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Everything posted by corrado_barnett

  1. I posted sum pics of af the Karmann convertible a few months ago, Will attatch them when i get a min 2 dig them out :) Here is the post http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12709&highlight=
  2. Red M reg 16v Parked down Acacia Avenue in shepperton? :?:
  3. Its all about the xtra 5bhp it gives you, Mind you you could also get 1psi of boost with RIPSPEED mats and chrome gearnob. :D
  4. Sorry about the pics dnt know whats gon on there :oops:
  5. ENJOY :lol: *mod edit - Added the pics here instead of via external site... - Henny*
  6. Sorry to offend, but i think it looks gr8 :lol:
  7. Didn't quite know where 2 put it SORRY :oops:
  8. At least someone agrees with me ,sorry for posting it again :oops:
  9. Don't know if this has ever been posted before but its wrong :mad: http://www.auto-max.net/automax/fondos/imag/big/83_corrado.jpg
  10. Black G60 seen in two rivers carpark in Staines, http://www.asianplates.com sticker on the rear bumper. :?:
  11. I don't beleive none of you thaught it was a good buy!! I'm gettilg mine :D LOL BTW I thought the corsa was bad, But you gotta love the saxo
  12. I'm gonna need 6 for my bad boy ripspeed corsa. You gotta love it.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=38786&item=7901737690&rd=1 Wow! The closest simulated sound of turbo without spending £2,500+!!! THIS DEVICE IS AN INNOVATIVE PIECE OF MACHINERY THAT IS DESIGNED TO SIMULATE THE SOUND OF TURBO AND SUPERCHARGER SYSTEMS ( IT'S ADJUSTABLE!!) CHECK IT OUT http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=38786&item=7901737690&rd=1 :D
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