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Everything posted by britpop95

  1. Got my pass yesterday kip ! Im a postman so got it straight away it came into the sorting office :) Good job on the laminating
  2. Nah i will be honest with you. There nippy round town but they soon run outa legs on the motorway. The K&N and exhaust dont give much power increase really to be honest they wernt built for mega power the 8v but all round a good realible engine. Im sure you will love it theres a neuspeed chip and piper high lift cam you can buy but apperntly even though the cam adds 10bhp witch i doubt it makes the car quite rough round town always wanting to rev and stuff. When you get it i would just check it over make sure all is fine. Ive had mine about 8 month now so any questions about the 8v giv us a shout mate.
  3. Hiya mate good to here your getting your first rado. I remember being very very exited on the moterway going to pick mine up! I got my exhuast dont at a local garage who do performance aswell as M.O.Ts and the usual stuff called Rye motors. Ive got the exhaust and a K&N 57i kit. (you will have to buy one for a mk3 golf gti 8v as no one seems to make one for the rado 8v. also check your maff or you could end up buying thr wrong kit mine is a late 96 8v and has the hitachi mass. But if the engine has been looked after you will be surprised at how much low end grunt the have standard , quite nippy round town :)
  4. britpop95

    Direct Line

    Theres no getting away from it insurance are just trying to price performance/enthusiats cars off the road now also the petrol prices dont help at all. Winds me right up bassicly just trying to kill a huge following/hobby that we have.
  5. 2.0 8v Powerflow Catback stainless system £165 fitted brand new Got exactly what i asked for really not chavvy at all round town just a nice deep note. Then when you tank it opens up and gives a lovely old skool low growl.
  6. britpop95

    Direct Line

    Wow summz that is cheap i currently pay 1400 a year for my 8v . 21 2ncb been driving 4 years. Where abouts are you ? just wondering if my area code bumps my premuim up a bit but wouldnt of though so really in wigan doesnt seem to bad round ere (touch wood)
  7. I have a pair of early foglights in mint condition that came with my 8v they dont fit mine and i need a pair of late style ones to get through M.O.T. Ive been told my early style ones are worth a decent amount but i am up for a straight swap if anyone has a pair of late stlye ones in good condtion. Im Going to harewood on sunday could swap there ?
  8. Excellent work there matey ! I love my 8v its never missed a beat (touch wood) That is a stunning colour you got there nice to see another 8v getting some tlc.
  9. 4 stud mate sorry. ive just lost a center cap on my original westwoods so would of had these
  10. Whats the stood pattern on these ? could be intrested for my 8v
  11. Hello everyone i have a early pair of foglights here in mint condition that came with my corrado when i bought it. Mine is a 96 corrado and i need the newer stlye with the other fitting on the back. would anyone be intrested in a swap for sone good condition newer style ones. I can put pictures on if needed thanks. (I am going to the leeds vw show if you would like to swap there)
  12. Kip i am still free for this mate defiantly mate would love to be on the stand with you guys.
  13. Well thanks for all your comments guys. I shall let you know what happens , i know what your saying about the required skills and stuff. The tools and equipment is no issue, and ive got some good mates with good vag expierience. Ive actually got a mate who's a head mechanic at vw corkills wigan. He knows his stuff. Im still pondering on what to do really. The 8v thats in runs perfect and pulls quite well for an 8v, its never missed a beat starts first time everytime. its on 131000 miles with a good service history and before me had the same owner for the last 9 years. So in one respect i think its a shame to pull apart possibly one of few remaining 8v's epscially when mine is in good nick (not being big headed there haha)
  14. so id need the wiring loom? would i need the vr6 driveshafts aswell? what about the ecu's and things like that, cheers pal
  15. Hello everyone ive recently come across a well priced 2.9 vr6 engine in going running order. I currently own a corrado 8v and was wondering how simple the conversion is? The reason im asking is because i know it would probably be easier to go and buy a corrado vr6. but my corrados body work is in great shape as is the interior and its in my one of my favourite colours (moonlight blue) Ive got a good selection of tools and equipment to use. So anyone any ideas???
  16. lol Im a postman i dont use the stupid trolly and always take care when going past peoples cars. epscially the vags :)
  17. Yep very true about being cheaper to park on the road rather than in the garage or on the drive. I asked a insurer about this and there logic was (quite stupid in my opinion) If the car is parked on the road and someone hits/steals it theres a higher chance the neigbours will see the culprit. The insurer then said that thiefs who break into your garage are taking a massive risk with causing lots of noise therefor if they are willing to break into your garage to take the car they are going to be quite confident they can take the car without alerting everyone.
  18. Ive got mine! Kip im still good for a reserve mate. Just had my powerflow exhaust fitted sounds lovely.
  19. Hello everyone ive always been pleased with the paint on my corrado , i did a detailing course with tony spears of autoshine last year so the paint is in pretty good condition. But ive always hated the way my engine bay looked. 15 years of grime dirt and oil. So this week ive been giving it a good clean and so far its going pretty well. Plenty of degreaser , TFR , plastic shine , wire wool and a steel brush are doing a good. Shined up the throttle body , alternater and started on the block also painted the rocker cover as it was in a right mess.
  20. My 8v is on a N reg . Its moonlight blue with standard "westwood" 15 inch wheels all in good condition covered 130000 miles. Im lucky i have some intresting service history with mine and its been very well looked after indeed by its previous owner who had it for 9 years. ive had it about 4 months now and apart from i split vacume pipe its never missed a beat. Its my first corrado ive never drove a vr6 or 16v but i can report the 8v copes very well in the corrado plenty of bettom end torque gets around town very nicely. it soon runs outa legs on the moterway though.
  21. I can only presume the Corrado - "114 (not sure which one this relates to?" ) could mean 8v Corrados. so i have 1 of the 114 remaining ones :) As the 8v corrados only had a vw and a corrado badge on the back. unlike others wich had vr6 , 16v etc. So i would presume they would be defined as just a vw corrado.
  22. Ok so ive just been watching classic car club on discovery shed and they was showing a Replica A/C Cobra and how you can buy one from £14000. So i started to think do you think the corrado will ever get high enough on the legendery car list that a company in say 20 years time will start to produce replica corrados. I know this might seem like a strange or sad question (but hopefully not ) i love the corrado i think its a awsome car that has a real character. So one day when there really arent that many left do you think you could purchase a replica. I know this is a strange question but i really had to ask haha
  23. Somewhere in stockport around 19:30 only clocked it on the last second might of been green possibly black. was lost so cant really say exactly where in stockport i was haha anyway got a flash and a wave.
  24. I first saw a corrado in the flesh at leeds vw festival. and always loving old school cars i just had to have one. absolutley love mine. Love it when people say "dont see many of them nowdays" i dno to me newer cars just dont have the character or the soul. But maybe in 20 years time who knows the vw's of today might start to grow a character like old vw's do now. And i dont know if people agree but what a name! CORRADO rolls of the tongue perfectly haha.
  25. Gutted would have had them , but your a little to far away from me pal.
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