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How many Were made

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Heres a question which i have been struggling to find an answer to.


How many G60 corrados were ever made?


I have found a site that states that only 97,000 C's were ever made and the G60 stopped in 92, but how many were actually G60's and how many were imported into the country.


I would like to find out, becuase you see very few of the G's about.





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you saying that nearly half the corrados in this country are G60s??? No offence mate but I dont think so. I could be wrong though. :roll:




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The rough estimate is that 9000 Corrados were brought into this country.


Then you've got to bear in mind that the G60 was only made for 3 of the 8 years Corrados were made for, so an estimate of between 2500 and 3500 probably isn't far off...


IIRC, the 2.0 8V is the rarest, then the 2.0 16V, then the 1.8 16V, then the G60 and finally the VR6 is the most common... (but only just, it's supposed to be very close between G60 and VR6)

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it's supposed to be very close between G60 and VR6


I see way more VR6's on the road then G60's (not that I see many Corrado's, but when I do, they're VR's). Could it just be because G60's are older and therefore fewer are around?

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I'm going by the number of Corrados I see. I barely ever see another G60 (unless its yellow!! :mrgreen: :roll: ). Plenty of VR's and 16v's.



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it's supposed to be very close between G60 and VR6


I see way more VR6's on the road then G60's (not that I see many Corrado's, but when I do, they're VR's). Could it just be because G60's are older and therefore fewer are around?


Jinx.............. :lol:

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it was VERY close between the two... the thing is that more G60s have been written off or broken for their engines than VR6s as the VR6 still has a nice high residual value which the G60 doesn't quite command... That's why you seem to see more VR6s than G60s... :|

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Thats a good point Henny, Didn't know that they were imported in similar numbers. There was also quite a few LHD G60's imported before they were available in the UK.


I've always considered the G60 a rarer car and because of that a bit special and unusal. But you learn something new every day!




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Right. Just had my hard-faced head on and phoned DVLA who put me onto some bloke in the Department For Transport.

Just phoned this bloke up (a Mike Dark no less!) but he was away from his desk.

Got his email though, and this is what i've just sent.


Hello Mike. I’m wondering if you could be a great help, and possibly find out some car related figures for me?


I phoned earlier but you were away from your desk, and I was kindly given your email address by one of your colleagues (so you can blame him for me bugging you)


I’d be very grateful if you could tell me how many numbers of VW Corrado’s there are still registered as being on the road in the UK today.

And if it’s not too much messing about for you, how that total number is divided into the different models in the range.


Granted it’s not the most life or death question that’s ever been asked, but as an owner and enthusiast, I (and a few others I know) would love to know how many have survived since they went out of production 8 years ago.


Thanks for your time, and best regards – Ian Ball.


Lets see if we get any joy on how many are still knocking around, eh?


Edit- Oh, and after the usual goverenment start to his email address, it finished in .gsi.golf.net

maybe he's like minded!

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from a national search on autotrader there seems to be a hell of alot more valvers for sale than anything else (even two 2.0 8v's) hand full of g60's and not many VR's at all. the average price of a valver seems to have dropped quite a bit since i bought mine just over a year ago :( to be expected i suppose!

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The trader has peaks and troughs..... last time I looked, about 4 months ago, there was 10 pages of Corrados and most of them VR6s...

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Yeah, most VR's and G60's will now be owned by enthusiasts and becasue of age will need alot of cash spending on them so they are more likely to be held onto...


It would be nice to see how many there were originally of each of the 5 models and compare that to now...

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I agree with chrishill, when i was looking to buy mine I found a lot more VR's than G's, but because I had a Golf VR, I fancied the G.


Maybe the G60 engine takes that bit more care, which means a lot more have been scrapped over the years.


It will be interesting to see what Ian truns up from DVLA.



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I know, sh1t isn't it? I was interested to see how many Nice Gay Violet (my sig) Corrados were sold as it was only available on the 2.0 16V and VR6 from 94-95 but they basically told me to p1ss off........

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