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Storm Warning

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Everything posted by Storm Warning

  1. I've been on bird poo inspection 3 or 4 times a day - it seems half the countryside dumped on it in the first weekend! I do have car park issues, I don't seem to be able to park without taking two spaces... Its still yet to be fully waxed - looking forward to doing that.
  2. Finally got her back - a week ago now, but not had chance to post up some pics. Overall I'm very happy with the paint job, a few niggles that it needs to got back for - mainly trim especially where I thought it didn't need replacing it now obviously does against new paint! I've had an affixed smile since being back in control of a VR. My fear of the KWs making it unbearable on my commute have been put to rest, they are fantastic. Not sorted the ICE yet, or finished the badges - The wheels need reconditioning too and and and... Lesson learnt - Resprays are not a signature on a work of art, they are merely the undercoat, a catalyst to more work :grin: now where did I put that polishing cloth... Oh, and I still cannot take a photo to save my life - one day I'll work out how to stop my camera taking grainy pictures. Corrado92.pdfDSC01516.jpg[/attachment:s6gygqhe]passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfDSC01514.jpg[/attachment:s6gygqhe]climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSC01517.jpg[/attachment:s6gygqhe]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC01529.jpg[/attachment:s6gygqhe]DSC01530.jpg[/attachment:s6gygqhe]
  3. Had a mare of a day, I lost the warranty card somewhere on route, gurr. Anyway, I wondered in to Halfrauds, they were incredibly chirpy and welcolming. They said that following "extensive tests" he decided it had a faulty cell and have returned it. So they handed me a better new battery so I grabbed it and ran.... before they asked to see my warranty and reciept... Not had chance to test it though as my car isn't ready as promised, so no Stanford Hall for me :cry:
  4. The attitude of the jumped up parts monkey that really got on my moobs. So quickly he accused me of misuse and a colleague making funny tutting noises and commenting on the age of the battery - because of the style of the reciept, "we've got new tills now" I was told - great new tills, the most exciting thing to happy in your pitiful little career, give me my feckin battery. I will await the results of the test, it is entirly up to them proove misuse. If they refuse, I'll try a different branch, and find a member of staff thats getting some.
  5. When I've had a flat battery before it's took maybe 2-3 months on the car before it wouldn't hold charge. If it had been on the car for the long, then left it stood for ages I would understand it but this is such a short period. Hopefully the test will be more revealing, or I'll put it on the car, jump it, and drive to a halfrauds... ;-) Cheers, Duncan
  6. I've just returned very unhappy from my local Halfrauds branch. My 1 year old halfords battery has died, it was running fine then it was removed for 3 weeks Max when my car was first in the boady shop. On re attaching it has failed. The Halfords man tested it and couldn't get a reading, he said its classed as 'misuse' as there must be a big drain on the car somewhere. I said it was disconnected to which he said it much have been before it was removed. Now the garage had tried to charge it without any luck, hence me trying to get a replacement. He said that if its flat for ages it will moss up or something and will be broken, and of course not in warranty! He also said that once it get so low the battery doesn't know whats positive or negative and osolates between two, it is possible to trick it, but its probably too late. The battery is now on charge in Halfords, I will be going back tomorrow afternoon. I feel like this is all horse manure, its little different to going on holiday for 3 weeks! At the moment I have a smaller battery on my car, which, is showing now signs of a drain. I could do with some technical advice to fight my corner, I won't let this one go. Thanks in advance..
  7. It looks like I will have my car back on Friday :clap: Now been waxoyled and parts going back on, doors, rear bumper, slam panel, head lights, so getting there now. There might be a few bits not done, such as detailing the engine bay, but as longs it works I'm going to stanford hall! Got a good pic of the mocal before the bumper goes on.. 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC01503sm.jpg[/attachment:8idas64d] DSC01504sm.jpg[/attachment:8idas64d]
  8. Cool thanks for that. I very excited and scared at the same time about what the KWs will be like, its new territory for me. I'm loving the look of it now, but I want to get it up to height where its got a nice even gap around the arch.
  9. I've just had KW V1s put on and I am a little concerned about them. Its sat quite low with some adjustment available and I do want to go higher ideally, what is worring is that the small helper springs are tottally compressed like a 80mm thick washer! Is this normal? I also have no boot, bonnet, doors, interior or fuel on board so the problem will no doubt get worse. Pic available on my gallery thread P4... http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=43642&start=45
  10. Mr Owen, your running away with this! Apparently there is only 20pts covering the top 500 and your not far behind. I'm doing kack with my first team..My other no league team i'm running would put me in 2nd... I wonder if there were any points for having the constructor who's car inflicted the most G on a driver during a visit to the scenery...
  11. Getting there now... shouldn't be too much longer. Just been fully serviced, KWs on, new top mounts and mocal is now installed. After some consideration the Mocal has been mounted on the front cross member - was a lot more work to do than the slam panel but seems to make better sense. Opted for the Pioneer DEH P7000UB and the bluetooth module for the base of the ICE and JBLs front and rear. Just a little bit worried about the ride height but I think its the shock of it not being a 4x4 after 7 years!, there is not much adjustment to be had but then trying to raise it will only make it harder.. Have a couple of update pics but they are really bad quality sorry - they had no power when I went up and its in a very dark workshop! The paint is looking stunning, I can't wait to see it outside! At the moment they are trying to get her back on the road for Stanford Hall... its looking border line. climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfcoils.jpg[/attachment:1cwy6ox8] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdflow.jpg[/attachment:1cwy6ox8] mocal.jpg[/attachment:1cwy6ox8]
  12. 96k now, put on about 60k in 7 years..
  13. However mine says it returns as good as 30mpg on the MFA long term setting - thats as good if not better than any new car with similar performance. And they are selling lots of new performance cars.... Take an R32, 25% heavier and won't do 30mpg, however, those who can afford to spend £27k on a new car probably are not too worried about consumption. Those who can afford a £3-4k Corrado probably are which in turn compounds the problem. I don't think the prices of the good ones have changed a huge amount in recent years, just waiting for the right buyer.
  14. I've had a couple of wobbles too with mine, and its the money/value thing that always made me think. I considered the alternatives... and this is always a personal thing. I tried to find something that is as much of an all rounder as the Corrado while still being fun and fairly unique/not common (very important to me). Yes, depending on you tastes there is plenty of choice, but at a price and your never going to find anything thats as much fun AND have cheaper running costs. Which leaves personal taste and car price...I didn't find anything at the price point of the Corrado that did it for me, so I'm left with the choice of keep the Corrado or buy a more expensive car. The major thing the more expensive car had was built in big-bore-depreciation, what ever the Corrado prices are doing one way or another it is only tiny changes in value. You go and buy a new motor for £20k you'll be lucky to keep 55% of the value in 3 years - thats a bitter pill to swallow for what? Nothing that is worth 3k a year to me - don't get me wrong, I understand why people do just that but it is not for me. So for me personally I concluded by the time I could justify something buying something considereably more expensive than the Corrado I will no doubt be in a position where I can afford to keep both, so it stays for now. Live for the day and enjoy your motor, its worth more to you in pure happiness than the couple of quid depreciation that "might happen". You never know whats round the corner. At the moment my car is £priceless - perhaps if I ever have to sell it...it might be worth a little less...
  15. Got mine in 2001 - 34k on it IIRC - Officially 4th registered keeper - though the 3rd was when I obtained it (was registered in a company name) with 2 lady owners previously on the logs - As new it looks like a bloke bought it for his wife at christmas (27th Dec 1995) and first regsitered on the road 2nd Jan 1996. Can we do a Corrados reunited? K596 UVR - VR6 in Green (Dragon Green I think) - When it was sold it had around 122k on it in 2001 and just had a very large bill for head gaskets - I would be very surprised if it still exists.
  16. I'm thinking about getting some holders from here : http://www.german-number-plates.com/accessories/?cat=96 just to see what they are like - and take a view from there - I'll be running 3 sets of plates and I'm worried about velcro failing over time. As you say, the only thing is the size of the plate hangers and fit.
  17. I used to be a Flux customer but in recent years i've been with Brentacre. I have greater confidence in them fighting your corner in the event of a claim and the way they handle modifications is very simple. The fact they know what a Corrado is and are nice people to talk to is a bonus aswell 8)
  18. Are they like the pic I posted in my first post above? where you have a key to get them out?
  19. Thats a Speed Six 4L - a stunning one are that!, (they did 4.5 and 5.0 V8s - late ones making 450bhp). I spent a considerable time researching TVRs, particually Cerberas, but never took the leap. The main things I learned were, don't buy a S6 if you cannot afford to buy 2 (which is a bit tongue and cheek but they can really cost), and its a question of when, and not if the s6 engine will let go (£5k rebuild typically at 15000 miles - once rebuilt they are much stronger). I'd say that motor is for a collector to buy not someone thats going to actually run it - not wrapping in cotton wool. Also, many owners seem to think that regular use is the key to keeping it alive. Typically I found that on average people budgeted for £3k servicing and parts a year - some were a lot less - some a lot more. I would want to know what the warranty covers too I would head over to pistonheads, there is a huge wealth of experience there and used selection to give you a price guide too (Cerberas are available for under £10k)
  20. I've decided to give 3M Dual lock a go, like Velcro but without the furry side and hopefully slightly lower profile too. If anyone else is interested it is 3M Dual Lock SJ3560 VHB Type 250 Clear 25mm, this one is specifically rated for outdoor/marine use so should cope well, I will report back as soon as poss.
  21. I had a look at the rules here: http://www.ukmot.com/6-8.asp#Text_top It would seem you just have to make sure they are secure. I have failed on spacing before - and it was out by a tiny amount so they changed the plates and passed it and they were stuck on.
  22. I've been searching here and elsewhere for an elegant solution for fitting and swapping number plates around. I wish to use show plates (German style perhaps) and of course normal road plates. Has anyone experience of (or a better idea than), velcro (the non fuzzy stuff) or plate holders like this: Not sure they will sit in the plate recess very well though.. :scratch: :help:
  23. Ah i c, think it used to be the local studios as I recall more than once the commentators slating the TV companies for having baised producers at various venues. Well, it would certainly be a proper use for the somewhat dull HD preview channel!
  24. I've also just bought a pair from VAG, IIRC they were £37 passenger and £31 driver.. pretty sure they are both flat, I will check when I next go to see my car. Its the only way to go if you want them heated unless you were able to peel off the heating element and use the DDI ones which I didn't fancy my chances.
  25. And not only that but you're assuming that they actually shoot it in HD .. ![/quote:3paeu7eu] Good point, it will rely on the local tv company..
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