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Everything posted by Benjevw

  1. I bought it today as it had a rado in it lol, looks sweet mate! Not too keen on the chickenwire on the bumper but fair enuf .
  2. Nice 1 Abdul I'll look forward to hookin it all up. 😄
  3. Benjevw


    Happy birthday dude look forward to seeing what you get!
  4. Oooh I see . I'm a noob with ice tbh . Yea deffo, soz didn't mean to sound like I'd bagged it. Keep me posted tho bud Cheers ben
  5. Yea I think what you said is what I'm thinking of lol Jst the plug at the back that connects to the car electrics. "Iso harness" I think I saw it called somewhere. No worries tho I'll rob the one outa my golf. I'll defo take it off your hands if stuey dosent . 65 delivered?
  6. The more I look at this thread the more I want it!! If StueyB dont take it off ya I'll be interested. Does it come with the harness plug thing? Cheers
  7. Bump If any1s interested make me an offer ! I'll probly say yes lol
  8. I'd be interested in some fotos fla. What size wheels n tyres you trying to get on?
  9. Will I get dirty looks for turning up in a golf? Lol I really wanna come but can't promise my C will be ready!!
  10. We're Gunna take them off the C that stueys breaking to see if they're the same . If so I'll let you know mate. I'm still interested in the new polished ones but no idea where from yet.
  11. Nice thats exactly what I need bud. Where did u get them made? I've already got the other bits from daves16v . I was planning on gettin them blasted but as the bolts sheared off in them Id rather get a new/working pair . Cheers ben
  12. Getting near to bookin an mot now and urgently need a pair of these Hopefully someone breaking a vr has some? Or someone can point me in the right direction as I think they're obsolete. Cheers ben
  13. Hi mate do you have the top radiator fixing lugs? I've got the two bits that go thru the slam panel, it's the bits they screw into with the rubber bushes on. Hope that makes sence
  14. Benjevw


    Track rod end done today. All I can say is F*******k. I had heat, massive stilsons, all the different sorts of penetrating spray I could find and all my strength(I'm not exactly light lol). Started badly as the ball joint bolt was just spinning the joint😡 I ended up cutting it off after giving up on the grips. Onto loosening the end from the rod....it was a lot tighter than I expected and didn't get any looser! Had excess amounts of fire on it most of the time tho and i finally wiggled it off. Only had time to do 1 as was doing other bits at the same time . Other 1s being done fridy. Can't be any harder than this . Coilies on the way soon so should be able to get it a little lower😝 Also took the rear wiper motor out. It only took 10 mins! That's after reading the wiki thing first 👍. Think I need a smaller grommit as it bulges out a bit but looks a lot better
  15. No not yet probs will go to them tho. Might just get smaller tyres lol!
  16. I had a quote from arch enemy for all four arches rolled for 150 I think. Looks like they know what they're doin but as said there's no guarantee on paint damage .
  17. Ah cool where abouts in ampthill? Do you come down the a6? Saw a black C last Sunday coming past the speed camera . Yea there's quite a few mk2 golfs about ( mainly old women lol), plenty of mk4s . Haven't seen a caddy rollin around for a while. Il keep you informed tho stone Cheers for the interest
  18. My mrs has had an new shape arosa tdi for a few months now. Well impressed with it . Much bigger inside than they look! £30 tax a year too!!
  19. That's cheap mate . How old are ya? if you don't mind me askin😄.
  20. ** UPDATE ** If someone wants to pick them up I'll chuck in a KR engine block! For FREE!!! Comes with water pump( I think),belt covers and other bits .
  21. .... Do enjoy a bit of a natter. It'll be all sorts of vws probly as I'm the only 1 wiv a C :( mainly older 1s. A few names we thort of Beds dubs F.A.S.A ( Flitwick and surrounding areas) Flick My Vag Flitwick Über Car Kollection Lmao Just a few ideas from the Lads . Anyway I'll update if anything actually comes of this lol. Hope to see some of you out and about. And thanx again tempest for a quick reply. Cheers Ben
  22. Cheers mate that's great . Lol I think discounts alone should draw people from my area in. Once we've thought of a name we'll maybe get some stickers, a flag and a newsletter done, obviously if there's enuf people wanting to join. Yea I think meeting up with real people to chat and swap knowledge is the main thing. We've been to quite a few meets n
  23. As I said they're not great condition but maybe of use to someone.
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