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corrado wannabe

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corrado wannabe last won the day on November 25 2024

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13 Good

About corrado wannabe

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  • Birthday 07/31/1972


  • Location
    In a land far far away


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  1. Thanks guys, much appreciated. I have the Bentley manual and I also have a Haynes manual for the Passat which covers the 9A engine. If I could figure out how to navigate the version of ETKA I have, the exploded diagrams may have been of some use. Interesting that the diagram above says the sensor body on the 4 cylinders is black and has 4 terminals, when the sensor I have purchased is blue and only has 2 terminals. Going to keep digging , but thanks for the information so far. Dougie
  2. Apologies again for.cluttering up this thread, but I can't seem to post a new topic in engine. I'm looking for a sense check from someone as it's been driving me mad. Blue temp sensor. Firstly, am I correct in saying that my 2.0 16v 9a engine has a k-motronic fuel injection system.? Secondly, is the blue temp sensor located on the rear of the cylinder head and will require the inlet manifold to be removed to replace it? Thirdly, can anyone confirm that it is the blue temp sensor that sends the signal to the ecu for adjusting the mixture, and not the temp sensor on the side of the block (which on my car appears to be a white two pin connector with brown and white and lilac and white wires) Any help would be appreciated. Dougie
  3. Can't seem to start a new thread, so will just reply here. Not often the fleet is all together, but took the corrado out for it's last run before SORN for winter. Managed to fit a new water pump and radiator, then noticed the wires had broken on the O2 sensor again, so fixed that as it was running rough. Thought I had cracked it as the mpg was heading back out the teens into the mid twenties, but just as I pulled into the drive it started popping and banging so will need to fault finding again. The joys of classic car ownership!
  4. Just to update on my banjo bolt situation.... After a short hospital stay I finally got a chance to look into getting the old girl sorted and to my surprise when I looked at the smaller of the two banjo bolts, the one I took off the car didnt have the small filter in it, so I presume at some point its been changed and not with an OEM bolt. Given the car ran fine, just going to run on that basis, so ordered a couple of HEL performance stainless steel ones and also ordered a couple of the large bolts from the LLL website, so thanks for those Matt it was very useful. No excuses for me now! Dougie
  5. Very nice Stu! Really like the white ancilliaries under the bonnet, nice touch on a white car. Dougie
  6. Good info Matt thank you. Will look up the alternate part no for the large banjo bolt as Heritage said it was NLA. Like you say, s.all one with filter may be more difficult to source and I ordered it from Heritage but received an email saying despite having it, they couldn't supply it due to the embargo . That LLL site is interesting and I wasn't aware of it so thanks for that. Dougie
  7. Glad I could be of some use ger 😉 Thanks for the lead Dox Matt, its the two Banjo Bolts either side of the Fuel Filter, but if I was really stuck I can just get away with the smaller of the two on the outlet side. I have all the crush washers,, and VW classic have the samll bolt but cant sell it as it might contain Russian steel! I saw HEL performance bolts but started doubting myself that they were the correct dimensions. Small banjo is part no: 048 133 505 and large is N 903 580 03 I managed to fire up an old laptop and reinstall ETKA, so if anyone is looking for part numbers I might be of some use in the future. Dougie
  8. Thanks James, I'm full of good intentions, but I reckon my tinkering time will consist of sitting in the garage looking at it rather than doing anything! I think the.updates will be sporadic at best, as it doesnt really want for much I have a new radiator and water pump to fit, but being unable to start it because of the banjo bolt means I can't circulate the coolant flush, but I will get there eventually. Dougie
  9. Well hello everyone, I hope you are all well? How time flies, it has been seven years since I last posted on this great forum. Still have my 16V in Aqua blue and just put it back on the road at the start of the summer after many many years. Im not to be confused with the OG Corradowannabe, who was long standing member way before me, but the space in the username often got used confused! Since getting the old girl back on the road I have noticed a real drop in parts availability (even for the Valver) and she is currently off the road at the moment because VW cannot supply me with a fuel filter banjo bolt as it might contain Russian steel. So if there wasn't enough reasons to hate Vladimir Putin, one more is he's keeping a Corrado off the road! Will hopefully post a bit more on here again as life has finally got to a point where there is car tinkering time and a decent garage to work in (pics attached)! Dougie
  10. Mic, Your last post is the key for me. Like most people, I have a lot of mates that have trades, most have their own business and while they appear to be doing well, I cant help notice the physical toll it is now taking on them. (All in our mid forties now.) Most now have guys working for them and dip in and out. If it is a full on trade rather than a handyman, then that as your dad said, is a tough game as you get older. If it is working for yourself that is the main drive, why not use your accountancy to set something up, either in an advice service capacity or doing stuff for local business etc. That way you can work from home, and at your leisure, as and when funds require. I am sure whatever you do, as long as you give it your best shot you will never know unless you try. If you have financial security just now though, it will make it all the more difficult to take any risk. Best of luck, if you do take up a trade, for gods sake post through any quotes timeously...bl00dy impossible trying to get a quote from any my lot for an extension were looking to do!! Dougie
  11. I find it more funny that having discovered time travel, the first thing you want to do is swear at someone then break a leg lol!!!
  12. Can only agree with everything that's been said already. The heart/head battle should be made easier these days as financially, these are only going up. Maybe not to the extent we have seen on some cars for sale, but certainly I don't think 10K is going to be an unreasonable level for "good" cars. Forgetting the show room queens. So, you can convince your head that it makes financial sense to hold on to it, plus the heart is kept happy, simples! But a cracking looking car none the less. Dougie
  13. Does the information Commissioner oversee CCTV in England as well? All CCTV that overlooks public areas needs to be registered with them IIRC
  14. Sorry to see that, and as you say p1ss poor timing for you. It may be the pictures, but the damage to the door is really weird to my untrained eye,doesn't seem to match with somebody side swiping going down the road. It looks more like someone reversing straight back into it, if that makes sense?? It doesn't change the outcome though and I hope it gets sorted out for you. Best of luck
  15. After the resto? :thumbleft: But well done for restoring another example for posterity
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