dial so they usal alow a bit over, usal something like 10% of the speed limit plus 2mph
  19. Looking good, Love the look of the vents on the bonet :D
  20. That is in the pipe line, cant work out were to get a cold air keep from tho :scratch: I was just wondering if it was a good idea realy, random brain fart :lol:
  21. I thought about removing it but couldnt work out how to and I think if i put some holes in it i wouldnt have to worry about biggish stones flying through into the engine bay
  22. Just wondering if there is any reason why I couldnt drill a few holes in this to get some cold air into the engine bay It the little plastic flap that extends from the side of the rad behind the grill.
  23. A quick update on the brakes Finished off painting the carriers, and done one coat on the calipers. just need a few little touch ups on the carriers and a final coat on the calipers then they are ready to be fitted. Final finish And the calipers after first coat
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