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Door handle repair kit..........THEY ARE NOW AVAILABLE

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Hiya, both of my door handles are broken (again), and yes of course its the common piece thats broken.

How much are your repair kits?


Many thanks


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Thank you!

Great little money saver


mine arrived today, very quick too. I paid Tuesday evening and got it Thursday, fits and works perfectly


Did have to get someone to help me with getting the arm in under the spring, its really useful to have an extra set of hands about

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hi,am looking for one of these kits as both my handles on my m reg vr are broke,could you pm me details of cost and where to pay please,


cheerz ed

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Hello mate


Can I get a pair of these handle fixers please?


PM the dets when you get a chance.





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I need a pair of door handle repair kits.

Please pm payment details and postage to Republic of Ireland



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Thanks for the reapir. Just finished it and it feel more sturdy than ever. One thing tho. I have a 95 8v corrado with original door handles and i was able to knock the pivot pin out from the back (figured this out after 30 mins of screwdriver stabs to the fingers). I used a small screwdriver and a trusty hammer (and when i say i i mean my bro :wave: )


Great part tho. Thanks

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  Storm owner said:


Can someone advise who can provide this service for repairing a door handle


I need a drivers door handle to be repaired.




PM sent.

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How much for a kit for both sides for a '94 VR? (Posted to Oxford)


PM me with details!




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Hi there i am new to this forum and found it due to the above fault.

Could u help me out?

I cant open the drivers door from the outside?

I can open it from the inside,i removed the handle a little bit so i could

see what had happened and it looked like something has snapped off?

Is this what i need,one of your kits?

If so how much are they?

Many thanks.


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Would greatly appriciate a repair kit for both driver and passenger doors please!

Think this is what i need handle just doesnt open the door!

Can you PM me with costs and payment details please?


Many thanks


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  badgood1970 said:
Hi Dave


Just joined as my handle's broken. How can I get one of these kits off you for my drivers side door on my 92 C 2L?








Can you send me a PM (Private Message), I usually reply by PM but I don't have the option to send you one. I'll reply to yours.


If any Mods are reading this - why can't I send Andy a PM?



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Got your message but when trying to reply I get this message - Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt.


Under user control panel go to board preferences and set 'allow users to send you private messages' to yes and then we might get somewhere. Let me know when you've done it.



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