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Everything posted by Bojmobile

  1. Interior looks nice - see there's a wee dent on the driver side sill - a raise in suspension might be a good idea! I had an XR3i that was as low as that - scraped it on speedbumps everywhere - knew it was too low when driving in the rain one day I felt a splash on my ankle! :?
  2. Looks good - I'm with Tom though - it needs a tiny bit of raising - arches look like they're eating up your wheels!
  3. Cheers Dinkus - that looks like it'll be a good help. :thumb right:
  4. Anyone got a definitive guide for doing the internal switches? Nobody doing any kits? I've done the gauges - now need to do the switches.
  5. David Wort - have you done all your interior switches? Any advice? Cheers
  6. Cool - so how did you find doing the spraying yourself? Did you just recently get the kit?
  7. Don't wax the engine! :lol: Car looks great man! Nice colour too!
  8. I dunno if this is the start of a comedy anecdote - but no!
  9. All you Storm guys have great lookin' cars! But I still love my wee standard VR!
  10. So you gonna do a 4WD conversion on a Corrado? :D
  11. Bojmobile


    Motor looks sweet Stan - nice colour!
  12. Aye - I'm just going out to grab a couple of mouthfuls from the Cock - etc etc. :lol:
  13. aye tell me about it! :roll: I was 23 when I first got mine! Still no other car does it for me quite like the C - styling is classic!
  14. I thought you lived in Babylon! :lol:
  15. Incidentally - I only noticed your age the other day - I always thought you were older! So when did you have your first Corrado?
  16. I have quite the sense of humour - but then I've got to! My surname is Alcock! :oops:
  17. So what's the next Corrado step then Andi? Not fancy a Storm or anything? I mean you are the boss! :notworthy:
  18. yeah - quite a distance - past the hanging gardens and all that..... :lol:
  19. definitely but I think come F1 time he'll have a huge cross to bear - will be hard making his own name - he'll forever be in his uncle's shadow!
  20. To be fair - old owner probably hid a little bag of talcum powder/ flour in a place thats was likely to be found while modding - just for a bit of potential fun with the new owner! That's the kinda thing I'd do - but that's just me! :silly: I mean - on my last night in a room on holiday when I have a shower I write "I can see you!" on the steamed up mirror - so the next occupant craps themselves after their shower! But then I'm quite evil! :hitler:
  21. That's a pity man - it's a nice C!
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