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Posts posted by goozie

  1. the best idea there is the vacum filter if it is a sponge one that is! the other ideas are good but they will most probably have an increased pascal rating which will reduce the air flow? (sorry i forgot to mention i'm an air filtration engineer)

    I my self use a piece of filter media that we use as a pre filter! it stops the larger debris without reduceing the air flow but from using it on the car i have noticed that it also pulling other particals from the air like exhaust fumes :)

    the first picture is the media i couldn't find any clean to hand :( it is cut to just a little bigger than the plastic mess on which it covers,

    the second is it in place, and you can probably see the colour is has gone since putting it in place!

  2. I have been having the same problem as you pedro, and have done for a while, i did try putting another blue top temp sensor in which i got second hand and that did seem to cure it for a while, but the problem came back!! so this week i am going to purchase a brand new one and go from there, i will keep you posted with the out come.

  3. had another comment tonight, was sitting in my C at a local mcdonalds tucking in to a big mac as this kid walked past and said i love corrado's and that one looks mint, the kid could have only just been old enough to wipe his own butt let alone know what a corrdo is? but it did make me feel good :-)

    So of course i had to give the beans when i pulled out of the car park and the look on his face was a picture i think he might of even wet him self!!!!

  4. i recently brought the 3 switches (blue, yellow, brown) that sit in a row, but on changing the them this weekend i found that i don't have a 4 pole brown switch!! i have a black 2 pole instead, could someone please tell what this switch is for so i can order one, i would put a pic up but as i'm working away in oxford this week a can not take a pic of the switch on the car!!!

  5. @ Critical, for a laugh i might just try it next time, first i will see what they would off then say some ridiculous price just because i don't want to sell and to see the shock on there face :)

  6. Was parked up waiting to meet a young lady the other night, when 3 lads walked past the C all having a good look, i thought nothing of it as they dissapeared when out of know where one of the lads was standing at my window, so politly i lowered the window to the comment of nice car mate to which i kindly replied "thanks" and with his next breath he said is it for sale!! which my reply was not a chance to which he replied ok and then wandered off,

    But i think the biggest mark of repect for the C's was the other month when i was having my car washed at a local hand carwash, there was a lovely R8 parked infront of me, as i my car was being washed and his being dryed he turned to me and said nice looking corrado, is it the storm edition? to which i replied yes and then the conversation really got going, but i won't bore you with all that lol but his parting comment was bet you enjoy your car as much as i do mine! to which i replied i do and probably more as they are not as common with a big smile.

  7. I had to do one of the courses last year got caught doing 52 in a 40,

    i did the course which was held at a local golf course! wasn't sure what to expect? turned out to be quite a laugh and a varied age group!! the people who did the course didn't treat you like a crim or anything like that, they just highlighted some facts that i should of remembered and taught me some that i reckon are part of the newer driving test!! has certainly made me more aware of my speed specially in built up areas,

    but i suppose the best thing about the course is no points and you don't have to tell your insurance company that you got caught either :) the only down side is you can't do another course for 3 years after so would mean points if you got caught again :(

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