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You have put together an excellent post there, I would really like to see what you have proposed put into action (I speak as a past commitee member of the CCGB).


Cheers Andy

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Corradostorm wrote

craigowl wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand

It is amazing how many weak, greedy people are selected by apparently sensible people into positions of trust


I'm sure the committee will appreciate that.


Sorry, corradostorm, not really an attempt to get at individuals on the CCGB committee, but merely an observation of human behaviour. Think of a U.S. president of a few decades ago, too. Clearly, the stress of all this CCGB/Cforum kefuffle makes for paranoia. The best thing will be for everyone to bite their tongues, be patient and trust that the CCGB and the Corrado forum will now be able to progress on a new footing, either together, or separately.

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Just remember one thing, it is normal to have the courtesy of informing a Club of intentions/proposals so that the agenda can be set up properly at the AGM. As you should know as a member of the VWCCGB, the AGM letter clearly laid out that in plain english of what was required. So far, nothing has been heard or written in respect of that request. Disrespect from individuals straight away in this thread. Not a good start is it!


Kicking up dust here gets no one anywhere. Positive people get involved, show willing and stay involved, not walk away the first time some prat demonstrates his upbringing at you or because some part of a club is disagreeable.


How do I know? Cos I've put up with some member's attitudes for the last 6 years on my email who have manners which begger belief. Paided my 15 quid, so you are now my personal servant. They are the minority fortunately.


I don't see that politeness here yet from what are in quite a few cases - "ex" members. You know who you are, as you haven't renewed your memberships nor have you got a current membership card in the last four weeks. That is current as of this afternoon.


As for the Royal Mail post, the current loss rate I have for my personal post from any company/individual is getting poorer by the day. 5 letters in the last 3 months lost, so, just think about whom you are kicking before you write. The membership secretary has done her best, and now cos for some indeterminate unknown reason she's blamed for it all. In some cases, course you won't get the AGM letter, you elected not to rejoin or resigned, others.. well too lazy to inform of a change of address. Membership is annual, not lifetime except in exceptional cases. I'm surprised at some of you for such inconsideration for a thankless UNPAID job that never goes away week in, week out, 52 weeks a year for this person.


As regards the VWCCGB & CF, I take it that an association with the VW CCGB relinquishes responsibility and control to the Club in some way. After all, what is being proposed here makes the committee members liable. Would YOU take on liability without the control, not b***dy likely. So just think your proposal through a bit. Only do unto others what you are prepared to do to yourselves. Mature your ideas and scope the whole thing into something sensible. But remember this, are the dozen peeps here representing the other 4,200 in both memberships. I correspond with a totally different Club clientele other than the dozen here, most of whom probably wouldn’t hold the same views. Have they been taken into account? I guess not. From experience in several other Clubs, members have many different agendas for joining a Club etc., otherwise this thread would be bulging at the seams with different people’s discussion, wouldn’t it???


As for the factual contents on this thread, yeah, some is right but some is clearly “News of the World” imagination. It’s all been documented to members in the Sprinter editions 30 and 30b. Clearly there are some grown up individuals wanting to be kids again with hidden agendas or simply can’t own up to not being able to read written english. They know the facts better than most in some cases but are willing to distort them as a means to their own end. Clearly fanning the flames of others is just a means to wrecking the whole scene for the Corrado in the UK.


Yes, it has been a slog over the past 2 years in sorting difficulties in the VWCCGB and there is still some to be finished off. Kicking those in the teeth who have worked on in the Club during a difficult time isn’t a way of achieving comradeship or a future. It just demonstrates total immaturity. When the members are informed about their Club at the AGM, then the comms issue as part of that will be self-evident. For those in this thread who are currently “ex” members, then the comms problem is on your doorstep for not rejoining in the majority of cases. You know what’s been going on through notes on this Forum and the eGroup. So how come you can’t make contact if you know/sense something is missing, post gone astray etc. I know that some committee members have done their level best and sorted it when they have knowledge of a point raised.


So, those of you with mature vocabulary I hope will be thinking it all through, rejoining AND getting into the thick of it and putting in some personal free, willing help & support, not just at the AGM but for a year. Have you got what it takes? Then perhaps I can sit back and deal the cards for a change!

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RW1, i dont see where any of the new commitee is being kicked in the teeth. these are problems that are still up in the air from the past.


i fully understand what it is like to coordinate and run such a club. as some of you may when i used to live in england before spain i ran model IC power boats and was very involved with the NCRA. i helped run race meetings and was oftern the last to leave an event and then drive half the length of the country for some meetings. if i was not involved on such a high level there already this year i would lend my time to the CCCB. being in such as position is very enjoyable. I have been asked by that committee to do a lot already. to which i have accepted. which i take as a compliment to be asked again after a 5 year gap.


Now for a little rant at what you've said, in a constructive, positive manor.


you mention liability and control concerning the CCGB CF idea. You can control your liability via a disclaimer that all users must agree to, so they can use the forum. im sure andi would accomate such a thing for CCGB members area or whole intergration. a tight disclaimer is all that is needed to ensure that persons holding the domain and club committee are not liable for users comments. Its as simple as that. so saying that about the ccgb and forum is rubbish. members could also be forced to agree to Terms of use, just like the yahoo forum. i ask you to reconsider it and think about it as a better way of members and the committee communicating.


From what i've read in the past on this CCGB CF matter is that the CCGB are very anti forum (that is the way it come across) and feeling they could some how loose control, which i am sure i need not remind you. is not the committees, the control of a club is that of its members. a committee simply there to act on the members behalf. As a committee member of any club you do not have the right to say yes or no to anything that was not on the AGM agenda without calling a EAGM. we held them as race meetings to vote on things, rule changes etc.


As for blaming the post on. I lived in spain on the costa del sol for 5 years which has the worst post in europe due to holiday homes and illegal x-pats not registering with the local council, to explain the post office in spain is only allowed 1 worker for ever so many head of population, if 50% of that population is not registered thats the post office 50% down on man power for the amount of post gernerated.) i dont ever recal a return address on a sprinter or CCGB letter. simply adding return addresses to envolope goes a long way to stop letters getting lost or un accounted for. Letters that i have had got astay have always turned up again, all be it a few weeks later.


i have not moved during the time i was a CCGB member. if you are saying you cant blaim the members sec for a lack of communication. then your damn right. the members sec (should only) co-ordinates members fees and the duties there in. the only communitcation a member should get signed by a members sec should be that concerning membership issues. it is down to the chair to write to the members. the members sec and treasurer and other officers of the committee report to the chair. that is what the chairperson does.


sadly it is human nature to be thankless. and i understand what you are saying. but you should also be aware that it only take a call to dishearted members or ex members to stop it and find a solution. something that i have seen any evidence of yet.


Now if i was on the committee of the VWCCGB i would of already spoked to the persons in the is thread each in turn to find the way forward. something that i dont see happening.


writing a message generally snubbing already upset people will not defuse a situation, it will make it worse. naming or no naming aside.


will someone from the committe move the club forward and put an end to it all now. now trevor do you want to call me you have a PM.

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I will keep this short as anyone reading through the last few posts will no doubt be tired by now. If the CCGB was a company, the people running it would have been sacked by now, I don’t know how the CCGB is run as such so it would be nice if someone could tell me the following: This is not intended to upset anyone, (I shouldn’t really have to say that!)


Is the CCGB committee elected?


If the committee is elected, why have the members not done anything about the situation as it stands?


Is their a situation in most members eyes, or just members (ex) on this forum?


Is there an “old boy” mentality?


At the end of the day we ALL have one thing in common the Corrado, its such a shame the way things seem to be at the moment. There is wealth knowledge between the CF and CCGB and its needed more the older our cars get.


As a final point, I can see why people are upset on both sides, as has been pointed out its due to a lack of communication, from what I can see through this thread!

BUT take a step back, if I was not a Corrado owner I would be wetting myself over this, you are talking about running a Club not a Country.


Anyway i am off to work as i have bills to pay (now that i do loose sleep over!)

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RW1, http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/h2/h2.cgi ... houserules

It's that simple.I don't see why a huge corporation which has a massive message board which receives 2000+ posts an hour and has a moderation team of 8 - yes only 8, would have a problem?

That is an OPEN board. Anyone can post on it.


I'm proposing a controlled forum, where only members of the CCGB are allowed to post. If your account isn't enabled as a CCGB member, you cannot even see the forum - it can be that simple. And membership of this group can be controlled by an individual who has access to current membership status - Vicky could even control it via email if you so wished. Then surely all you've got to worry about is your paid-up members in your own controlled environment. If someone does misbehave - you have their name and address and car details - hardly scary stuff is it. Then of course you can have your own, hand-picked Moderation team to clean up the mess for you. Simple.

All with one-click access to a huge host of information, galleries and unpaid volunteers given to you on a shiney platter.


You know the massive pit-falls in Royal Mail.

Send emails to those who can receive them then. Cutting costs down and taking far less time.


And for your information, I will be putting these details forward to be included in the AGM.

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i only got into the corrado scene about 8-9 months ago and found the ccgb badge in my car so i thought i would join but it seems like (sory if this sounds harsh but) if you cant find anything of the club anywere for 9 months and try to join all the time - being that you have to pay for the privalage of joining that is - its not actualy a good club - it could be and proberly has been befor but well realy - whats the point - been a total waste of my time:( - i think that the forum should be the front for the uk corrado scene in the uk - its so actave on here - trying to eaven get on the ccgb's website for nearly a year is like standing on top of the eifel tower and pi*ing of the edge in the intention of geting micheal jackson's umbrella wet in neverland





hi - just in case anyonegot anoyed by my post on page 5 or 4 - i wasnt intending to ofend anyone with the coment - just as a new face to the corrado scene and wanting to be part as it were - just was intreeged by the ccgb scene - and wanted to join - thats all - just wondered why it wasnt posible - or inproberbal - that is .... many thanks - and lets hope the ccgb gets back on its feet so we can be part , cheers

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I will keep this short as anyone reading through the last few posts will no doubt be tired by now.


Indeed we are!


This thread is getting no where. Andi has explained the history of the issues in his excellent post and even offered to help out by setting up a CCGB subforum....and people are STILL bitching.


I was hoping the bickering would come to a close there, but clearly not and it seems a couple of newbies are joining up just to have a moan in this thread, yes YOU RW1 :roll: I say get a life. It's a very sad state of affairs when you have bitter rivalry among flippin car clubs (and the same car at that) ffs! There are far more important things in life to worry about.

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I will keep this short as anyone reading through the last few posts will no doubt be tired by now. If the CCGB was a company, the people running it would have been sacked by now, I don’t know how the CCGB is run as such so it would be nice if someone could tell me the following: This is not intended to upset anyone, (I shouldn’t really have to say that!)


Is the CCGB committee elected?


If the committee is elected, why have the members not done anything about the situation as it stands?


Is their a situation in most members eyes, or just members (ex) on this forum?


Is there an “old boy” mentality?


At the end of the day we ALL have one thing in common the Corrado, its such a shame the way things seem to be at the moment. There is wealth knowledge between the CF and CCGB and its needed more the older our cars get.


As a final point, I can see why people are upset on both sides, as has been pointed out its due to a lack of communication, from what I can see through this thread!

BUT take a step back, if I was not a Corrado owner I would be wetting myself over this, you are talking about running a Club not a Country.


Anyway i am off to work as i have bills to pay (now that i do loose sleep over!)



If this was a company.. they would be getting paid for what they do. They are not.



The committee are elected.. I am prepared to believe they are doing things to turn this around form the position 2 years ago.. and they are all unpaid volunteers who also have bills to pay and jobs to hold down....


Anyone who has ever held an active committee position on something like this will know the amount of effort required (in their own spare time) to do this, and needs support and help from others..

Give them a chance to turn things around and support them, whether through putting forward content for Sprinter or giving a hand in organising events.


I feel some form of electronic avenue (eg via section which Andi has kindly offered) would be invaluable as a means of communication..however my only note of caution on this is that I suspect a number of CCGB members may not have regular access to the internet, and any such move should complement non-electronic comms channels and not replace these channels, else we run the risk that the non-net enabled users end up feeling like '2nd class members'.


I guess this is on the AGM agenda.


RW1: I will be renewing mine at the AGM

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on a more positive note........


I am looking forward to meeting people at the AGM; spending time with people who share a common interest.


As someone who has recently bought a Corrado I can certainly vouch for the usefullness of this forum and have yet to register with the CCCGB, I will on the 17th.


I hope that everyone who does make the AGM enjoys the day and also puts forward constructive comments to take the Club(s?) forward.





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I am more than happy to have a CCGB section on this site


You have my vote for this idea! I think that would work very well! Communication within the CCGB is minimal and this would potentially be a good way of sorting this down fall! Also I agree with everything you said in your post on page 8 Andi, I was not however so enamoured by some of your previous comments earlier in the thread, but that’s done and dusted now.


We need to make sure as many people as possible turn up to the AGM to sort this mess out!! (taking into account you wish to be apart of CCGB, which I hope the majority do! Its one common interest we all have at the end of the day!!!)


I have only been in the scene for about 3-4 years and of those years I have only been a member of the CCGB for 2 of them. Putting the club’s downfalls aside for a moment and focus on the positives. I have met and continue to meet people who I enjoy chatting to at events and meets. I have made some good friends from this club and I know the now CCGB chairman very well. John has done a good job in my eyes, he has managed to organise and manage stands at events across the country, as have most the committee members. They generally have coped well considering they inherited problems from the past that are still very much an issue within the club today. If you think that the club still managed to have stands at most of the major events last year, Inter’s, Stoner, E38 etc that all members are more than welcome to be apart off and are actually encouraged to take part. Most will agree these events were a success, especially Inter’s and E38 where we had a very good turn out and some nice cars both standard + modded.


I think if as a club we can get passed the irritations and problems of the last few years, discuss and solve issues at this years AGM on April the 17th then close that chapter we should all be able to enjoy an improved club for this coming year and hopefully many more to come. It’s US as the members who need to vote for a new committee after all. If you can’t make it at least try and get your vote in through a friend etc. Also with regards to Sprinter mags, the new editor will know doubt need our support to write articles etc as they don’t write them selves! So anyone who wishes to contribute should make them selves know at the AGM.


I think the key is to think positively. We all (or at least many of us!) want the club to work well this year and thus we need to keep an open mind and not keep getting hung up on its weak points. I too am pi**ed off with the lack of Sprinters I received, the lack of communication, but I’m equally annoyed at people’s comments on this forum with regards to the club, but everyone’s entitled to say what they wish I suppose! We should all try and get on a bit better, CF and CCGB alike. That’s my 2 pence worth…


Anyway those who are members let’s try and make the AGM…


Ben :D

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Personality clashes and grudges, of which 90% of us know nothing of their origins - please cast them aside. 8) After all, we are all united in our enthusiasm for Volkswagen's Corrado and that should take precedence over everything else.

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Can I just ask a simple question? (ok 2, that was one in itself! :roll: :lol: )


Can an Ex member re-join at the AGM and then participate in that same AGM?


I've tried several times over the last 3 years to join VWCCGB with no success which have mainly been down to not being able to get hold of the form from the website, but also have been down to "lost letters" in the post (even though they have a return address on 'em)... I'm not pointing any fingers, laying any blame or angry about this, I just want it sorting out so that other new members can join easily... 8)


I DO want to help with CCGB, and anyone doubting my commitment to helping Corrados and their owners in general can happily argue with the countless people I've helped on this very forum over the time I've been here, both before and after Andi asked me to become a Mod. The only problem I've had with CCGB has been in attempting to re-join... The only reason I let my original membership lapse was because I wrote off my first Corrado and couldn't afford another for 3 years or so. As soon as I bought J-DUB, I attempted to re-join which I have failed to manage to do ever since...


If I can join at, and then participate in the AGM, then I will do my damnedest to get down there and join in, to put any points accross, and to correct any dis/mis-information which may be flung about regarding the private threads that were visible during the recent CF hack, IF, and ONLY IF, it is nessessary to do that. I may just sit there being quiet and enjoying a positive AGM while being impressed with what has been going on behind the scenes of CCGB... 8)


HiAsAKite, I'm with you 100% on the electronic comms channel being an Extension, not a replacement... you only have to look at what CGTI have managed to do with their club and the excellent flyers, news letters and "bonus" material that they send out digitally to see what is possible on top of the more traditional paper media... 8)

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i know i said i wont post on here anymore but i think im going to voice a few more comments that some other people and myself have been talking about last night


one reason we feel so strong about the ccgb forum being held he is mainly down to people on here throwning comments at the club directly or indirectly hold a very strong position in the forum and not being members we feel that should have nothing to do with it


also as for past stories etc i think alot of stuff mentioned here is not 100% accurate (not only in this thread) but thats not here or there if u want to move forward drop it and leave it in the past if not dont offer to change if ur still willing to hold onto the past


remember it takes years to build up trust but it tkaes 10 sec to break it and i think those who truely want this to go forwards should start doing ammends in my opinion if not, no ones attitude going to change and where going to end up in this situation again.


personally i will appologies for anything ive done wrong but then i wont sit here watching others do wrong and keep quiet about it.


that my opinion

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I'm with you Henny but I still want follow ups to the ongoing problem that spark all this in the first place. I would like to hear what the members and committee have to say before I part with another £15 quid.


I would like to attend the AGM to openly discuss these matter at the AGM itself not the pre and post chat. yet not to vote on any proposals as being a non member i would not have the right too.


I feel it is the CCGBs best interest to invite as many owners as possible, to boost membership levels from former and new possible members alike. at least that way all this can be put to bed, then no one has any come back. plus the chairmans post AGM report can be made public to those that failed to attend.

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Um, without wanting to get too involved in this debate, can I add some questions to Henny's?


I too have tried to join in the past with no success. Are non-members, like myself, who would be interested in joining (providing the concerns raised above are adressed) allowed to attend the AGM? Will there be an oppurtunity to join on the spot?


If so, when/where is it?


edit: Yep, what G60 jet said!

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I'll try this here then.

Could I get some details of whom to contact to renew my membership? I

paid for last year, but have not received (apart from the membership card)

any information about the forthcoming AGM, nor a membership renewal form.

I've tried this on the eGroup as well, but so far I have not received an answer.


Thanks for your understanding,



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Excellent! That's the first link/url to CCGB website that has worked in months of me trying.

I will now be joining.




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Can someone delete my multiple posts :D





*mod edit - multiple posts caused by The Forum falling over removed - Henny*

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Rica, that email for vicky is wrong.


Oops! :oops:


corradostorm, could you post it up here? (As long as it's not Vicki's private email addy). There's probably quite a few people who need it at the mo' :wink:



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Personality clashes and grudges, of which 90% of us know nothing of their origins - please cast them aside. 8) After all, we are all united in our enthusiasm for Volkswagen's Corrado and that should take precedence over everything else.


Oh, how I wish people could... ;)


Just a point of interest,


G60JET - ALL issues of The Sprinter that were sent out by myself had a return address on them. That is possibly not true of other correspondence from CCGB.


RW1 Are you on the CCGB committee, and if so are your comments coming from an official standpoint, or a personal standpoint?


As others have said, would people PLEASE bear in mind that all positions on the CCGB committee are voluntary, and unpaid.


CCGB Committee Positions are "elected" at AGMs, but it would appear that the committee structure is at the will of the committee, posts can be deleted at the whim of the committee WITHOUT membership consultation.

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