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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Borat

    No Brakes!!!

    right nice one i will check that. Do you have to do anything with the load sensor as the large spring does seem to be very loose even under load?? has got owt to do with it??
  2. Borat

    No Brakes!!!

    Evening ladies and gents, I could do with your help. Replaced all the pads and discs on the corrado (2.0) 16v about 3 months ago and the mechanic recommended that i bleed the brakes. So i did in the way that they described. However, bled them and had a few problems in that most of the time the pedal would not go all the way down. Now, that the pedal does go all the way the brake pedal is really light and there is no pressure and thus no brakes. We thought that it may be a nackered master cylinder but not sure?? happened to anyone? what do ya think?? Cheers guys Borat :cry:
  3. well i managed to get some of the springs off the granada and it fits on and the brakes are back to normal. thanks for that coullstar that saved me a packet, considering i half inched them. :D
  4. do the mk4 go straight on without any mods? but i will try the unseizing process. thanks alot guys :lol:
  5. nice one dude. I spoke to a breaker earlier today and he said the same thing but you can move the caliper arm ok. its a little stiff but the spring is not quite pulling it back far enough. The caliper arm moves the full range but not with the spring on. I will try :lol:
  6. :( Afternoon guys. I have a problem that i really need to sort out ASAP. My drivers side rear handbrake spring on the caliper has lost its tension, and therefore is causing the handbrake to remain on partially...enough to make the wheels smoke. As i only need the spring where could i get one from as VW say i have to buy a whole new caliper at £90 just for that spring. If anybody has or knows of a good spares place i could phone please help. Kind regards Chris :oops:
  7. have you pumped the break pedal upto 30-40 times and then tried it????
  8. well i am having a samilar problem. I took the C into the garage for new rear pads and discs and when i left the handbrake was much better and i thought great. but now there seems to be a burning smell coming from the drivers side rear wheel. They said that i had a "lazy" caliper in that it is not releasing. Anything i can do or is it simply a new caliper???
  9. Borat


    oh dear!!! well where are these bushes and bearings located and have you got any idea of what sort of price they are and would a MK II fan work??? cheers people
  10. cheers Gav thanks mate i will get that sorted cos i think my rear left wheel is wering so it needs sorting. May as well do the lot Cheers mate :wink:
  11. Borat

    Water light

    I have just had the same problem with mine. On the top of the expansion tank there is a connector that pullsoff. To eliminate whether its the tank or the wiring do the following: 1) Obtain a small peice of wire and "BRIDGE" the connector and see if the light still comes on, ensuring its taped up well not to cause a short. If it doesn't then the probes in the tank are faulty, as these splay out and no longer penertrate low enough into the water therefore, it things there is no water in the tank. If it still comes on (ensure bridge is patent) then it could be a wiring fault. I did this on mine and ran it for a couple of weeks while continuing to check the water level, and the light neve came on. reattached the connector on top of the tank and its been spot on ever since. Try it All the best BORAT :D
  12. Whilst on the subject of back brakes and discs, i am looking at replacing mine, so i went to speak to VW Audi specialist and they said that when replacing the brakes you need either swap the bearings over or replace them with new ones. I thought that this was a little strange but not being a true mechanic what do you guys think?? Cheers :roll:
  13. Borat

    Throttle cable

    talking of throttle cables mine seems to be sticking all the time and no matter what i do i can never set it up so that i achieve full opening of the butterfly and at the same time have a nice feeling pedal. Instead it feels heavy (have to push hard) and/or sticks (released by pulling the pedal backwards :x . So i am riding around losing power cos i can't put me foot down...gutted. by the way its a new cable so there should be no fraying on the inside. HELP :|
  14. Borat

    electric windows

    just gooing off the subject a little, but my electric windows seem to be sticking a little, but this may be just an old wsitch and a new one may be required. but the main issue is that my passenger windows rattles like mad. I have had the door to bits to see if its any part of the mechanism, and it all seems in order. Put the thing back and the minute i get in the car and fire up the engine it rattles.....driving me mad!!!!! Any Ideas??? :x
  15. Borat


    Well i am having trouble with y heater fan in position 1. Since i have had the C it squeels and squicks like mad either hot or cold. I have had a look and a clean of the vent flaps and they are clear, but not as yetchecked the motor. It blows heat very well, sometimes to well as i sweat my potatoes off sometimes!! What is it if its only in position 1?? any ideas Cheers Guys BORAT 8)
  16. Borat

    losing coolant

    it does leak when it has been standing for a while but i think that its a small hose underneath that is the only thing at the moment that seems to be leaking. i will get the part and go from there :mrgreen:
  17. Borat

    losing coolant

    well chaps i think i have sorted it but need to try it out first. looking under the C the other night there seems to a small leak which i worse under pressure (when the engine is running) and its a little hose that looks like it is shot. its clear water coming out but that is the only thing that seems to be leaking. However, the although when there is water in the water temp light is still coming on and off occassionaly. Whats happening there do you think??? borat
  18. Borat

    losing coolant

    nice one chaps i hope that i can see what is going on. I hope that it aint the head gasket cos i am well skint!! how much is it for a gasket and skim etc???
  19. Borat

    losing coolant

    Evening all. I was wondering if anybody could help me. i have a 2.0 16V C and it seems to be losing water/coolant fairly quickly. I will fill the res to max and within a few days the water light on the dash will come on and sure enough very low levels of water/coolant. NOW, i don't see any leaks, drips or water spray under the bonnet, leading me to believe that the loss is happening whilst driving when the cooling system is under pressure. Has this happened to any body before and is there anything i can check other than the obvious such as pipes etc. Thanks for you time .......please help :( Borat
  20. Borat

    LED dash lights

    i thought that they were not coloured bulbs put normal bulbs with a coloured filter? ie. green
  21. Borat


    ok mate thanks for that. Who are G&C if you don't mind me asking and where are they based?? Cheers
  22. Borat


    Evening people :lol: Wondering if you could help me. My C has been suffereing from a little oil loss in and around the engine bay. i was not sure myself as the problem did not seem obvious so i took it to a VW/Audi specialist and they have confimed that its the distributor!!! :cry: Any how the car still works fine but is smoking a little as expected , but what i was wondering from you guys was: Do you know where the best place to get one from other than the main dealer as this will cost £170 (new) or £80 (exchange)??? Any help would be much appreciated Cheers Borat :(
  23. Borat

    everything f*&

    I must admit mine did this terrible this morning. Thought it may be just cos it was bloody freezing this morning and the plastic, as it got warm, creeked as it expanded, but some top tips there people. Nice one 8)
  24. Borat

    flickering lights

    ed mate when i am on full beam the fogs are not on. Mine is a 2.0 16v and as far as i am aware this is correct. The fogs are activated seperately and should not come on when you activate full beam. The floatng/odd :? wires are a bit strange tho mate hope this helps
  25. Borat


    tracking rods and bushes ok??
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