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The Corrado Club UK...

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Quick update. I've arranged a new server for the website (3rd party this time!). Just waiting for the domain TAG to be transfered and we're off!

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Has there been another copy of the sprinter since Jims C was on the cover?


Piss poor in my opion, One magazine since i last renewed my membership and its nearly time again to renew.


Specially since all the shady financial things come out, havent seen much change in anything, maybe we will all get free membership this comeing year due to the large surplus cash mountain they were sittin on.

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there's meant to be 2 copies of the Sprinter mag and two newsletters every year is there not?

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If club members don't send articles to the editor, how is he going to be able to fill the magazine? I put my hands up and admit I have not contributed to it, but I personally feel my car is a long way off a feature in it.


I agree with Crazymarcel though regarding the financial situation. There must be a fair bit of money swilling around in the CCGB coffers now, so what is being done with it all to benefit its members?

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I thought that the only club approved insurance discounts came from Chris Knott who I belive has had a bit of bad press this year?

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If club members don't send articles to the editor, how is he going to be able to fill the magazine?




He should be a frequent user of the forum and contact other members himself if he wants to feature corrado's in the sprinter imho.


I liked the idea of joining but it sounds like a waste of money to me, how many members are there in the CCGB ?

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It all seems to be in a bit of a mess at the mo' :(


That said, it's well worth joining- I always get 10% off anything from the stealer, and a good reduction from Adrian Flux.


The National Day at Woburn a year and a half ago was also superb.


But, I agree, more things should be going on for members. Hopefully when the website gets sorted, and after the next AGM things will be looking up again.

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If club members don't send articles to the editor, how is he going to be able to fill the magazine? I put my hands up and admit I have not contributed to it, but I personally feel my car is a long way off a feature in it.


The other side of that arguement is members may not want contribute and thats their choice. My concern is the members were still promised 6 sprinters per year on joining and that obligation must be forfilled as the magazine i imagine is the only contact with the club for the vast majority of members and their hardly likely to renew their membership of £15 after receiving one mag in 12months.


Look at the amount of information on this site, you could fill sprinter everyday.

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Just a quick reply to the above. Things are being sorted behind the scenes. Members WILL be informed as soon as certain matters are finalised. Please bear with us.


Oh, and there should, all things going to plan' be another big National Day his year!

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Thanks for the update Jamie. I'm still gonna be handing over my £15 for membership this year because i've enjoyed the events that the club has put together over the years - but i'll be glad when this somewhat confusing period is over and we find out whats been going on :(

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They seem to have hit the same problems all other voluntary organisations suffer from. In that they depend on the time and dedication of a few individuals i.e. the club members and especially the regional hosts and all the people who deal with the club as a whole chairperson etc. I never received my membership last year. The cheque was not cashed so guess it was lost in the post. The other problem the club has with national events is the location. Being a Scottish member Woburn was just to far to travel for one day.

It really boils down to how much the members put in to what they get out.

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The CCGB did talk about doing a waaaay more northern CCGB day for you guys as this slight distance problem was recognised. But as I say, it was only really talked about at the AGM last year and never really progressed.


Maybe that will change this year? :)

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This year could be a good time to review the CCGB associations. Some date back to the beginning of the club.


I'll put something in the next Sprinter.

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OK, so far I've kept silent on all CCGB issues, so here's my 2 Cents (Eurocents ;-)):


I'd quite like to become a bit more involved within the CCGB, organise events, book stands (as I felt, especially since Utterly Veedubberly, that that could do with improving, some of you may recall my spontaneous booking of a Corradoforum stand as nothing was to be heard about whether there was going to be a CCGB stand, and it was all a bit vague as to who was allowed onto the stand etc.). The problem I have is that somehow I find the way to approach someone to see whether one as a member can help in any way is not transparent enough. I mean in today's modern age of email, forums and the Internet, I simply do not want to grab the telephone or send a mail (both cost money, BTW :lol:) anymore (unless it's a phonecall via VoIP which is free :lol:). I also do not quite understand the subtle "incompatibility" (shall we call it? ;-) between the CCGB and this forum, as I would only find it natural, actually mandatory, that both are pretty much one and the same, i.e. they ought to go hand in hand. A club in 2005 without a forum is a no-go, IMHO.


As I say, just my opinion, but I would welcome to see my suggestions taken serious and implemented.



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You should receive 4 issues of the Sprinter per year not 6. Circumstances beyond the CCGB's control have meant that you've only received 2 in 2003 (#28 & 29) and 2 in 2004 (#30 & 31). I have it on good authority that existing members will be recompensed in some way for this. The Club is run by people who put in a lot of effort for no financial reward for the benefit of the members and their love of the Corrado. They do this in their free time while fitting in work and family life like everyone else. If you're a member and have paid your money you're entltled to complain and have your say, but please do it through the correct channels, which is through a ccgb committee member or your regional area host if you have one (if you don't have one then think about becoming one). As has already been pointed out all members should be receiving a letter within the next few weeks which should include details of the AGM, which is generally held centrally in the midlands (change of venue planned this year I believe) and should be sometime in March. All members should come along to find out what's happening and also for the biggest turnout of Corrados, outside of a CCGB National day, all year. Over 40 last year.

Non-members can join on the day and existing members will be welcome regardless of whether the renewals issues have been sorted out or not.

Anyone wishing to join now will get the bonus of 14 months membership instead of 12. Forum members who are not CCGB members are welcome to come along to the AGM gathering of Corrados but will not be allowed into the AGM itself. Just remember that the CCGB is run by the members for the members. Without your input we have no club.

No more questions from the defence, M'lud.

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Why do insurance companies give discounts for being members of forums?


No disrespect AT ALL to anyone but I can't see the advantages to your insurer!!!

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They see people who are members of owners clubs are more like to be enthusiasts for the car, rather than people who will just own them. And as enthusiasts are more likely to actually give a damn about what happens to their car (ie being more picky about where they leave it, etc) then it stands to reason that should be taken into account.


I won't argue with it anyway :)

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As for their email - doesn't seem so.


And I get more response mentionning the forum to insurers now than I do mentionning the CCGB!

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Just noticed in a recent copy of PVW that in their club listings the Corrado Club of America and the Corrado Club of Canada both have their full details listed but there is no mention at all about CCGB!!!


Surely a UK mag should be promoting UK clubs... it would also help the club if it were advertised a bit better. I know that before I joined I found it fairly hard to track CCGB down.


This may also have something to do with PVW aren't as interested in the UK dub scene as much as other mags... they also never list the forum in their forum/website listings...

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