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Chris Knott Insurance

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I currently have a rather serious issue with Chris Knott insurance :clown:


Have any of you had any problems with them ??

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Just joined them as of 1st of October, still waiting for my permament insurance certificate to come through, only have the temporary one so far. They were the cheapest for the Rado.



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I'm with Chris Knott, they seemed pretty friendly/helpful when I joined in June - And I managed to get through first time, unlike HIC :gag: :2gunfire:


Haven't had to make any claim though..

Then again, any insurer will try to worm their way out of paying if you make a claim. They'll pick out the slightest thing to invalidate your policy :|

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Started a policy with them in August,very impressed! bettered the only other 'reasonable' quote i got by 500 quid!! They always rang me back if i couldnt get through and I felt the guy who sold me the policy knew about dubs.

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i too started with them for mine...and they still continue to insure me ont he polo. the only snag i have right now with them is the fact i made a claim in june (the accident with the corrado) and it still hasn't been settled, as the police report isn't out yet so no one knows who is more liable. They are saying i have lost my no claims now and are going on the basis its 50/50...i thought i'd have my no claims until the matter was resolved, as no one knows who's fault it was entirely yet.


good luck anyway steve, hope u sort it. :wink:

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I found em to be quite helpful


I suppose that the case with all insurance companies when they want YOUR money, friendly as heck, but when you want THEIR money, that's when a lot of them start to fall by the wayside.


I can only speak for HIC, as they ultimately after a lot of chasing (as you've got to do that with them, phone, write the lot basically, constantly hassling them, untill they just want to get rid of you with what you wanted in the first place) gave me what I wanted, so quite happy with them in terms of settlements.



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They won't quote for me. Apparantly under 25 with a modded car is totally the wrong sort of person to insure.

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I will go "public" with the details fairly shortly - once I have spoken to one of their company directors tomorrow (again).


Suffice to say - I will never use them again :mad:

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Blimey! I found the brokers themselves at Chris Knott to be extremely helpful and reasonable, although Highway who my insurance is with through them are proving to be a pain in the ass.

Keep us posted man, as I'm currently still insured through them with my Passat.



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Here's the story -


As some of you are aware, I moved house a few months ago. 3 months ago I got around to informing my insurers - not a problem as I explained that I had only just moved. It took them 3 weeks to send me an updated policy with my new address. They explained that as Birmingham is a higher risk than Leeds, they wanted a further £108 in addition to my original premium. Quite understandable & so I offered to pay over the phone. They explained that they couldn't do this and I would have to send them a cheque. Within 2 days, I had posted them a cheque for the required amount. All sorted - or so I thought.


I received a recorded delivery letter on Saturday morining (5 days ago), stating that I had 7 days to pay the extra premium or my insurance would be cancelled. Problem is that the letter was dated 8 days before !! As the letter had been sent recorded delivery - it had been sitting at the sorting office for just over a week. I had a card put through the door just over a week before & assumed it was a speeding ticket. I don't live very close to the sorting office & the first opportuinty I had to collect this letter was on Saturday morning.

On Monday this week, I spoke to one of the directors of Chris Knott insurance & I explained the circumstances to him. He explained that they had not received my cheque - even though I personally posted it. He also explained that as the alleged 7 days notice from the date of the letter had expired, my insurance had been cancelled & he refused to reinstate it !!


This comprehensive insurance policy still had 5 months remaining & although I will be getting a refund for the remainder of the policy, I expect this to be a disproportionate amount. One of their salesmen actually agreed that I had done nothing wrong & was not at fault in this situation !!



I wouldn't give Chris Knott insurance the cheese off my d1ck :mad: In fact - if they offered to insure my car free of charge for a year, I'd tell them where to shove it. The company director that I spoke to is a complete ringpiece, with absoloutely no man-management or customer skills whatsoever.

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Them refusing to re-instate your insurance is outrageous, especially as they refused to accept payment over the phone as offered. When I took out insurance with them, I did the entire thing over the phone, payment and all with no problems.

I suggest writing a letter to the General Insurance Standards Council (http://www.gisc.co.uk) and raising the matter with them.


Chris Knott Insurance Consultants Ltd Grove Mills

Cranbrook Road



TN18 4AS

Member Number 3969

Accepted into GISC membership 04/04/2001


Good luck in getting your money back mate,


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Why did they refuse to take payment over the phone? I'm with them and have made credit card payments always...


Not good.

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Why did they refuse to take payment over the phone? I'm with them and have made credit card payments always...


Not good.

Unfortunately, I bank with the Halifax & they're replacing all their "Switch" cards with "Visa Electron" ones. These "Visa Electron" cards are accepted at far fewer establishments :mad:

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Go with the Flux.....got my renewal thru the other day, £480 with all mods declared. Power capped to 220 bhp but can do anything I like to it, bar a roll cage, and it won't increase the premium.

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Sorry to hear about this Steve, its a disgrace that insurance companies who fleece us annually just because some chav can't keep his digits of other peoples cars, behave this way with customers who are dedicated to looking after and preserving their cars. A lot of people don't give a toss where they leave their cars, whats on display in them, and not least how they drive aroung the country. Unfortunately we have to pay for them. I left Adrian Flux several years ago having insured my first Storm with them when I found out that they had taken my money but failed to actually insure the car. They had for weeks insisted that the formal certificate of insurance takes a couple of months and that my cover note would suffice. Trouble was they were supposed to send out monthly covernotes which they 'forgot to do'. My file obviously sat in someone's tray for months and end result was I was driving around uninsured for 3 months. Many apologies later ( I was informed by THEM that I hadnt been technically 'insured') I cursed them and took my business elsewhere. I'm using Esure at the moment - about £380 fully comp PNCD - probably not the most competitive, but they'll do until I am sure the next 'specialist insurer' isnt too busy to carry out their....er...job.

Anyway - sorry for kind of hijacking this somewhat Steve but I hope you get it sorted. I hope you told him that there will probably be a lot less Corrado owners ringing his number from now on..... :wink:

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esure was good for us, too.

£231 for limited (2500) mileage 7 years ncd (off another car!). Fully comp.

Value is however only "market value". I expect that is crap.

Will I be able to get agreed value for a bit more?

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I've been with them for a good few years and they have been ok. The above is just bang out of order. A friend who also had a c had problems with them. Guess I'll have to think carefully about going with them again but they have always been cheapest and they do the agreed evaluation.


The other worrying thing about this is the are recommended by the CCGB and advertise in the sprinter.(not actually a member for the first year since ownership lost my application and didnt bother...) I would say that from the bad press on here and the e group they will have a few people thinking twice.

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The other worrying thing about this is the are recommended by the CCGB and advertise in the sprinter

Hopefully, not for much longer :wink:

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