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Everything posted by daves16v

  1. It was a few years back, as far as I remember there wasn't much difference.
  2. My old VR had BBS 7.5x16 and ran 215/40, had no issues with rubbing with offset of et35.
  3. With the forum upgrade I'm surprised my post made it, subscription now isn't it? I've not paid a penny yet.
  4. Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I'm still around albeit without a Corrado on the drive.........yet.
  5. Todge and Corroda, yes these are still available, I'll send you both a PM.
  6. If you can get hold of a gear selector (stick inside the car) then you can send me that for modification, you just need to swap them over.

  7. Hi there,


    Repair kit is £15.


    I don't have stocks of short shifters so will have to modify yours if you can do without it for a week?


    Price for both posted is £75




  8. Apologies for the late reply, I've been pretty busy lately. I can still supply these but it may take a little longer than normal, how quick do you need it? Thanks Dave
  9. Hi Michael, I do sell the repair kits but it looks like you're in the states? I don't usually sell into the states.




  10. £16 posted.



  11. Yes they are, drop me a PM for payment details. Thanks Dave
  12. Pretty sure I've got a classic Green mirror, will have to go check.
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