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Switch colour changes

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Useful points Kev, certainly worth bearing in mind. Not too kean on the filter method as blue is quite difficult to get right. I'll make up a circuit board and put in about 3 wide angle leds per clock and see how that works - will post some pics if its any good. Actually there's no problem dimming, although I just keep them on full (no dimming). Otherwise , how else has anyone else tackled this one?

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hasan mate...can you let me know how your soldering the led's onto the pcb (e.g. how are they connected, and where in the circuit will the resistor sit)...i think i'm gonna make a few of these and use them in my boot install (under the shelf supports and below each amp) perhaps even inside the heater vents or if i'm feeling daring...then under each seat. :wink:

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If you look in the members gallery in my folder page 21, i've posted 2 pictures of my new filter next to the standard one. Its made from the same material as the original and even textured!! I've also matched it to a red LED by screen printing in translucent red. Just got to fit it now but should be perfect colour and fit. Twist my arm and i may make you one :wink:

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The only LEDS I'm soldering to the PCBs are for the window switches, one of which I messed up. These dont need a resistor as this is already in place. As it was such a pain to remove the led I simply cut it off as close to the lens body as poss and resoldered the blue led in its place - note polarity of led otherwise it wont work!


For the dash, I desoldered the bulbs and replaced them with LEDS plus a resistor on one leg. It doesnt matter which leg the resistor stays on. In fact, as the bulb holders are twist fit, if your leds dont light up, just take them out and turn them through 180 degrees.


Summertime I'll make up a pcb for the dash clocks with about 3 leds per clock with 60 degree dipersion as per Kevs advice. This should give sufficient illumination. THe feed wires can be soldered in place of the running strip used for the screwfits.


Hope that answers your question. If not, PM me.

Will let you know when its done - right now I'm trying to get the car started!

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Hi guys i want to change the window switch leds to blue, i read the switches have resistors in them, do i still have to get 12v led or is standard led (4.5v) of maplin enough


thanks in advance

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Based on a early fit G60 interior i am hoping to use all frosted red and blue leds. I have not listed Some of the bulbs in the pod as i am awaiting my ddi guages.


Drivers Side Window Switch 3mm ?v

Passenger Side Window Switch 3mm ?v

Drivers Side Mirror Switch ?mm ?v

Sunroof Switch ?mm ?v

Headlight Switch ?mm ?v

Rear Demister Switch ?mm ?v

Rear Demister Switch ON setting ?mm ?v

Fog Light Switch ?mm ?v

Fog Light Rear Activation ?mm ?v



Indicators Left 5mm ?v

Indicators Right 5mm ?v

MFA LCD 5mm ?v ( Frosted to diffuse light )

Mile LCD 5mm ?v ( Frosted to diffuse light )


Heating / Cooling ?mm ?v


Lighter replacement in red or blue ?

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Based on a early fit G60 interior i am hoping to use all frosted red and blue leds. I have not listed Some of the bulbs in the pod as i am awaiting my ddi guages.


Drivers Side Window Switch 3mm ?v

Passenger Side Window Switch 3mm ?v

Drivers Side Mirror Switch ?mm ?v

Sunroof Switch ?mm ?v

Headlight Switch ?mm ?v

Rear Demister Switch ?mm ?v

Rear Demister Switch ON setting ?mm ?v

Fog Light Switch ?mm ?v

Fog Light Rear Activation ?mm ?v



Indicators Left 5mm ?v

Indicators Right 5mm ?v

MFA LCD 5mm ?v ( Frosted to diffuse light )

Mile LCD 5mm ?v ( Frosted to diffuse light )



No help on the blanks but:

I was playing around with some spare switches yesterday and fitted the red colour filters from some Audi 80 switches inside the corrado switches, works a treat, lovely clear even red glow from the HRW and fog switch and no fiddling with LED's, original bulbs left in place. Should be able to fit a red colour filter to the headlight switch too as this is just clear/white at the moment. Might see if an Audi cig lighter surround will fit the VW one too.



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Changing to red in all the switches. Tried standard led's and superbright, super brights where to bright as can be seen in the first pic. They dont dim all the way down like the standard ones do.


Looking nice.....

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Changing to red in all the switches. Tried standard led's and superbright, super brights where to bright as can be seen in the first pic. They dont dim all the way down like the standard ones do.


Looking nice.....


Get a red filter off A20 LEE to do your dials next! Looks ace

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Just replace the cig filter will an Audi 80 part. Love to say it looks great but the bulb is dead :( Best place for a replacement? Or can i swap it with an LED?

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Anyone got a definitive guide for doing the internal switches? Nobody doing any kits? I've done the gauges - now need to do the switches.

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I'm halfway through doing mine - the guide on the CCC site tells you most of it, but it's a bit of a mess (make sure you read the whole thread!).


I'll probably have a crack at doing a wiki guide when I finally get done.

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It's taken me about 3 months so far cos I'm lazy :lol:


I've done the sunroof switch (bit of a pain to get apart), the window switches and bodged the mirror switch.


They're all one voltage and the in-dash switches are all another voltage (I think the dash ones are 12v because they're dimmable, the rest are 3v). Just buy the cheapest 3v and 12v 3mm red LEDs from Maplin - they're more than good enough for the job.

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And the red Audi fag lighter ring didn't fit did it Dom?


I still laugh now at the 5 odd hours you spent wrecking your mirror adjuster switch with those LEDs :-)


I really don't know what's wrong with the standard green lighting? :-) It's so Corrado and 80s VW....it's cool 8)

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Ah no, that's cos I ordered the wrong part! :lol: If I'd read the CCC thread properly, I would have realised there is a different part that's a straight swap and the one I ordered is the one that needs 'Dremelling out' to fit :roll:


And er yeah, did make a bit of a hash of the mirror switch :oops: I have aquired another one though and buggered if I'm going to er bugger that one up.


Bojmobile - what do you want pics of?

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Had a go at doing mine with Gradeafailures help. All the switches have been fitted with 12v 3mm red LED's. The heated seat switch I just covered the bulb with a red glass paint. The dials are DDI, and the bulbs above them just left as bulbs (but with the green filter removed). The cig lighter surround was from a Seat of some description, in which I replaced the none working bulb with a red led. The heater controls I printed out on acetate and fitted extra bulbs to to light up. And the mirror switch I even bought a spare one to practice on (which I have as a red LED'ed spare if anyone needs one). The LED's all work fine on the light dimmer. Sorry but haven't got pictures of all the switches lit up :oops:

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Hmm - I might go for your route lighting the gauges - it looks pretty good and I'm really not keen on putting a load of UV in my line of vision :S


Next step is to work out how to bridge the PCB on the gauge pod to get the LCDs to be ignition-live so I can invert them without hacking up the back of the pod...

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