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Hi everyone,


I quite agree with Paul about racing other cars, someone said they beat a new BMW E46 (343bhp), I think what they meant to say was they out drove him / her as I import those cars and was invited by BMW in Germany to test drive all of theie cars on a F1 track, and the BMW M3 is incrediable, did anyone see it on Top Gear last Sunday up against the Audi RS6 I think?


Point taken Paul, however, there are some cars that you can be in a better enviorment and can test your skills, lets face it, I guy driving a c wont kill himself to win a race, a twat in a beaten up escourt has all the more to prove and we should really just leave those cars alone or it will give us raddo drivers a bad name. We need to be know as the elite and going up against the bigger boys.

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Definately wasn't the RS6 ;) I believe it was the new shape S4, with a 4.2 litre V8.


The RS6 has a similar engine, just with a pair of turbochargers bolted on :D

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The M3 has an incredible pedigree, coupled with 50/50 weight distribution, RWD balance and adjustability, light weight (compare to 4x4 Audis) and that stonking 8000rpm Double VANOS six. Yum yum. It's quite simply one of the best driver's cars in existence and it's practical to boot!


They do sound unrefined and noisty pottering around urban areas though.


The RS6 is a neck snappingly fast car but again, it loses to it's arch enemy, the M5.

Audis have never been stimulating to drive since the demise of the orginal 20V Turbo quattro :(


Speaking of underdogs, my Mk2 Golf was exactly that. To the unsuspecting public, it was a standard 139bhp 16V wearing 15" BBS wheels, but 205lb/ft torque in a 1050Kg bodyshell meant it gave a few well known cars a very hard time :lol:


I miss it :(



94 VR6

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followed a guy in a prelude 2.2. first dual carraigeway he pulled into the fast lane, me up his arse, he pulled over flooring it, past him no probs, he was smiling the whole time,he fell back, flashed his lights, waved. RESPECT.


Stuck to the arse of a 944 for about 3 mile, he had to turn off with a face like thunder cos I kept up with him the whole way but he did give a curt wave!!! RESPECT


ex girlfreinds brother raced me in his scooby (alledgedly 350 bhp!!!) overtook me at 110 mph. I smiled, waved and fell back. RESPECT


moral is, if you know your beat, accept it!!


I passed a 20 million pound bodykitted clio at 60 mph. the rest of the journey he kept pestering the life out of me. WANKER

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My vr6 - 1

Newish Astra Gsi Turbo - 0


Expected to be slightly behind on this one, after seeing the stats on them, he did get away from me slightly as I got bogged down but as soon as the vr picked up the revs I was all over him. :D

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Speaking of underdogs, my Mk2 Golf was exactly that. To the unsuspecting public, it was a standard 139bhp 16V wearing 15" BBS wheels, but 205lb/ft torque in a 1050Kg bodyshell meant it gave a few well known cars a very hard time :lol:


I know what you mean... My G60 C's all well and good, it's quick and looks great, but I miss my MKI 16V for the sheer look of horror I could get from other drivers when leaving them for dead from a standstill... :lol: I really need to get my ass in gear and get it put back together! :roll:


145BHP at the wheels (139LB/ft torque) through a 1600 gearbox in a MKI golf that had tatty wheel arches, dented doors and hadn't been cleaned in ages (I was a student in 95 when I built it and I wanted the car to be where I left it when I came back :D ) 0-60 was around the 5 second mark and you'd run out of gearbox at about 115mph... but when do you use 115mph in a city?!? 0-60's much more fun! :wink:


Smug gits in porsches were always my favourite when they tried to cut accross from a right turn lane at lights to go straight on 'cos "it's only a tatty old golf"

That soon turned into "but it was only a tatty old golf.... Where did it go?!?" :lol:

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Hi all,

Just thought i'd put my tuppence in.


It's amazing reading all the claims and interesting too.

I've had a couple of races lately with some success.


WRX Scooby-0



But it took me 'til 100 to get past him





Took 'til 120 to get past him, fast little things!


Clio 172-0



He booted it from beside me so I followed and at 100mph, I indicated and accelerated past him. Priceless! He put his thumb up at me so It was all in good spirits.


Cossie saph-1



This grey thing was running 400bhp unbeknown to me at the time.


Golf Syncro G60-0



Syncro dyno'd at 240bhp he said, he had the edge in 1st & 2nd but i pulled past him from 3rd convincingly, he was surprised that we were so level from launch.


There you go and that was without the nitrous.




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Chris VR6nos, With or without charger?


I'd love to know too - ChrisVR6nos, was this before or after supercharger?????


:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

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Im 23 and believe me guys i been there in a xr3i orion and recently an s16 306 (s16 306 was a good surpirse very power hot hatch) u always want to drive fast and explore new heights when racing on the road. Believe me i was one of those idiots that used to find a much faster car than mine and give it a good burn. But since ive owned an G60 ive never really felt the need to race anyone at all (unless u have a scooby, i really hate them) but the main point is if u see a annoying boyracer quiete regularly in ur town area chat to him/her, become their friend and make them buy a corrado




hope this makes sense its very late on a fri night :shock: :? :twisted:

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ohh yeah


Nissan Pulsar GTI-R-0



BMW 325-0










G60-0 Round Town


Lamborghini Murcielago-0

G60-1 (By the time the guy got into the car i was home)


Subaru Impreza RBS-0




STANDARD G60-2 :p:p:p:p:p


Well when u buy a new G60 u gotta test it out


Corrado is standard im bit twisted :twisted: :twisted:


Well when u buy a car

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Rams, Early 2.5ltr Boxters are a bit poo i think cos i raced one from a roundabout up a road as straight as a die and started cruising past once we hit a ton.


To be fair he had a passenger which could add up to about 100kg for a fatty. If you think about it thats like 1/12th the weight of the car on top.


Those novas would be laughin if i had 3 fattys in the c tho

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I know what you mean, I played with a brand new boxter s throught the country lanes, the counbtry lanes are one of the best I have ever been on. There is a hump back bridge, only 1 lane can get through and the hump is on a slight bend so you can fly over it or you will go straight on into a brick wall as many people have done. I once took it a bit to fast and just managed to hit the ground before the wall so I just managed to gain the gravity and steer away from it.... That oned got the heart pumping I tell ya!


I am trying to chill out now, I almost feel a bit guilty when I nail my car, before I used to love screaming the nuts of it and crunch the gears by changing too fast but now I think im getting old!! I would much rather have a fantastic looking car to drive all the time and not waiting 3 months for it to come out of the body shop!!


I think that is why I have calmed down and nearly snuffing it kind of wakes you up. I used to see no fear signs in my head when I was racing, weather I was concentration so hard I dont know but no I have a misses that loves me very much yuck I know sorry guys but she said I have to be more considerate aboput her feeling and my family and friends because they way you drive is dangerous, its not as in I take mega risks or anything, I just push it hard. What she said is right because my family or anybodies family would suffer for life and your mates.


My little advise from being a nutter is, would we really want to be in a wheel chair for 10 minutes of fun / horror etc!!! Do you want to be fed via a drip for the rest of your life!!! Basically I want to scare evryone from taking un nessary risks as we all can get excited and before you know it you have screwed up or shot our load how ever you want to look at it.


The hard thing is that when I get tempted to do someone one and you know that your car is all up together and feeling fast is that as you get older you know you can push harder as it takes more to scare you so you can go into a bend at fast speed and think you will come out of it alive even if the car is sliding!


Anyway, shut up Rams, I just hope we all are carefull as we may never know if anything tragic has happened to us if we never contact this forum again! I went into a bend think yeah, this is fine, the car was all over the place but when you hold it so far you think well Im here now, keep the throttle down and dont back off, steady with th esteering wheel and then you get a blow out at 80 or 90 round the bend and you are looking at at least £2000 worth of damage or a few missing limbs. Our little moto amoungst friends in Bournemouth is Safe and slow which we all know is a something take but really thats what we mean!!


Sorry I have rambled on again, I find it hard sometimes to stop typing once my fingers rip through the keys!! Just say to me in the future, shut up Rams we have heard all your gibber before!

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I had a bloody good race with a Honda Civic Type R!! They are supposed to be one of the best front wheels drive cars at handling! It was fairly even, but if my VR could strech her legs then it would have been a different story!!


I had a go against one of these last week - to 70mph it was even after that I pulled away VERY quickly *:)

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Rams, i think more people think like that then would like to admit it.


Seriously tho how many of you feel guilty and lucky to be alive after a moment of sillyness?


Ive lost it at relatively slow speed luckily. Imagine if i was really caning it.

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its not as in I take mega risks or anything, I just push it hard


LOL, After taking me for a little spin last night i can agree on that one :D

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Crazyman, how you doing! That was nothing, that was a sunday drive and man, my car felt slow. Last night it seemed to be pulling really hard to the point where AI had a lot of torque steer. The C's are very good with Torque steer for the power delivery through the front wheels.


I liked your seats very much, I need those gismos in my car, IE electric heated seats. I think after the engine is sorted I will have to purchase a set of interior or a new re trim.


Definitely do your throttle cable, it will be nicer to drive and if your current one has streached it will just pull the cable tighter / faster to help open up the throttle quicker.


We regulary get to gether at a mates unit near pool and we do all sorts to the cars, he has all the tools and a windy gun so it makes life much easier. I think I need to get my car lower so next week I will purchase my self a set of adjustable. Really indecide what to buy but £500 / £600 will be enough. I was reading somewhere that there are some new shocks that are height adjustable and the more you lower them the harder they get which sounds ok, I would prefer to have a fully adjustable kit.


You can come along with us when we are next going to sort my car out and the others can help you try and sort your problems out.

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Nice one mate, i think ive just got used to driving slower since all the probs with my car :(

I must say on the rare occasion that i feels like its flying how it should i do tend to go a bit loopy(140 down past tower park dual carraige way racing a 5series beemer was my last little decent stint), but latley the car hardly ever runs sweet :(


Sounds good about the car fixing session(s), would be great to hear some otheres opinions and see how to fix these things.


Have to go for that beer some time mate and say 'ello to ur missus for me :)

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I own both a storm and a standard 98 impreza turbo and sorry but I have to tell you that the impreza is considerably quicker in all conditions and on all roads. Further more covering a to b quickly on an unknown road the impreza is so much easier. That said the level of grip that the corrado produces is not far different to that of the subaru but the traction helps convince you otherwise not to mention flatter your ability. In general I prefer the storm and it is far better at covering decent distances, it also has style on it's side and ride comfort in town is better. Howver both will be for sale soon as I'd like a change.



(mailto:[email protected])

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Is it WRX or STI cos theyre lightning quick!?


Can keep up with an Impreza 2000 through the gears as ive proved with my standard c VR6 but that doesnt speak for all Impreza's i suppose.


My Renault 5 turbo felt faster than my c but it was the torque wave of the turbo from 3000rpm on that convinced me. Did drive an Impreza but it was a test drive and didnt take it over 4000rpm :( .


I'd have to drive both to find out though. Ian maybe you could lend us your Impreza for the day and we could find out for ourselves :D :D

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