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Oops, thats gone and done it!

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only a little ding. it'd fill . . . :wink:

tough break though mate.


its horrible to see a corrado looking like that.


although did i see nice light grey hole-free parcel shelf in there? (hey life must go on!)

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Ahhhh someone did hear us! :lol:


So anyone else any ideas as to why the spoiler is still up?? My bet would be the battery got taken out in the initial smack?

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So anyone else any ideas as to why the spoiler is still up?? My bet would be the battery got taken out in the initial smack?

I would agree with that.. :wink:

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Bad luck mate, that's a nasty mess. The feeling you get after making a mess of a car isn't fantastic :(


Glad you're ok tho, there also seem to be quite a few bits salvagable too which could 'go missing' before the insurance company get it :D

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loads of fluid around front left of the car, so yeah, guess the battery got smashed open hence leaving the spoiler up. Hehe, copper initailly thought I was doing 75+mph cos thats the Porsche's spoiler operation speed, thought the corrados was the same. Soon put him straight, Lol! Getting the car back tomorrow to my parents house, then I can start stripping it down that night. Started looking for a new runabout today, bugger, after a golf or polo for like £300 but everyone ive seen in the ads is sold. Oh well, guess I'll do without a car til my coilovers come for the G40 hopefully in a week or two, fit them and just use that for a while.


Thanks everyone for your kind words on the loss of my C, I'll get cracking on the breaking of it soonest!

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Bad luck mate, that's a nasty mess. The feeling you get after making a mess of a car isn't fantastic :(


Glad you're ok tho, there also seem to be quite a few bits salvagable too which could 'go missing' before the insurance company get it :D


Hehehe, actaully I got out of the car, and my first thought besides fook me that should of hurt me, was that it was a proper good effort! Just started laughing for some reason, deranged I know, but with racing you get used to having bangs and accidents, like we did at the nurburgring, so initially I wasn't to concerned that Id just written off my C, just more impressed by the damage and moving it so I could break it. Kinda hit me now though, that im now without a car, especially my C which I loved so much cos it was just the best all rounder car ive ever driven as standard (besides the engine). Was just about to treat it to KW V2 coilovers too, kinda think that if I'd had them fitted it wouldn't have lost the back end so easily and could of saved it. But its all what ifs...

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Just started laughing for some reason, deranged I know


I was exactly the same when I wrote my bike off this year. Just sat there at the side of the road watching the bike spinning and thinking "thats the NW200 up the spout" then started laughing when the police turned up.


Looks like one of those situations where 95% of the time you get away with. Bad luck but at least your body didnt loose any vital fluids.


p.s. first dibs on the BBS badges

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unlucky mate... that's a shit of a road (used to blat down it in J-DUB quite a lot) but it does look like you actually got off quite lightly for a crash there... :|


Main thing is that you're OK, and that no-one was hurt... 8)


Shame to see another 'rado dead though... :(

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Ouch mate..... That corrado has taken a mighty smack. Good to hear your ok and in good spirits about it all. I think I would be in tears if i did that to my car!

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Sigh.... not another one :cry:


The almighty god 'LesserCoupes' clearly has a grudge against Corrados at the moment :x


Did any of you spot how the windscreen stayed intact and crack free after a heavy side impact like that? Trust me, in 'LesserCoupes' world, the screen would have cracked and fallen out, and don't think because it's bonded in that makes a difference in a prang, cause it doesn't! I've seen it happen on a Cougar....


Corrados are tough as old houses 'BetterCoupes' world 8)


EDIT:- Just noticed the Pirelli P6000 tyres too....not the best and possibly a contibuting factor?

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Cant believe it first thoughts .... Gutted mate sorry to hear about your car....

Second thoughts.....MMM hes got leather in that.

Third thoughts.........Damn Daz is already on the case

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