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The Corrado Club UK...

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Ok, guess i'm better keeping my £15 then?


Its a question of each to their own - but i'll keep sending my £15/year for as long as I own a Corrado!

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I'm lucky to get a discount at the stealers in Notts everytime I visit so I'll be keeping my CCGB membership. Got 10% off the wrong ABS relay yesterday. Changing it tomorrow.

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can someone clarify what is happening regarding newly joining the club in 05?


when will the membership run from and to? is it worth doing now, or waiting til everyone renews?



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Membership runs from 1 March IIRC, but if you join now you'll get Feb free.


The website needs an update which i'll do once i've had the new 05 prices confirmed. Keep checking back there as i've still not transfered the new membership email address the the new .org site.


Any questions please PM me.

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i had a letter of ccgb yesterday ,just about where and when the next meet is

the site should have a forum and a place for members to upload pics imo

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i had a letter of ccgb yesterday ,just about where and when the next meet is

the site should have a forum and a place for members to upload pics imo

Not sure if the site will ever have a public forum, although possibly one just for members would be good. Somewhere to upload pics is a great idea. :wink:


Someting to raise at the next meeting . :D

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Big plans for the CCGB website this year. Members pics are a defo.


No general chat forum. No need as we've the corrado forum.


Still sorting out the basics first thou.


If any members want to make a comment about the club or what you'd like in 2005 the snail mail address is the same (see http://www.corradoclub.org). Email will be back up as soon as.




p.s. Remember, if your not happy you can always have you say at the AGM. Motions in writing.

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You should receive 4 issues of the Sprinter per year not 6. Circumstances beyond the CCGB's control have meant that you've only received 2 in 2003 (#28 & 29) and 2 in 2004 (#30 & 31).


I've been a member for 2 years now.

I've received 2 Sprinters.

Both in 2003 AFAIK......


Any back issues? I haven't been able to email due to the 'server' walkout...

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Yeah the site isnt working again, just wanted to join. have not bothered for the last year or so as it was near impossible to get anywhere.

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Apparently I'm not authorised to view the homepage !!


FYI - CCGB member no.2276


I'm usually a strong advocate of the CCGB, however this ongoing website problem is now becoming a "situation".

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Maybe your Corrado isn't worthy, Steve.


No suprise I'm not allowed either ;)

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i only got into the corrado scene about 8-9 months ago and found the ccgb badge in my car so i thought i would join but it seems like (sory if this sounds harsh but) if you cant find anything of the club anywere for 9 months and try to join all the time - being that you have to pay for the privalage of joining that is - its not actualy a good club - it could be and proberly has been befor but well realy - whats the point - been a total waste of my time:( - i think that the forum should be the front for the uk corrado scene in the uk - its so actave on here - trying to eaven get on the ccgb's website for nearly a year is like standing on top of the eifel tower and pi*ing of the edge in the intention of geting micheal jackson's umbrella wet in neverland

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............ - trying to eaven get on the ccgb's website for nearly a year is like standing on top of the eifel tower and pi*ing of the edge in the intention of geting micheal jackson's umbrella wet in neverland


Put down the crack-pipe and step away from the forum .....










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I got the renewal notice through the other month. Still haven't sent the money and dont think'll i'll bother. Only reason I got it was to get discount at the stealers. They give me substantial discount anyway, equal to trade so I dont see the point in it even though its only £7.50 (whoopee) What happened to the £15 bucks I put in last year??



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The CCGB took circa. £15,000 in subs last year, and didn't do anything...

Why do they need another £7,500?


Everyone who received nothing last year should receive the club they paid for last year, this year, for free....


I suspect all these issues will be skirted around as per usual at the AGM.

Pity I'm washing my hair.


And (donning flame suit) - I am / was a fully paid up member. I will not be parting with £7.50 this year though.

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I hate to say it, but I haven't renewed my membership this year either :(

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Hmmm, I sent it off the day after I got the letter because I always forget about things if I leave them... starting to wonder why tho...

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Your better to get some subs from here Andy.


and I havent forgotten this year

just getting over christmas with the kids....


I paid my CCGB into here last year and its been used to my benefit,

the stealers up here dont recognise thier discount anyway !

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